mlr2199's picture
  • 36

+ 1 I’m Fucked


August 24 2017 I was arrested while on a Tren and test cycle. It was Tren at 25 Ed and test 500 A week. Was taking letro .5 E3D. Caber .5 E3D. Was going great. Now I’m locked up no PCT. Well, you can guess what happened....gyno, test plummeted and was Emotional a bitch! And jail isn’t the place to be full of estrogen. 5 months later charges dropped. My gyno had my tits bigger than the punks.
Came home in January 18. Tried all kinds of shit to get rid of gyno. It shrank it a lot, but still there. I had no insurance until this month. At this point no AAS since August 2017. Got my bloods back....Test is 195 free test is 3.7 Estrogen is 58 prolactin is 22.7. Will post it. Lipids were taken
So my doctor gives me test 200 every 2 weeks!
Tells my the Test will help with my gyno. And wants bloods after 1 month. So right before my 3rd shot. He did says he will work me as much as possible.
I need some vets to look at my blood work and any advice would be awesome

Rockin's picture

I know this is old thread but I'm tossing in my experience...

I have done many many experiments with test shots for trt... I would have a sensitive nipple... usually right nipple if I would take a IM shot 150mg/week but it would be mild and go away ... I could also get hot flashes...

Right now after many experiments I'm taking 60mg Test Cyp / M - W - F / Subq and I finally feel pretty good... libido is good... I also take an AI ... 12.5 mg Aromasin with each shot which definitely increases my libido..I recently ran out of an AI and my libido has dramatically dropped... I also love Subq shots and will never go back to IM... I feel more normal with this combo... My dr did the same as yours is doing so I got fed up and fixed myself...

mlr2199's picture

My blood work came in at 345 and he said that’s fine. I was hoping to stay around 5-600. Guess not.

giardap's picture

345 natural or with a trt shot?

mlr2199's picture

Trt 200 mg every 2 weeks. Bloods were taken after 1 month. I have swapped it to 100 every week and hoping that helps.

giardap's picture

Should make a big difference. You should feel it in fact/ When will you measure the results of the new regime?
It will be a journey, but you may find you need to titrate up a little, depending on bloods.

It is so annoying that doctors dont know how to set up a TRT regime correctly. Pathetic.

Heavy-J's picture

I can relate to your situation with the gyno. Have you given any thought to running some raloxifene? Your doc may even prescribe you a few months on Evista 60mg daily.

mlr2199's picture

I have an appointment Tuesday. I have a bunch of studies printed out. On Novadex and on raloxifene. I’m sure he wouldn’t do letro, bc of the sides. It’s just my insurance won’t pay for them. Probably cheaper to order online

Ozninjaguy's picture

Testosterone Undecanoate is the new TRT hormone of choice. Injections are once every 10-14 weeks. Talk to your MD about it.

mlr2199's picture

Today made one week since 1st injection. Starting to feel better. Libido is slightly climbing. Still a little freaked out about having to do this for the rest of my life. I see some people happy they started trt young, I’m freaking out. Seems like a easy quick fix. So I set an appointment to get a referral to a Endo. Either way set to do bloods in 3. Will keep posted.

giardap's picture

easy fix,
Most important action is: stop eating carbs, deplete the liver of glycogen by doing sprints/wingates
Your main way to lower LDL is with niacin (flush), do it for a ocurse, it wil also raise hdl a bit
You will also lower ldl if you supplement heavily with plant stanols, plant sterols, (absolute min of 800mg sterols per day, prob split dose)
Take red yeast rice extract too but not for long, just to keep liver production down. HOWEVER, if you can continue wingates for example, 3x per week, you dont need this so dont take it

mlr2199's picture

This is why I love the site! Thanks man.

Ozninjaguy's picture

Mate - I'm not a vet here and I'm not a medico, so all I can do is comment from a layman's point of view.

From what I have read low Test can lead to gyno, but conversely more test won't cure it and can lead to worse gyno through conversion to estrogen. According to your bloods your Estro isn't that high, it's still within range but your Test is low. Both Estro and Test have to be in balance for your body to function effectively. So getting your Test up a little is necessary, but with your Estro level maybe start low on the Test eg: 50mg pw. Aromasin is one of the few AIs that can have a beneficial effect on Cholesterol - but honestly - I wouldn't be using an AI with your Estro level. Estro has an important role in the male body, one of them is contributing to healthy Cholesterol levels. So you don't want it to be too low. Your Sodium is high - so you might need to cut back on the salt and/or junk food. Liver profile is not too bad, maybe take some NAC and/or TUDCA to help it along a little and stay off the turps for a while.

