Drsoph1's picture
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HGH temperature



Wondering if its safe to order the HGH famed pen under this summer heat. Would it hold under the high temperature during transportation?

johnmarshall12's picture

Best to keep it refrigerated!

Drsoph1's picture

can't find a way to do that. from the moment the vendor ships until it reaches my mailbox im afraid it'll breakdown especially if vendor is in different continent.

Faz's picture

There’s a few HGH sources that ship with ice packs that keep it cool enough.

More importantly, what is your purpose for using HGH?

Unless your 5-6% body fat, your pretty light for your height.

An your young enough for your natural gh levels to still be good.

Drsoph1's picture

I had bankart repair recently and my muscle mass is weak which is causing physiotherapy to fail. I'm planning on a 1iu/d dosage along with continued physiotherapy for 4-6 months.

Faz's picture

All I can say is good luck in your recovery! if I came across as hostile it’s because we get a lot of new members that want to use every drug/hormone possible to make up for their short comings in diet and training.

Send me a friend request and I will help as much as I can or at least point u in the right direction

Drsoph1's picture

Thats very appreciated. thanks

GreatSpear's picture

I’m not an expert on the matter, but I found this by doing a quick search: https://www.eroids.com/forum/hgh-peptides/rhgh/replacement-dose

Naturally, the average “adult is about 0.5iu-1.5 decreasing with age increase.”

So by dosing only 1iu I wouldn’t think you’re going to see much benefit/improvement. You might think about upping your dose to 2-3iu and if money is a factor, switch to generic HGH that is not in a preloaded pen.

Edit: after doing s bit more research I’ve found 2iu twice a day seems to be a pretty common dose for ligament and cartilage recovery.

Drsoph1's picture

Thanks for this valuable input. depending upon the results I get in the first 2-3 months, I might very well follow your advice.

As to switching to generic, I completely understand the cost savings, but Im not a pro and don't have relationships with tried & proven vendors, hence, I remain a brand name follower despite being fully aware of their cost structure

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