Gorillafit's picture
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+ 56 Gorillafit's HGH Test Results with Links


Thought it would be helpful to put together a listing of links to the HGH that I have tested.
Even though all the tests are up under Picture - Lab Tests, I sometimes have trouble finding older tests that someone asks about.
Be aware these tests are for the product and batch tested at that time, and are in no way a definitive indication of the quality, or lack of quality of a particular lab. Also, different sources may have different batches or even the same batch stored differently and may yield different results!

Kigtropin - First time testing and did not do HGH Serum, or understand testing protocol yet. -IGF-1 260

Myo HGH - Generic from "his lab". -HGH Serum 0.7

Hygetropin Green Tops - 200iu kit -HGH Serum 21.1, IGF-1 359

Riptropin -HGH Serum 47.8

VIPs -HGH Serum 21.6

Ansonome -HGH Serum 0.8

Kigtropin ** -HGH Serum 2.5

Yellow Tops - Generic -HGH Serum 0.8

Serostim -HGH Serum 19.4

Kefei Biotech -HGH Serum 26

Blue Top - Generic HGH Serum 16.9

Hygetropin Brown Tops -HGH Serum 30.8

Gold Diamond Generic -HGH Serum 0.6

Riptropin -HGH Serum 28.3

Yellow Tops from NapsGear -HGH Serum 10

Yellow Tops from Roidspot -HGH Serum 12.4

Blue Tops - IGF-1, from firsthgh.com (buy-kigtropin) -IGF-1 269

Hygetropin Brown Tops - IGF-1 from firsthgh.com IGF-1 237

Hygetropin.cn Yellow Tops - IGF-1 from firsthgh.com IGF-1 465 -Blue HGH Serum 17.7

New Blue Tops 1st batch HGH Serum Test from firsthgh.com (wrong link)

Hygetropin Brown Top - IGF-1 288 Re-Test with split dose, and "New" Kigtropin -HGH Serum 0.8

Evogene tested for GorillaGear - IGF-1 524 and HGH Serum 2.1

Black Top generics #28 - tested for firsthgh - Don't think he'll be carrying this batch! -HGH Serum 0.3

4iu Blue Tops - tested for FirstHGH @4iu-HGH Serum 5.7

10iu Blue Tops - tested for FirstHGH -HGH Serum 19.9

Black top HGH Serum tested for Stealth-Anabolics - HGH Serum 6.9

10iu\4iu Blue Tops tested for FirstHGH IGF-1 - 301

Hygetriopin Black Tops Serum from FirstHGH - HGH Serum 6.7

Hygetriopin Black Tops from FirstHGH IGF-1 and Serum Re-test HGH Serum 4.6 IGF-1 394

Note: I will continue to update this list as I test.

MarineBodyBuilder's picture

The rips definitely seem to be the "strongest" and would certainly be the way to go, if prices were even. At least, with this thread, there's a more factual base of reference, vs "the browns seem to work better".

Hgh is one of those supps, ime, where you do notice the results after taking it for a couple of months but there isn't that initial "blast, pump, whatever"; where you can make that determination. This post has also convinced me to do some labs for hgh levels, before I start next month. I was wondering what your thoughts are on how long I should take it before getting rechecked. With its short half life, is there even a wait time?

Gorillafit's picture

If your checking HGH serum levels its 3.5 hrs post injection. For anti aging pathtaker prefers monitoring IGF-1 levels. These will hit max level about 24 hrs post injection. IGF-1 levels are dependent on many other variables though which is why I normally just test HGH Serum.

Dangerdave88's picture

Thanks GFIT! I am about to take the plunge this fall and am doing research now. this helps immensly. Props to you for the knowledge shared man

Gorillafit's picture

Your welcome Dave. BTW, checked out your pic, hella condition Bro! no homo! LOL ;-P

Dangerdave88's picture

Thanks man. That one was months ago. I have a coach now and am training for a show or two this coming spring. I have a few new pics I should have up soon. Cant wait to see what Hyges will do for me this fall! If I have a question or two and I cant find answers to can I hit you up? Most research here leads back to you anyways lol.

Gorillafit's picture

No Problem bro, I'll answer anything I can.

Zadok's picture

Thanks GFIT, great post! Love those Hyges!

Gorillafit's picture

Your welcome. I hear you bro, ran Green top hyges for about a year.

inked's picture

Hey gfit, do you fast before you have bloods drawn?

In a promo × 1
Gorillafit's picture

I have a couple times and don't think it makes a difference for Exogenous (injected) HGH. Eating can affect normal HGH release.

ANBRO's picture

Thisbis awesome! Thanks gorilla!

Gorillafit's picture

No problem, just trying to get it all in one place so people can make better decisions.

Optimus Prime's picture


Gorillafit's picture

Thanks Bro, in a no homo sort of way!

MarineBodyBuilder's picture

Great info, thanks!

I'm currently searching for a good source until my current one begins offering it and this post has given me more, better information than the past month of research! The, somewhat, depressing part is the years of using the blue caps before I went on hiatus. Oh well, that was quite a while ago and was likely as good as any available at the time

Great post. Definitely "sticky worthy"

Gorillafit's picture

Your welcome, these have all been up for a while I just figured I'd put em all in 1 place to make it easier.
Good luck!

Gorillafit's picture

People like Tread-M answered my questions when I was a newb its only fair I help others when I can.

GRIMEY's picture

Nice post Gfit! btw your karma is the sign of the devil!

Owes a Review × 2
Gorillafit's picture

Yea I saw that! now I can't post anything or it will change! LOL ;-P

Gorillafit's picture

Thank You Mrs.Nitti! I have been saved from the evil my karma had become! LOL ;-P

j223's picture

I will downvote you if it goes up!! lol just kidding aha

Gorillafit's picture

Thanks Bro, I knew I could count on you! LOL ;-P

Pmob's picture

Nice home work !! +1 and heartbeat !!

In a promo × 1
Gorillafit's picture

Thanks Bro, I'll keep it going!

Cheatnnature's picture

Great post!

Gorillafit's picture

Thanks Bro, I'll keep updating it. Should be running some tests next month.

Cheatnnature's picture

Please do! This is very useful info.

Gorillafit's picture

No Problem bro, it ain't easy trying to figure this out and not waste your money and time, glad to help!

Gorillafit's picture

Don't know about all that, but I'm getting to know the phlebotomists in my area! LOL ;-P

j223's picture

Damn that's a lot of blood tests!

Gorillafit's picture

There may be 1 or 2 more that didn't get posted, I have to look through my tests. LOL ;-P

eatchicken's picture

good post Gfit, good info, and thanks for spending your money to get these tests +1

Gorillafit's picture

No problem!
I'm not a saint though. If I'm testing for a source, I'll get to keep the kit, or how many bottles a source will send me. Sometimes I'll get a bottle of something to cover the cost of the tests......

eatchicken's picture

and your honest!!! daim bro u ARE a saint, i want to hug you....i think its time for my AI lol

Gorillafit's picture

If I wasn't honest, the tests wouldn't mean anything!

bigjrock's picture

Well it looks like rips are #1 with brown tops at 2. Personally I liked the browns better than rips, but we are all different.

Gorillafit's picture

As far as Serum levels go Rips are almost always higher. There are other factors regarding effectiveness and sides as far as I have read, and felt. LOL ;-P
I really liked the Serostim but didn't have much, with the kefei I felt good, no sides. Hygetropin Greens have been my go to. Rips I run at a lesser dose to reduce the sides.