Hulkbody85's picture
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Anyone try MK-677? I've read up on it but haven't heard about anyone using it besides people trying to sell their version of it. I mean anything that will help me eat even more I'm game.

Serg Feltersnatch's picture

I've been running MK 677 for 1 week now and this my first time. I do 25 mg in the morning and before bed (50 mg /day) I noticed immediately the drastic increase in hunger and very intense vivid dreams every single night.

Muscleneck's picture

Sounds like something I'll be adding soon. Could use some increased eating and sleeping!

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press1's picture

I've tried quite a few appetite enhancers including GHRP 6 and recently some MK 677 - So far I still haven't found anything that matches the instant & consistant increase I get from tren ace and a brisk 10 minute walk.

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Muscleneck's picture

Did the GHRP help more than the MK677. I took mk677 for close to a year about two years ago so I can relate to that one. Lol tren made me not want to eat for nothing. What supports or stuff do you take when you run tren? Would the mk677 help combat some of the sleep issues associated with tren?

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Cgkone's picture

yes. ive ran Mk677 at 25mg a day with 10 mg of DAC a week
was on for 9months very close to 4ius of generic GH
switched to GH because its easier and energy is higher for me on the GH

tatsumaki's picture

old topic but interested in your experience regarding this as I'm about to do the same

pra3torian's picture

So, just to follow up, after going 5 days on 25mg or 1mL ed, the sided were making me anxious. It's nearly impossible to train in the state that I was in, so I lowered the dose to 6mg or .25mL and felt a bit better, but by this point I was too frustrated from the severe fatigue to carry on and after 3 more days I dumped it and went on Testosterone Ethanate. The day after I stopped, I was a 100% again. Now, I don't want to put you boys off from giving it a shot, because it really works. Good luck, boys!

pra3torian's picture

So, I am 5 days in on a 25mg, or 1.mL ed, 16 week cycle. Pros: Your skin clears in 3 days. Better sleep. Weight gain and immediate improvement in strength. Cons: Immediately, the fatigue sets in to the point of causing distress, or anxiety. There is pressure that builds in the back of your head and causes migraines. Lethargy and severe muscle cramps. 5 days in and swelling of the hands and face. To round it all off, the taste is indescribably foul. Now, I've read many times that the side effects subside withing 2 weeks, but who the hell can wait that long. I'm cutting it back to .25mL that's about 6mg. I'll keep you posted. Good luck. brother!

press1's picture

Glad I came across this, I was on the verge of trying some of it out in the near future but it sounds awful in terms of sides. I'm very surprised at the extreme lethargy side of it - it always looked very mild and tolerable to run.

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Sterling777's picture

Everyone reacts differently, and of course unless you test it there's no way of knowing if you actually got mk-677. With mine I took 25mg/day and had a huge increase in hunger (which was great because I was bulking) and not so great was the typical wrist ache (mild and did not interfere with any part of my life)

ashop's picture

I used 12.5mg with less side effects and good results.
Keep us posted on how you do with the 6mg dose.

RawGonza22's picture

Im with you bud. Just got a 30Lm of mk as well. I am interested. Will use it as an aid for PCT

Scandinavian.Solution's picture

I have to be honest, i was expecting more of it than i got. The first to days i slept a bit better(not much). I didnt do much but raise my prolactin. I feel a bit dissapointet, and i cant see any reason for me to run it again. I didnt complete the bottle

lifting211's picture

Bloats me badly extreme fatigue I don’t feel any positives

Bearded_muscle's picture

I responded very well to mk, massive hunger, couldn’t eat enough at 50 mg ed

Huggybear1's picture

The Ghrelin induced hunger from that stuff is another level. I switched to ghrp2 to reduce this in the past

glowinthedark's picture

I plan on using it soon primarily to grow my hair thicker, heard good things about it. As far as things to help you eat, just stay consistent with cardio to keep your metabolism rolling. Smaller meals spread throughout the day helps. When I started out I chugged weight gainer shakes. Wisened up and slam oat flour / unflavored protein now.

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stairmaster's picture

I tried 25mgs/morning for 4 weeks and noticed a bit more appetite and muscles felt a bit more harder.
I took it also to increase my appetite but expected more effect, I'll try it again but from another brand we'll see if it works or not.

Drinking a lot of water increases my appetite more than MK.

RawGonza22's picture

Understood the point although they can help. But yes, cant force a sober anorexic to smook weed or drop Anadrol everyday

Thconcentrates's picture

Ever heard of weed?

Sam I Am's picture

You ever ran Eq? It 100 percent increase my appetite.

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RawGonza22's picture

Right. You dont give a bulimic or someone with a purging eating disorder Anadrol, but instead something more Cognitive/behavioral or a more holistic approach or organic supplement

MegaTRON13's picture

exactly, I eat like beast on EQ, so what he said is definitely false

stairmaster's picture

Good advice Sam! I notice the same effect when I run LOW DOSE (10-20mgs) dbol / day.

Hulkbody85's picture

I understand this but while reading up this was one of the huge upsides to it. I was just wondering if anyone who has used it what their experiences were like.

Swampnuts4u's picture

I know I'm kinda late to respond here but...I took 677 from 3 different sources.I was interested mostly in the great sleep they were claiming...i got nothin out of any of the 3 sources..I didn't run bloods or anything,but the only thing i could tell happened was my wallet got a little bit lighter.

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