ynot's picture
  • 39

Trt and a cycle how much aas plus trt dose to see gains


OK here it goes I'm Prescribed a trt dose of 200mg test c eow. I'm taking 500 Mg test e ew .what would be the right amount to see gains. Because what I did was stop taking my trt dose and just substituted with my aas dose at 500mg ew. Should I go back to taking my trt dose as prescribed and continue the 500mg ew? Any suggestions?

Greg's picture

Can you clarify if you're taking 1 mil of cyp every 14 days or 1/2 mil every 7 days. I would think your doc would want more frequent injections for more consistent levels.

ynot's picture

The doc has me on 200 Mg every two weeks

Greg's picture

Taken as 1 dose every 14 days?

ynot's picture

He said 510 is a good number I just seen him yesterday and he wants me to do a lab in 3months

ynot's picture


Greg's picture

I would think that your levels would be a slow long wave where more frequent doses would keep you more even.

For example, hypothetically, you might fluctuate from a high of 800 at the start of the first week, and drop to 500 by the end of the second week. But if you took 1/2 mg every week your levels might be consistently around 600

ynot's picture

so you recommend for me to do half ml a week.

Greg's picture

I would discuss that with your doctor.

However, if you don't feel a difference between the first few days of week one and the last few days of week two... as they say, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Greg's picture

I saw gains with just the TRT dose.

ynot's picture

What was your dose if you don't mind me asking

Greg's picture

1 mil ethanate every 8 days brought my levels up from 250+/- to 800+/-

It's like getting back 25 years. In short, if I was younger and not using Testosterone, I'd be seeing some mean gains just from diet and exercise.

Even the modest gains I've made (maybe not so modest when you factor in the "negative zone" I started from) took over 6 years to achieve. The race is a marathon, not a sprint..

ynot's picture

Nice thank you very much for your feed back

zeusmarada's picture

+1. "The race is a marathon, not a sprint."

I hope men can understand this concept. The best way to get jacked as fuck super fast is to get jacked as fuck day in and day out, one meal at a time, one lift at a time, one small success stacked upon another at a time.

DragonDog's picture

Every day builds the next.

vhman's picture

You could take a gram a week and still not see the "gains" you're referring to. It's all about diet.
If you're not seeing gains at 500mg a week, it's your diet, not the drugs.

ynot's picture

I'm not having a problem with gains but if I do I will take this advice thank you very much for your feed back brother

vhman's picture

The first half of your question, you asked how much test would you need, above your trt dose, to see gains. Not sure why you added that if that wasn't a question.

Also, how many weeks have you been running 500mg? Are you asking if you should stay on that dose for your trt? That's a cycle, not a replacement dose.
I saw that you're going back to the doc to get checked. I'd see what he says, but I've never seen a trt dose over 200mg a week and that's high.

Soldier74's picture

Curious to what your stats are Ynot?? How long have u been running the 500mg/wk..if u still are???

ynot's picture

I'm still running it I see the doc tomorrow then he will let me know when my next lab is and I'll fill you in on what is going on. My status when I was doing 200 eow my testosterone level was 510. So I'm sure now it should be significantly higher I'm assuming. Especially running CENSORED Test e it's very potent. So I'll let you know when he tells me my next test is. tomorrow I will know for sure

Soldier74's picture

Really was asking what your stats are as far as bf%, weight, ect. So are u wanting to bulk is why u upped your test dose? As u weren't seeing the size gains on 100mg/wk?? It is about diet moreso than AAS brother. Food is the most anabolic thing out there. AAS is the icing on the cake. It will give u some help in reaching your goals faster. But TRt is more for a better healthier lifestyle rather than for getting big. But if u intend to blast so be it. Just know that your bf%, mainly should be in a good range, say no higher than about 14%-16% imo. Otherwise e2 will be harder to manage and u wont see the change in your physique as well.

ynot's picture

My bloods at 200 eow is low at 510 nl. Thank you for the feed back if really appreciate it

KMC's picture

510 IS NOT LOW !!!!

It is probably best described as "mid range ".

Not everyone is at 800.

Owes a Review × 1
ynot's picture

I'm sorry I know that now for trt that is a good safe number. Thank you for your response I appreciate it that's why I love this sight. You want answers you post your concerns out there and you will get an answer so again thank you

Soldier74's picture

If this means 200 every OTHER weeK, that's waaaay to low bro. I've never seen trt protocol that low. 200 ew is more basic/normal trt dose. Try that first, hell you might see gains from that with good diet and training...just my thought.

KMC's picture

200mg every week is NOT a basic trt dose, ......it is the suggested high end dose, can your Dr prescribe more,....... yes, but expect addition blood tests to get it, if he is even willing to pass that Mark. 100 - 140 mg/ week is very common.

Owes a Review × 1
ynot's picture

If you break it down that is basically what I'm at100 per week cuz I'm getting 200 eow

Musclepants1's picture

When I got my bloods taken after I'd been self prescribing 200mg a week my bloods came back off the charts. I thought 200 would be fine as that was what I thought was a 'trt dose', obviously not for me.

KMC's picture

It is all in the blood.

Blood test first,.............. medicate accordingly.

Owes a Review × 1
ynot's picture

Yes you are right. Thank you

IrishMack's picture

510 is not low at your age, that is where your doctor has you, if you feel fine and your dick gets hard, what makes you think more is better? Be careful who you listen to for advice. I can tell you to take a gram a week and you will be feeling like a 16 year old because I am not you and if you fuck yourself up it wont affect me at all.

If you take 200 eow then all you do is start your cycle @500 a week and when the cycle is done go back to normal trt dose.

ynot's picture

So should I start taking my 200 eow cuz as soon as I started my cycle I discontinued the200 just to be safe. So I'm only on 500wk so should I do the500 along with my regular trt regiment 200 eow so eow I'll be doing700

IrishMack's picture

No, just the 500. Then when the cycle is over go back to 200 eow

ynot's picture

And one more thing I wouldn't need a pct seeing that I'm going to cruise at the trt dose?

DragonDog's picture

You won't need PCT, but you ought to be taking HCG all the time or your balls will disappear.

IrishMack's picture


ynot's picture

Thank you that's what I'm doing now so it's a relief to know that I wasnt fucking myself up

ynot's picture

He does do a full panel everything was where it needed to be I just still felt sluggish on the 200eow right now he did it six week for blood test I don't know if it was because it was my first dose but I see him next week I'll talk to him thank you for your feed back

joey_ragz's picture

Get bloods to determine that answer. No one can tell you what to do because without bloods it's impossible to determine what would be going on inside your body. I can't however imagine it'd be necessary to do your trt dosage on top of 500 mg test e a week. I'm a big believer that anything over 500 mgs of test is excessive especially since you'd be using some pharma grade test which is some potent shit. But like I said earlier its a matter of opinion. To each their own. As long as you get the blood work to properly dial in you AI and see what's going on. Btw do yourself a favor as to not incriminate yourself and remove your avatar since I'd assume thats your face.

ynot's picture

Thank you I appreciate it. The crazy thing is everytime I try to upload a new Avatar that one comes up can you pm me as to how to change it again thank you

joey_ragz's picture

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