TryHarder007's picture
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Post show depression/blues


Hey y'all, some of you know I recently placed at my first show mid may. Loved every bit of prep, peak week, the packing to go to the hotel everything...

Now it's a little while after the show I'm back in diet, training heavier, and daily life.. but I find it harder to get to the gym motivated, to even eat.. the small fat I have gained post show (very little) feel likes 15lbs, and i feel just gross. I have put on size post show says my buddies especially my shoulders but i just feel like wow what do I do with my life..

Bodybuilders how do you combat this?!

Catalyst's picture

Now here's an important part of bodybuilding, having something else. Often post show, all the prep, dieting, you eat, breathe, shit, sleep the game. Itcommands every waking minute for so long. Now you've got all this spare time. Take up another hobby, even if it's temporary. When you get older it will be work, kids, shitty DIY jobs the Mrs gets you to do if like it or not. Right now you'll still get to choose.

GrowMore's picture

Get a motorcycle and go out for a blast. Once you have you'll have the energy and enthusiasm to get back into what ever it is you choice to, weather it be bodybuilding, your job or family life.

Bikes saves lives.

Owes a Review × 1
IrishMack's picture

You need to buy a new keyboard. The period button is not working.

BigThing's picture

Well said