Minisculeman's picture
  • 3

-6 Danazol and Tibolone are valid steroids for mass gain?


Hi. I read many articles of Danazol (Danatrol, Danocrine) and of Tibolone (Livial). Danazol is an androgenous steroid with high SHBG affinity. It have a structural similar to Stanozolol and Testosterone. Tibolone is weak estrogen but have anabolic results similar Dianabol. Please help me for search really anabolic ratio of theese steroids and if possible gain mass?

Minisculeman's picture

In men receiving danazol, the total testosterone
concentration is decreased but the percentage of free testosterone is increased. The increase in free testosterone is due
both to displacement of testosterone from SHBG by danazol
and to a decrease in the concentration of SHBG. Since the
free fraction of steroid is the biologically active fraction,
danazol therapy may “paradoxically” produce a decrease in
total circulating testosterone but also result in an increase in
the biologically active fraction of testosterone.


Bill G's picture

Been doing a lot of research since your last ban bro.?
Nice troll tag.

Minisculeman's picture

I'm not a troll. I want only share Danazol informations on this forum. But many users are very stupids. Please don't write bullshit. If don't like this post, don't read, Stop!

Bill G's picture

Kick rocks shorty

PIN_CUSHION's picture

I bet if you stuck them directly up your ass you’d see amazing results.

RSN34's picture

How many tabs would you recommend. Split dose?

PIN_CUSHION's picture

In this case, all of them at once.

RSN34's picture

You’re talking serious gains bro. I don’t think you’re ready lol

PIN_CUSHION's picture

New ways new results.

RSN34's picture

Why not stick to what works? You’re not a pro athlete

Minisculeman's picture

The new professional athlets take new steroids for new results.

Gettingbig's picture

I would honestly say no I don't believe that there risk is worth there reward. I would stick with AAS compounds that are proven through years of scientific research and study.
They sound like dbol and tren but I would recommend running a kiss cycle testosterone enanthate or cypionate 500mg and have possibly an oral I recommend proviron or turinabol.
I don't really know your goals but if you want straight mass then switch the oral to Dianabol or anadrol

Bill G's picture

Man I wouldn't waste your time on this guy.
From the sound of it he is looking for a troll tagg

Minisculeman's picture

I'm not a troll. I'm interest for research of theese products. In bodybuilding not exist only old AAS. Dianabol And Trenbolone are very old steroids.

steroidmen's picture

Bananabol did not try ?

In a promo × 1
Minisculeman's picture

Bananabol? No i don't know, but your mother take Bananabol every day.

steroidmen's picture

No . Bananabol take your ass

In a promo × 1
blackjack115's picture

I'm assuming you choosing to only react to this comment is you admitting you were wrong even thinking of using the compounds you mentioned.

Bill G's picture

Prolly that same dumb fuck troll that keeps trolling here lately.
Oh wait he been here a year plus but gonna ask dumb shit.

stairmaster's picture

Both products are not bodybuilding roids, too less results, too much sides! Btw: Read the rules, no companies or brsnds!

Bill G's picture

Trying to get away from pinning?

Are these oral medicines?

What is your interest here

blackjack115's picture

Tibolone is used in menopausal women and Danazol works by decreasing the amount of hormones produced by the ovaries. Going by your name I'm guessing you're not a woman so there's no reason to take these compounds. They're in no way similar to the anabolic steroids you listed.

Minisculeman's picture

Theese steroids are very strong, but not have high popularity. See various studies on Google.

blackjack115's picture

I've googled them and there is literally no documentation to support these substances being superior to the popular compounds. There are a few topics on women seeing benefits in muscle growth but they needed the compounds for medical reasons in the first place. Why don't you stick to the proven compounds that have been widely used and documented by bodybuilders in the last few decades and of which we know what the possible side effects are and how to combat them. You say they are similar to testosterone, winstrol and dianabol, which they are not, why not use those substances?