audiogurujax's picture
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Heart Problems from Sermorelin


I bough Sermorelin from CENSORED and immediately after administration I developed a weird sensation in my heart, 2 days later the weird sensation still continue and last night at the gym I got nauseous and feeling like i was going to faint. Not sure if this is normal with Sermorelin or if the product is something else or contaminated, Going to my doctor tomorrow.

Does anyone knows a lab where i can send one of the Sermorelin vials to be tested?

wanted's picture

Sounds like anxiety from injection something new
BUT DEFINETLY go see a doctor dont risk it

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giardap's picture

this, plus an embolism from injection

man needs a doc regardless

333's picture

Are you taking anything else I know when my estrogen is crashed my heart gets bad flutters that are a little scary also anxiety kicks in big time

audiogurujax's picture

My estrogen was ok on my last test and this was very sudden and strong I Injected and sit down in the sofa to watch some TV Immediately I felt chest tightness, a rush Like flushing and palpitations, It felt like a strong shot of Morphine but only the bad sides not the good part LOL, I got scared and tried to relax, it continued for like 2 hours got better but still today I still have some palpitations, and Like i said I am not sure it is related 100% but that is why i want to test the compound.

333's picture

I would trash it then some people are just allergic to shit they don't even know of. I tried dbol once and holy cow I got massive rage from it so I trashed it after a week it sucks to throw it away but sometime you have to

PPGfreak's picture

Well it’s definitely not normal and you clearly need to see a doctor.

However, I don’t really like how you’re blaming a medical issue on one particular product/source with zero proof. Honestly, you have no clue what caused that nor do you have any blood work to back up your claim.

audiogurujax's picture

Did you read my post? I was fine, about 30 second after I injected the freshly reconstituted Sermorelin I felt chest tightness, Flushing and Heart palpitations. I have not taken any other medication or supplement hour before this happened, so it will be a really high coincidence that this happened 30 second followed the injection but it has nothing to do with the injection. and additionally In no moment I blamed no one, My original question was is this is normal or not. So Please Chill out.

PPGfreak's picture

I sound pretty chill to me so maybe you need to relax. Your title looks like your blaming to me... I’ll read it agin. But regardless, I’m more than chill.

johnmarshall12's picture

No its not normal! Get medical help. Yes there are labs that do testing, but you have to do a lil looking on Google for them.

giardap's picture

JFC man

go to a doctor

Soulja's picture

NOT NORMAL!!! Absolutely, under any circumstances, do not take any more of that shit. HPLC testing costs around $400 plus shipping. PM me for further details. IMO it would be better to trash it and spend that money getting yourself tested for potential problems. Post up on the source's SI as well. It would be good for the community to be aware of this issue with whichever supplier you bought it from.

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