tyler0628's picture
  • 19

-1 Different Pins for different pin sites


First post here! Smile

So, im about to start my first experience into the world of AAS, and have a rather dumb question. - Is a different length needle required for different inject sites? Ie, 1.5" for glute shots and a 1" for delt, lat, quad? The reason I ask is because I have never injected anything into my body before, and am curious as to 1.) how do you know when you've hit muscle tissue, and how deep is the actual tissue inside your body? - I know BF % has a lot to do with that, but im sitting about 12% right now.

Thanks for the advice.

dbombs's picture

Here's a site that will help:


0newheelup's picture

Bro uve been here for 6months and I dont see where uve done any research. Uve bought exogenous performance substances (probably was spoonfed what to buy) and dont know how to apply it or them. U have a medical girlfriend (awesome resource) and rather ask us how to apply. U know ur body fat % but dont feel the need to update ur stats. I'm feeling a pattern here... Bro I think u should have come to the table with more research under ur belt. Ur young and new to this, so that's why I say this. What compound(s) are u planning on using and why?

tyler0628's picture

okay first off, I registered account months ago just to browse and to learn. - Ive been doing research for roughly 3 years on this subject and have ran 3 cycles of PH in the past 3 years to see how far I can get with that or achieve the results I wanted, which I did 1 time, but was just shy of what I really wanted. - Yes, I do have a medical girlfriend but she has only ever helped her exes pin in the glutes, so I started this topic to ask a sincere question from someone more advanced with putting things into their bodies than she is, simple as that. I did not come here to be looked down on or judged on or told that im young or that I haven't done enough research. Very offended actually.Not to be rude, but there are more jabs on this thread than are actually hepful information to my situation. Yall can just answer the question with your experience instead of judge. - this is why I joined the forum, is to post reviews of things ive done or odered as well as ask for sincere, humbling advice.

0newheelup's picture

From what I've seen, u've gotten some helpful info here. I wasnt knocking ur age either, but just stating the obvious. U say uve been doing research for 3yrs and doing prohormones since u were 25. Yet u seem not comfortable to even share what steroids ur wanting to do for ur first cycle. I just feel u dont know what the hell ur doing and want people to spoon feed ya.. I see ur a big dude with low body fat. Probably have a great base for building on. But I dont believe uve hit a plateau for gains at ur age and u seem to be more interested in performance enhancers than utilizing ur natural hormones and diet. I get a reckless feeling about u. No disrespect just speaking my mind. Go research first cycles and come back to the table with a little more knowledge about what ur doing. Ud probably realize that the simple first cycle doesn't require u pinning all the more advanced pin sites. Keep it simple and safe. That's all some of us are letting u know. Just because u dont like what u hear doesnt mean it's not humbling advice.

tyler0628's picture

And I completely respect your point of view. I have a two fold reason for doing it and to answer, I'm just doing test e 500mg with an ai and standard pct. I don't need the more advanced location, I just don't want to have to rely on my girl to pin me down the time and want to be self sufficient enough to do it myself.

When I set my mind to something, I like to break it down and really understand what I'm doing on a chemical level, even enjoy researching molecular structure of these compounds. Reckless is far from what I would describe myself as, but again, can understand your point of view objectively. I'm more of a precise and calculated individual, because the last thing I want to do is jeopardize my future with my girlfriend and health in the long run.

I don't want to be absolutely massive, I don't want to do deca or tren or anything long those lines pretty much ever. The only things I'm interested in running is test to improve my life, sex drive (diagnosed hypogonadism and low t from the age of 14, had to get test u injected once a month for 6 months in order to jump start puberty, since I hadn't started before high school), maybe some var down the line or next cycle for a summer shred, but just to keep test at a nice even level where I actually want to have sex and clear up my skin and have a more alpha male attitude. A blast every now and then probably won't harm me much in the long run if I keep a eye on my blood levels , heart, lipids, psa values, etc... To your point, keep it simple and safe is exactly what I want to do.

I actually do appreciate the advice, but again, no one has simply answered my question regarding, have you used different length needles for different sites? I plan on pinning the glutes & quads mainly, and occasionally a delt.

0newheelup's picture

Well I'm glad to know ur not about to run multiple hormones into ur body before u have experienced how each of the substances affect ur body. Yes a simple test only. I have pinned multiple sites with different lengths. I now tend to just use 1" 25g. My body doesnt have alot of fat so 1" does me great. I also only pin my glute. My cycle doesnt require alot of oil or more than 2 pins a wk so I stick my glutes myself. It's easy. Being I dont have alot of fat I can feel the muscle I'm pinning. I use both hands for stability. I dont pin quads anymore. Makes my legs tight and if my test has a lil pip, I find it worse in quad. Delts are the only other place I pin and I just have no need to pin them with the cycle I'm using at this point. If for some reason I feel the need to pin somewhere else, it wld be the delt with my 1". I wld stick it about 3/4" in or enough to hit desinated muscle. The biggest thing about pinning to me is keeping everything clean. The link someone put above is a good one. Feel designated muscle, mark spot with pinch, clean spot, and pin to depth needed. Take time on the injection and the removal.

tyler0628's picture

Thank you for the advice! I ordered some 22g 1.5" but after reading this may reconsider ordering some 25 1" ,needles and using the 22 for my draws.

press1's picture

When I first started pinning I use to use 1 1"2 greens all the way into my chest ED Lol - That was before I realised smaller sizes existed after a few months ...

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Arock23's picture

Wow first time chest .! 7 years in , I can’t even phantom doing that area .!! Let alone using 1 1/2 in needle .! Cringing Reading it . Lol .. I’ve kept it basic on sites . Here’s a site I’ve used and shared . 1 in 25 gage Is my syringe of choice . As well using fillers needles to switch out every time .


johnmarshall12's picture

It's a matter of opinion and BF etc. However I stay with 25 gauge 1" pins and have no issues!

