flubber1's picture
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+ 1 Could it be CTS...


Sup Fellas,

So I've been on HGH for about 6 months at 2.4iu 6 on 1 off. For the past 3 weeks or so My thumbs have been hurting, almost like they feel cramped or I need to crack them. It hurts to hold scissors etc but I can almost completely forget about it at the gym. Lately, I have also been going H.A.M at the gym.
I'm not sure if it's CTS or coincidental with pushing it hard on my lifts. What do you guys think?
I was under the impression that if CTS was going to happen, it would have been in the 1st month or so.
P.s. Otherwise, I'm relatively healthy.

ashop's picture

It's probably pseudo- CTS. After you stop using HGH for awhile, it will most likely go away.

Makwa's picture

Did you switch brands or something? Different batch #? Change up your diet or lifting routine? Shouldn't be happening now after 6 months into a run of it.

flubber1's picture

Hey Makwa,
Same brand and batch. I went from 5 day 1 hour sessions at the gym to 4 days (technically less). I've been feeling great so I have increased in volume and weight (more). But come to think of it, I did start an EC stack about a month ago using Bronkaid. I was on a similar stack a few months back using Ma huang but the bronkaid is a better controlled and convenient dose.
It makes it hard to pin down the culprit when you add so many variables.

Makwa's picture

EC stack could cause cramping.

heavymetalmonsterD's picture

I'd say it probably is.. you got 2 choices if you wanna keep running it... You could lower your dose if you wanted..I personally didn't do that..I stayed where I was at aandit eventually passed... Took like2 months or so if I remember right... If is tolerable I'd say try to deal with it if you can.. Good luck bro I know it sucks lol

Owes a Review × 1
flubber1's picture

Thanks. I youtubed some CTS stretches last night and started doing them. I plan on beating it lol.

Sam I Am's picture

This is exactly why I don't use hgh.

Owes a Review × 1
flubber1's picture

Haha. I hear you.

Cummin apart's picture

Yeah, probably so. Mine would act the same through out the day if I was doing something that required my arms/hands to be in same position for extended periods of time,
Been off hgh for several months now and all cts sides are gone

flubber1's picture

Thanks Cummins. I probably have about another month and half left on my cycle. I guess I will just tough it out.

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