jswole18's picture
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+ 1 Does gear make your dick small?!?


Alright guys, I think it's time I addressed something that I hear ALOT. This is probably one of the more ignorant things but potentially one that is fairly important to many users and something many may want to ask, but don't feel comfortable asking. I am sure many here have heard "don't steroids make your dick smaller!?!?

The answer is no.

Ok so, steroids do and will reduce the size of the testes during and right after a cycle since natural testosterone generation is no longer needed due to the high synthetic testosterone level in the body. Your penis however, does not! Infact exaclty the opposite is true :­) An erection is entirely due to increased blood flow to the aroused area, viagra and cialis play on this as do many other male enhancement pills because they all basically do the same thing.. they increase blood flow to the area, resulting in an erection, and often a larger erection than normally possible. More blood flow, or more blood in the body, means bigger erection. Steroids increase the amount of blood in the body as well as increase blood flow; This, combined with increased sex drive, you all know what I am talking about, will result in a much larger than normal erection. So the truth is no! Absolutely no! steroids do not make your penis smaller, they do however make it much bigger!

This is perhaps the most obviously bullshit thing I ever hear about steroids but I think I can defer to Rich Piana on this one; he really nails this on his youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eskt6EF3­Nk Gotta love how Rich feels about this type of stuff.

Note: If you, for whatever reason, really dwell on lost testes size there are a number of PCT products like HCG that will address this for you.

bigbucksnowammies's picture

Old thread, but hoppin on test makes my dick bigger/thicker. I have naturally high stess and anxiety and im always "shriveled" when im stressed or at work. on test, my blood flow is so good so it always looks bigger. plus every girl i get with says im way thicker on steroids. Dat blood flow life

giardap's picture

Ffs, ya little woman!!!!

bigbucksnowammies's picture

much wow bro. much offended Biggrin

Bulkdaddy's picture

Bigjohn is that you?

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Bulkdaddy's picture

Brooo lmao I forgot about Big John! The guy that only takes arm pics!

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The Impastable's picture

Will you fuck off already you cock obsessed, walking piss dribble?

sigep1625's picture

That's the funniest thing I've heard in awhile!!! "Piss Dribble"!!! Lol

cd1's picture

My Mrs often has a tendency to say.....
Are you injecting gear into your dick, because I'm sure its getting bigger.
Almost 15 years cycling anabolics and I'm still hanging in the wind.
Steroids don't make your dick smaller, but wanking will make you go blind

guitarplayer1's picture

Maybe I should post a pic of it cause it is veiny.

Kinda like these ridiculous pics of guys posting their forearms pics because they are veiny. Shit my forearms are veiny if I'm over 15% bf...so isn't my prick.

If I put up a pic of my veiny forearm jacking off my veiny prick do I get extra karma?

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Catalyst's picture

I'll give you karma to stop you doing it ;)

Catalyst's picture

Yes. I used to have to loop mine around my neck like a scarf. Nowadays it seldom even drags along the floor. Can make you feel quite inadequate to be honest.

cybrsage's picture

Be careful doing that. I used to wear mine like a scarf until I saw the hottest, most scrumptious babe I ever laid eyes on...woke up in the emergency room...they said I almost strangled myself to death. Luckily they acted fast and showed I was still semi-conscious and they showed me pictures of Rosie Odonnell in a bikini - only thing that saved my life. They almost had to amputate.

cdyrdes's picture

A scarf huh?..lmao....good one cat!

cybrsage's picture

I heard that steroids make your dick small - so you have to inject HGH directly into the underside of the head in order to make it return to normal. If you use pharmacy grade and at least 5IU daily for a month, it will actually get larger.

I would post pics of the results when I did it, but last time I did such the jealousy was so great I was almost banned...

Eagles 2013's picture

Just to add to this- injecting 250 iu of HCG directly in to your left nut on Monday and 250 iu into your right nut on Thursday will keep them from shrinking as well.

^I shouldn't have to say this but just to be careful... DO NOT DO THAT!

cybrsage's picture

I should have written a disclaimer in mine too - cannot edit it, hopefully no one actually DOES it.

jswole18's picture

Haha both comments = priceless!

crankin88's picture

No... just a way for insecure people to marginalize guys they find threatening.