"The preceding comment is for entertainment value only, it should not be construed as medical advice or opinion. Always consult a Medical Practitioner on matters pertaining to medications and health."

EDIT: Others have said have an op. Only have an op for gyno as the ultimate last resort. There is a recent thread here about current chemical treatments. Try them first. I have first-hand experience with gyno ops - they are successful, your chest can look fine - but you lose all sensitivity in the nipple, which can impact your enjoyment of sex if sensitive nipples are an important part of sexual pleasure. Nothing brings back the sensitivity. NOTHING.

mlr2199's picture

I think I have exhausted every chemical remedy. It’s not as bad now. It’s only noticeable now when I very hot. Loosing sensitivity might not be bad, bc if my girl even touchs my nips I want to jab her in the jaw lol. Thanks for the advise. I’m looking into op now, don’t think I will go to Mexico though.

Ozninjaguy's picture

read Protein4breakfast's comment about Nolvadex before making a decision for an op

mlr2199's picture

I was thinking of trying Nolvadex or letro when I get my cholesterol in check. Will it be as effective while on trt. I was under the impression for it to be effective I needed to be all the way off.

Ozninjaguy's picture

My understanding is that Tamoxifen (Novaldex) is a SERM and is used successfully for male gyno. Therapy is for several months but apparently is effective. Scroll down to Medical Therapy:

Clomiphene (Clomid) has also been used for gyno, but with less success. Letrozole is an AI and I haven't read much in the literature about it being used for gyno. Also I would caution against Letrozole as it is very potent and you can easily crash your E quite quickly. I ran a long low dose cycle of Test and Eq last year and ran 1.25mg pw of Let for 12 weeks. My bloods showed 0 (Zero) E by the end of the cycle - so definitely talk to your Endo about it before use.

Some forums talk about it being used for gyno but I prefer research papers. Scroll down to second last paragraph in 'Discussion'

Let me know what your Doc recommends.

giardap's picture

Here is the thing with gyno tissue lads, it's a 2 stage thing.
Firstly the gland develops, and at this point the SERMS via estrogen exclusion will be effective in not just shrinking it but with the right duration they can often help the tissue die off.
The 2nd stage is when the gland has matured, it becomes a more fibrous tissue. SERMS can stop it becoming inflamed or growing but that is all.

mlr2199's picture

I may have been mistaken when I said it shrank. I guess it could have taken the inflammation out instead of shrink. Once it’s in the 2nd stage the only fix is operation? I was always under the impression that surgery was the only fix.

giardap's picture

Once it has hit the 2nd stage, you can manage it by stopping it from getting inflamed or continuing to build by keeping estrogen low enough or excluding estrogen with nolvadex at the cost of igf levels in your body, but yes an op is the only way to remove it at that point.

Ozninjaguy's picture

As per my previous post - maybe try Tamoxifen. I have posted research that states that it can help. What have you got to lose? It's as cheap as shit buying generic. If it doesn't work for you then all you have spent is a little time and money. Then consider having the op. But TALK TO A DOCTOR. No-one here is qualified to advise you on anything much other than cycles - me included.

Even then guys talk a lot of shit about their cycles. Discussing serious matters like operations here with members who you don't know personally is a very dangerous thing. If you think everyone here has your personal interests at heart - think again. I'm not trying to be negative - there are a lot of knowledgeable members here and it's ok to run stuff past them. But in the final analysis - it's your body, not theirs. You reap the consequences of your actions/decisions. So, again - get qualified medical advice about your condition - keep us posted.

mlr2199's picture

I’m going to try to convince my doctor to prescribe it to me. He thought just being on trt would remedy it. So hopefully I can get him to get on board with it. I have an appointment with a Endo at the end of February. Crazy it takes that long to get an appointment with a Endo in my city.

Ozninjaguy's picture

Print off the report I posted and show it to him.

