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AAS & Bloodwork Experiences/Questions


What AAS/PEDs/Sarms DO NOT show up as Testosterone on bloodwork in your experience? Seems like everyone has different experiences according to research, so curious as to what others have experienced. For example, Tren shows as false elevated estrogen on most panels. What have y’all experienced?

1cycle1's picture

Haha I put that for people like you to enjoy! Who uses their real personal information at a place like this? I’ll change it to 7ft 500lbs to make you feel better

1cycle1's picture

Been on Dr prescribed TRT for 6+ years, blood levels maintain between 800-975 TT on 150mg/ week. I understand the mechanism very much so. I was just curious of others experience with bloodwork on different compounds. Maybe I worded it wrong, I don’t interact much on here but there’s not much else going on with this quarantine