0newheelup's picture

This statement should've been followed up with a "no homo" tag. Lol

press1's picture

Lol I wouldn't want any man near my sh** box ...

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press1's picture

You take a Mortal man ....

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press1's picture

Hahaha Nice one pal - I saw them on the Youthanasia tour as a kid, best concert I've ever been to out of all the metal ones I've done.

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herpjunkie111's picture

Really depends a lot on both body fat and muscle size. You wanna get deep in the muscle - center of muscle belly is ideal I think. Too shallow and gonna be more pip prone and slower absorption.

That said I have low bf so I like 25x1 for glutes, and 27 or 28 x 3/4 for delts and ventro glutes. Haven't pinned lats yet but would most likely go with 25x1 there too to start.

I'm just answering your question objectively, I don't know you and haven't seen your stats or age, so not condoning use of AAS per se.

sunamcaxa's picture

can you say it in cm please?

I use 3 cm needle and for delts 2 cm, is enough right?

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herpjunkie111's picture

Lol. He's asking us when he has a gf nurse?

Makes sense though, I'm much more qualified than any nurse. I just got promoted to senior pizza delivery boy, and I'm only 43 years old! Best part about my promotion is I got a 50 cent raise! That's an extra $20 per week!! Here I come tren cycle!

tyler0628's picture

My girlfriend is a surgical nurse so more of instrumentation and retractors. She just learned about injections and phlebotomy in school. She's only ever done glutes for ex boyfriend's, so I was seeking advice from more experienced people who have pinned different sites

herpjunkie111's picture

I was a surgical scrub tech during my last two years of college, I handed instruments to the surgeon and maintained the sterile field. I learned to pin watching YouTube vids, as I suggested before. You just have to make a judgement call on the pin size and take the plunge and learn by doing like all the rest of us did. If you make a mistake learn from it. And mistakes will be made inevitably.

sunamcaxa's picture

what are you talking about

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herpjunkie111's picture

Lol. Just making the point of this guy is on here asking people he doesn't know anything about how to pin when he allegedly has a girlfriend who is a medical professional to show him. It's a joke.

sunamcaxa's picture


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press1's picture

I bet you get to take home 2 free pizzas on a night too bud! I've a friend that use to do it and I was always so envious he could lol

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herpjunkie111's picture

Damn straight I do. Also got a new shirt with my newly acquired title embroidered. Commanding much respect now bro! And now qualified to give advice on all subjects from pinning the roids to geopolitical issues! Lol.

press1's picture

Does it read 'Senior Ass kicker & Gear advisor' Hahaha

What's your favourite topping? Mines Tandoori chicken with pepperoni...

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herpjunkie111's picture

How tf did you know that bro? Whoa, blowing my mind right now!

I'm in the US, I have seriously never heard of Tandoori chicken. I'm a pepperoni, bacon, onions and mushrooms guy. Though my favorite specialty pizza is Philly Cheesesteak or BBQ chicken.

press1's picture

Seriously - Do they not have tandoori chicken in the states?? Its an Indian spiced style of cooked chicken, its awesome Smile You could run a 'Gear' to you door' service too with the pizzas ;) lol

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herpjunkie111's picture

No man, dead serious, never even heard of it.

I tried that service you speak about with weed, didn't work out to well for me :(

0newheelup's picture

I've had the spicy chicken and cannabis specialty pizza before.. it's FYHA!

press1's picture

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tandoori_chicken LOL

Butter Chicken is very nice too..

I can imagine it worked out horrendously given how seriously they take any kind of drug posession in the states, I imagine you did time for it...

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herpjunkie111's picture

Why do you think it took me 20 years to get promoted to senior pizza delivery boy? Lol.

I'm gonna start checking around on that Tandoori chicken but I know we don't have it in my state. Maybe up north....

wanted's picture

She probably wants him to go deeper lol

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herpjunkie111's picture

I was starting to wonder when he was gonna ask how deep he should penetrate his gf.

Balls deep bro, always.

tyler0628's picture

definitely have never once heard that from my gf. - shes actually suggested a size limiter. ;)

tyler0628's picture

And I greatly appreciate the objective answer! I don't think anyone really condones the use of certain substances, but its a personal choice we all make at some point to do it or not do it. - Just gotta be smart about it and educate yourself of the risks and rewards. -

How do you know when you've hit muscle tissue to inject? just curious?

herpjunkie111's picture

If you're ready for PEDS you should be able to see the target muscle you're injecting, and if your BF is 12% that should be no problem. Watch some YouTube vids, there are lots of step-by-step videos to go by. Ultimately you just have to sack up and slip a pin in, lol.

tyler0628's picture

Well. Yeah, I can see all my muscles, I guess my fear is not putting the needle in far enough or too far in... I know not far enough in will create a cyst

herpjunkie111's picture

I pinned shallow before and never got a cyst, not sure where that's coming from, it's just oil bro. Some guys pin subq, pretty sure they'd stop quick if they got a cyst.

Anyways man, watch some vids and good luck.

Blaaahdk's picture

I pinned subq for my first cycle (only one ive done so cant compare to Im) but i dont have any cyst’s . So it Will disappear on time if done shallow

tyler0628's picture

It's coming from my gf who's a nurse. Says I have the potential to develop one. Alright. The question is mute at this point haha thanks for the support guys!!

herpjunkie111's picture

If your gf is a nurse why not have her pin you? I would....

tyler0628's picture

She actually wants to. I just want to also learn to do it myself. Smile

herpjunkie111's picture

Who better to teach you than a nurse? Sounds like you already have the perfect resource and learning experience at your disposal.