Playa's picture
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+ 2 Filtered needles are a must with glass ampule!


Now i know some guru is going to come in here and neg me, but this is for safety and i could care less..It is very important that you use a filtered needle (or some kind of filter) when using glass ampule!! When u break the ampule open u shatter very small partials of glass everywhere!! I know sure some will say u can visibly see them and some of the pieces you can but what about the micro fine pieces. Others will tell you they cant make there way up into the needle and this is very untrue. The partials of glass are so small they can diffidently make there way up into the needle... So please for your own health spend the extra few $ and use some kind of Filter.

Heck i even use a filtered needle for the last of my vials because sometimes i see rubber from the stopper in the bottom and it freaks me out.

ashop's picture

I have used amps 20+ years and never needed a filter. If you score the necks correctly
they should snap off clean.

dimi4p's picture

Hey, I actually thought about this when I first touched the needle and amp. But then I thought docs do same thing in the hoslpital and use standard needles, that made me feel better

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dimi4p's picture

Hey thanks, I will research. Now you told me and it worries me

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stairmaster's picture

never used any filter and I'm still alive I also never had any noticeable issues.

I think that when it would be neccessary it would be noticed on the (pharma grade) amps cause doctors use amps also for i.v. injects and use no filters, although veins are much more sensible.

mrbones's picture

Didn’t even know they made filtered needles. Thanks for the info!

IrishWOLFhound's picture

Good info +