davemiller555's picture
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Is HCG Diet Safe?


Please input needed from you! Is HCG Diet Safe?

bbdoc's picture

I run 3 times and it works on me with 400 cals. strict..
I can not say that it has enough scientific studies behind it. it doesn't have. But i remember it worked on me 3 times like miracle. I remember that i lost like 25 LBS and most of them was fat.. When i read some studies that shows its totally bullship, it stop working Smile
probably it was placebo but i can say that i didn't had any health problems while on HCG diet.

venus's picture

Hi Gracy,
Can you give me around 5 references on HCG Diet, who say that HCG is safe to use and it works?
Besides HCG Diet do I have take any supplements?
I got attracted to your comment because as your friend is running the clinic for the past 6 years without negative reviews.
How long does the process takes and how much do they charge?

giardap's picture

It does not work

Gracy's picture

Hi Venus,
here are few HCG diet resoruces with science backed proofs:
http://www.elephantjournal.com/2017/01/how-tequila-reduces-weight-diabetes/ (They added HCG diet for Type 2 diabetes treatment)

HCG diet can be done at home. You dont have buy or hire any services. Just follow 500,800 and 1200 calorie protocols.. Thats it. Make sure to get diet drops to control your hunger hormone. Else you will feel lot of hunger.

giardap's picture

Another -1 for providing nonsense when asked for references. This -1 stands untill you provide 1 true "science backed proofs".

HCG IS NOT a diet aid. Your friend is a scammer.

Gracy's picture

Yes, it is safe.
My friend is running weight loss clinic in India since 6 years. She treats 90% of the obese people with HCG diet rather Keto or paleo. The reason bcoz, with HCG diet you can lose min 1.5lbs per day.. GUARANTEED.

p.s: if HCG diet fails, then she would be running clinic since 6 years without negative reviews.

giardap's picture

Smfh -1

IrishJerk's picture

Yep the math does work in this case.

I shouldn’t have replied to this thread so it would get buried.

giardap's picture


CP's picture

Training hard and a clean diet is safe.

HCG in excess plan for your estradiol to go up. I can't even use HCG in small amounts and I'm on TRT. It makes me moody, angry and not happy.

It depends on what you can handle, everyone is different. Buy my first suggestion is the best way.

ChemDawg's picture

I actually bought HCG to do this diet, before I found Eroids, but I never ended up doing it. So I saved my 10,000iu amp and when I discovered Eroids and gained more knowledge, I used it for one of my cycles. The funny thing is, the place I got it from is a source on here, from India. Using Clen and T3/T4 worked good for me, so that is one reason I never did the diet. I read that the diet has been successful for many people, and if you exercise and stick to a strict eating habits, it will work even better.


In a promo × 2
Audiophile64's picture

I can guarantee beyond a shadow of a doubt, anyone who dismisses the HCG weight loss protocol as ineffective has never completed the diet. Most people fail miserably because of fear. its not a 500, 1000, 1500 or even 2500 calorie diet. On the HCG diet, the average person consumes 2500-4000 calories a day. HCG is a hormone-like substance produced in pregnant mammals. Its main function is a mechanism of protection for a growing fetus by allowing the carrier to access the fat bank as the primary fuel source during periods of caloric deficiency. This fat-banking mechanism can be an advantage or disadvantage. it can be advantageous when dieting if caloric intake is drastically lowered. Under these circumstances, the body's fat reserves are literally "tapped" and allowed to enter the bloodstream. Eventually the bloodstream will reach levels of saturation that are high enough to eclipse hunger. This usually happens after about 4-10 days of dieting, depending on your metabolism and physical activity. Most people who try this protocol never make it past those first few days of mild hunger. They get depressed believing the hunger will remain constant during the entire diet. After a few more days the hunger fades away and the diet becomes enjoyable. I know because I have completed the 26 day protocol in textbook fashion. The way it permanently changes your body composition is quite extraordinary. However, the door swings both ways! If you lose control during this diet and binge, there is no upper limit to amount of calories stored. You can just as quickly store new fat if extra calories are consumed.

JASON_C's picture

I did it with the nutritionist at my doctor's office a couple years ago. Calories for women are pegged at 500/day, men 750/day. Mostly protein. In 8 weeks, I cut ridiculously...to about 8% bf.
It was supported with weekly visits, hcg (self) injections 6 out of 7 days a week, B12 shots, and phentermine which kept appetite at bay.

I probably won't ever go that route again...basically because it is designed for people who are severely overweight (I was not.) BUT, I will say, I took away a strong appreciation for the change in my diet. It got me eating things that my body needs on a daily basis: eggs, chicken/turkey/lean beef/green vegetables, lots of water. That stuck with me, so for that, it was worth it.

treadinontren's picture

FR PM me I did it last yr when I was seeing which diet id like the best

treadinontren's picture

PS I found its doable but the 500cals is crap youll loose so much muscle mass I did it for a month just to test it out started at 500 but after a week was forced to bump it to 1000 mostly all protein

BizWorks's picture

If you're referring to the 500 cal per day hcg diet, I wouldn't imagine so. Any diet that restricts your caloric intake to only 500 a day can't be good...
(Just my personal opinion)