JameJame's picture
  • 5

Filter Syringes


I feel like an idiot but could someone explain to me the process of ampules . My idea is to break off the top , stick a really small gage needle in there and pull it straight out of the ampule. is this the wrong idea or ..????

boxofdeadcatsRN's picture

You need to get a filter needle-copy and pasted from apsf. org "Blunt filter needles or filter straws with a 5 micron filter should be available and used each and every time a medication is aspirated from a glass ampoule to reduce glass particle contamination"

Greg's picture

That's exactly how it's done, except for the part about the small gage needle.

JameJame's picture

but , thanks BigCactus ,

maddogg's picture

When you want to reply to what someone said, like big cactus, hit the reply tap on their comment and a box will open for you to type so people know who you are addressing your comment to.

JameJame's picture

Yeah I always drink it , it works best that way . Man people on this forum are rough , i cant just ask a serious question without getting a smart ass answer

Pumped_'s picture

Cuz, thats how we are here. Its tough love mixed with hazing mixed with having fun in covid isolation. Dont take it personal just strike back. Everyone gets roasted. I know your here since 2017 but no activity for 3 years and asking new guy questions your going to have to get initiated in the original way. 3 years here if you have been logging in and participating and trying to make at least one friend you would see this is how the Brotherhood is. Welcome to Eroids finally.

JameJame's picture

I have left plenty of comments , I delete what i post after a couple of weeks. these posts will be deleted soon

Greg's picture

I hope you're kidding.

JameJame's picture

Yes Im just kidding .Although about 15 years ago I had some winstrol , I couldnt take the pip so i drank it. The PIP was bad though it had me abnormally swollen up at injection site . I tried 3 times before i gave up and drank the rest .

Pumped_'s picture

Snap it off and drink it. Be careful not to cut your lips on the broken glass lol

Bill G's picture

I hear just rubbing it on your skin works pretty good. Helps if you crush the glass first though...

Pumped_'s picture

He can always crush the glass in a dollar bill and sniff it. Pour out the oil if pulling it out with a syringe sounds like the "wrong idea"