Ozninjaguy's picture

That's interesting. I wasn't aware of that..thanks mate - more research for me to do. I had adolescent gyno. No lumps or anything like that. I just felt embarrassed to wear a t-shirt or go bare chested because of those protruding nipples and enlarged Areola. I put up with it until my mid 30s and decided to get an op. I still have mixed feelings about the outcome....on a lot of levels it was well worthwhile...and then there is the 'but'...

zeusmarada's picture

Great nuggets here, but I'm giving a solid +1 for the advice: "Let me know what your Doc recommends!"

I'm generalizing as I say this, so anyone reading, please don't get tense. My worldview on the medical system is: The system is against us, but the people inside the system are on our side.

333's picture

Dam dude you should have told the jail you take roids illegally it don't matter and made them give you stuff till you got levels back to normal reason why.

1.once they see how much it will cost them in meds and doctor visits they would say pack your bags your getting out early

2.if they refused you and you got gyno you could have sued them like Tim lambesis did for 39 million funny thing is they settled for a undisclosed amount and he got out of jail after 2 years of a 6 year sentence

mlr2199's picture

I actually did. They refused and the jail I was at has iPads to do all there request forms. They probably have a record.

333's picture

Sue them up bro well I can only speak from American laws so if you live in America rip them a new ass. I fucking hate the jail system they are corrupt as fuck

mlr2199's picture

My girl even called and offered to pay any extra amount just to get it done. They said it was medically necessary

PPGfreak's picture

Damn I get zero estrogen from 500mg of test and I have zero issues with Tren at 4 x that amount

GrowMore's picture

Someone get this man a gold star

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mlr2199's picture

I had no sides while on. It was when I was taken off with no pct. my testosterone dropped and my estrogen raised. While running I have no sides ever, but I pct with pharma. I’ve never had problems until I was forced to not pct. I hope any reading understands how important pct is. I have a pic of how bad my gyno, I should post so ppl can see how fucked up it can get. I always did everything carefully, still got fucked up.

zeusmarada's picture

I hope other men read your story and consider the severity of where you've found yourself. You're helping people by sharing this info, brother. Keep fighting! We got your back.

mlr2199's picture

I’m involved in A.A. and I speak to a lot of people. Not in a speaker meeting or anything, just at treatment centers. I usually just go hang out with them and bullshit. And juice always comes up as a harmless substance. I try to tell them, and they always say my guy is gonna look out. I say bro your gonna buy juice from your local dope dealer and expect everything to work out. I usually only have to show them my gyno and they say fuck Some don’t listen.

zeusmarada's picture

I'm over two years sober now. I can tell you, for those of us with the unquenchable obsession, our typical mentality is "ALL OR NOTHING." That works for me with booze. I don't want one beer, I want it all, so I simply abstain. My life is a thousand times better since admitting to myself the truth of my condition: I can't moderate booze.

Sadly, many of us obsessives bring the same mentality to AAS usage. The catch is, AAS aren't a batch of euphoria producing drugs (in and of themselves). Sure, euphoria may come from enhanced physique, better strength, etc, but it's not the drug that makes you high. It's the hard work, the discipline, the sense of accomplishment. Those are the things that "get you high" regarding AAS.

AAS is medicine. Like all medicines, when used properly, good things happen. When abused, bad shit can happen. Even when used intelligently and such, life happens outside of our control. Your story is the perfect example. Shit happens and you find yourself with a crashed endocrine system. Gyno rears its ugly head. FUCK!

For those who will listen, I hope they hear your words, brother. You're here to teach, as well as to learn. Your life will be infinitely better due to your desire to help people. The more we love, the more love we get. Gotta love how that works, eh!?!

I have no doubt that you'll eventually reclaim your physique. I don't say this because of some pie in the sky bullshit. I say this because you're willing to learn, you've shown that you're patient, and because of the generosity of those who've come here before us, you know the path. It's long, it's not easy, but brother, it's worth it. That goes for your sobriety, as well as your physique with your current gyno situation.

You know the path. You'll get there. You're not alone. We got you.

Sam I Am's picture

Hes probably scared to script you an ai due to your cholesterol. Tighten up your diet. Eat an avacado and some walnuts every day to bring your good cholesterol up. A 100 weekly would be a better bet than 200 bi weekly.

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mlr2199's picture

Yea my diet is not that great right now. I thought 100 a week would be better also. I can make that adjustment myself. No AI? I’m just scared because of gyno is still present

Sam I Am's picture

I'm just speculating but they do effect your Cholesterol and yours is pretty bad.

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mlr2199's picture

My bloods