Pale's picture

I would say for most it has a positive effect not negative.

norcuron's picture

Well. NO, Gear don't not make your dick smaller. But it can make your dick LOOK smaller. No doubt about it can make your dick limp. (Im lookin at you DECA and TREN)..... but dick size ? Nope.... Ball Size absolutely!
NOW lets look at it .... Your thighs are bigger and the rest of you is bigger soz the part that it don't change looksa little smaller ... that's perception.
Also note once ya got huge chunks of meat on your frame and it sucks your blood. HYDRATE! I have been unable to do the "deed" simply cause I just was dehydrated. Not in the common term "dehydrated", but in a guy so damn swole he didn't have the fluid to shunt to his dick dehydrated. SO DRINK PLENTY OF WATER!

Eagles 2013's picture

Haha so this post reminds me something that happened in the gym about a month ago. One of my lady friends told me she wanted to tone her arms some and asked her if I would take her the the gym with me and show her the ropes.

Of course I say yes and the next day we are in the weight room and I am teaching her basic dumbbell curls, tricep extentions etc. She sees a 2.5 lb plate on one of the weight racks and says "What do you even use something that small for?" I respond with "Oh those? They are technically for adding very small weight increments to break plateaus, but in reality they are really for guys to take in the locker room, very a boner then hang the weight on their dick and try to hold it for as long as possible"

Instead of catching on to the joke her eyes got as big as saucers and she yelled "OMG! That is fkn disgusting! I hope that it is a mandatory rule that you guys have to wash them before you put them back out here on the racks!!!"

Fnk priceless

cybrsage's picture

I am soooo stealing this too.

JL's picture

Lmfao.. I'm going to use that if I ever get the chance..

Eagles 2013's picture

If you get the chance to use it on someone naive and somewhat clueless about what goes on in a gym it can be pretty awesome lmao. I was really expecting her to laugh and be like "whatever", not freak out

Livelife76's picture

Lmfao never even heard this RUMOR til just now, this has got to be made up by some unfortunate small peckered dudes lol totally false homie

The Impastable's picture

I'm pretty sure this entire rumor was propagated by small dicked men, in an effort to justify their small sizes.

"I used to be bigger but I took steroids, now my dick got smaller." To the uninformed, it may actually make sense as to why Joe SixPack over there is not the 9.5 inch monster he was boasting he was. The gear made his dick smaller.

Eagles 2013's picture

I have heard this exact statement made on numerous occasions over the course of my life by the small, unathletic (Yeah, I know I made that word up), let's say "tech savvy" guys who loath big guys that hit the weights hard and reap the benefits of it.

"Yeah, that guy may be big and all but I guarantee it's only because he takes steroids. At least I work for what I accomplish and don't have a tiny dick as a result. "

^ The ignorance of the masses astounds me sometimes. Plus I'm gonna be real with you guys for a minute- I never really bought into the whole "My dick's huge so that makes me a f'n alpha male" deal. I don't care if my dick is 6" long and yours is 12", if we come to blows and 10 seconds later your on your back looking up at me with a broken jaw wondering wtf just happened that 12" dick isn't helping you for shit and me and my 6" dick are walking away as the fkn alpha...just my $. 02

IrishMack's picture

Like the guy that drives the 100K porsche who thinks hes better, kick sand in his face and take his keys. I guess money does not make you know how to fight your way out of a wet paper bag with scissors. I used to drive nice cars, until my wife said "you already have a big dick, what are you trying to prove?" A big dick with money maybe? Minus the money of course lol. Plus my dick looks a lot bigger next to my prune balls so I gained 2 inches, I went from 4 inches to 6 because of it.

Eagles 2013's picture

Haha hell yeah man. Life is about what you can DO, not what you possess in my opinion. Having nice things is great and all, but in the grand scheme of things your not in all that great of position if you can not DO anything to keep them... Or keep the people around that you initially attract with your possessions

The Impastable's picture

Let's face it though, men are the most insecure creatures on the planet. They pile on all of these useless fucking trophy items as if they mean something, as a way to barricade their insecurity away from the world. I'm not saying I don't like nice things or buy nice things, I own plenty... But I don't need them to feel good about mysef or keep people around. It's actually quite baffling how easy it is now a days to stand out as an "alpha" in a world where men no longer feel like men for the stupidest fucking reasons.

Eagles 2013's picture

I guarantee that any sports REPORTER (especially females) who stepped inside the locker room of a professional football or baseball team in the 90's-early 2000's before it was discovered that most of them were juicing in a major way can attest to the fact that steroids DO NOT MAKE YOUR DICK SHRINK!! ;-)

damage33's picture

Penis in not a muscle. Penis is a cavernous body(corpo cavernoso in italian) don't grow same as muscle. It's look like a sponge

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Livelife76's picture

Shit was funny to me bro lol I figured it was a joke, like this post itself hahaa