DJLowT's picture
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I love the numbers thing we go:

"Can't I just take orals", "Can't I just do water based injections" the answer is yes, yes
and the third yes is for the next question "am I being a pussy". If you've come this far
we're (hopefully) passed the days of diet, routines and OTC enhancements. Also, we're
(hopefully) old enough to where the actions of taking ASS and there side effects are worth
the risk. You're gonna want to get good gear and get it into your body. Often deep into muscle
tissue. If you're afraid of doing this, we all were, if you're not willing to do this you need to rethink
what AAS are, what they're for, and how serious this is. We are far from the days of weight
gainer and amino acids, we're in the big leagues now. Even if you just want to run one cutting
cycle you'd better understand there's no difference in the score whether made by a bunt or a
grand slam, AAS are AAS, you're in the big leagues now, and should be ready for the results
as well as the risks and be willing to do what it takes to do it right.

Jesus Harold Christ on crutches if I've heard this once I've heard it a thousand times.
Depending on your genetics, your AAS, your cycle dosage etc between 3-5 weeks. You
will get a little bigger, this is mostly water gain, but it is a visually noticeable result. Of course
physiologically they start the first minute but this is your first noticeable result.

If your on a twice weekly pin of 250mg of TestE, which I personally recommend, you will
get results in about 3-4 weeks, they will be almost too small to tell for a beginner, but here's
some of the ways you'll be able to tell they're "working". Itchy/sensitive nipples, increased
libido, ravenous appetite, decreased recovery periods, minute strength gains (this is most likely
psychosomatic rather than physiological or physical), increased blood pressure, increased
red blood cell count and increased testosterone levels. This is where your doc is gonna be like

During week 5-7 hold on to your nuggets, cause they won't be there long. Seriously,
your nuts disappear, no longer needed to produce testosterone or keep sperm alive.
Profuse night sweats, possible nose bleeds, insane recovery times, massive pumps
(almost like you're afraid your skin will tear massive pumps) nearly problematic libido,
insomnia, increased motivation, hyper self awareness (sometimes called roid rage, you're
just the AAS version of you, if your an asshole you'll be a super asshole etc) acne/cystic acne
sebaceous cysts and super oily skin. Oh and hair loss. Did I mention gains? Holy jellyfish fucks.
The gains are stupid, S.T.U.P.I.D. stupid. Weights begin to loose their previous values, that big
wheel now has to be replaced with a wheel plus to have the same effect. You start to take revenge
on those little black round fuckers, pushing out that extra three, four and six reps, kicking it up
to the next ceiling and breaking through, only to come waaaaayyyy back down to nearly where you

Well that's simple dummy, you go back to being little old mortal you. Your nuts drop, your
strength drops, your size drops (in my middle aged case I keep about 30-35% of gains for
a few months then end up with about 20-25% of gains in all) your libido drops, skin clears
up and there you sit, three of four months later looking at a you that would have taken a year
to get to normally in just a few months. Inevitably planning your next cycle, thinking about
stacking, researching the minimum amount of time to start another cycle, more powerful
compounds and on and on and on. Hopefully you'll be smart about it, but there's a reason
it's idiots, and you may be one, only time will tell.

PCT is Post Cycle Therapy, this is where you have to answer for all that testosterone in
all of natures fury. Your estrogen levels will be crazy high, and you'll not be producing
any natural test for a while. This is where your planning is important, what type of PCT
to me is just as important as what type of AAS. Ducking this step for some is no problem
and others catastrophic.

One real risk is addiction. Make no mistake this is a drug. You are going to be abusing
a drug, a very powerful, very addictive and potential very deadly drug. It will make you feel
on top of the world and then you will crash. Yes, it's legal in most countries, but so is alcohol.
You will gain size, strength and a membership into the dark world of AAS. You will jack with
your bodies natural processes, hormones and tolerance levels in numbers that are cartoonish
by natural design. You will never be able to say you're all natural without knowing your a liar.
You may go through gynecomastia and need to have a breast reduction or you may come out
on the other end without a scratch. Nobody can say, which is the real danger non-prescribed,
non-physician supervised ingestion of AAS. One thing that is almost a certain, if you have
a good cycle you'll be back again and again and again, you will likely be a user from now on.

but that's just my opinion.....happy gains!

big JO's picture

Great article. Nobody ever talks about the addiction part, its not really physical but more mental addiction. After years of feeling like shit with Low T, you get on a cycle or TRT and you do feel super human. Then the hard part is going back to TRT maintenance or PCT. Then you start researching other drugs and bigger cycles. Everyone needs to understand that is not the best way to do it. Do I feel better on 200 mg of test vs my prescribed 100 mg? Absolutely, but you need to make sure you don't run your cycles longer that you should or run compounds that are really more intended for lifters that want to compete. Just my 2 cents.

Verysleepy's picture

Or just do your cycle then drop down to maintenance low trt and keep most of the gains, lose your superhuman confidence but still look like a god.

parks's picture

I'm sure as hell glad I didn't do that until after 50 years old. Yes, some younger guys have low t and need replacement therapy, but for most younger men it's a recipe for screwing the rest of their lives up.

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press1's picture

It all depends on how into your training you are and how far you want to progress. With any big positives there are always sacrifices to be made.

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parks's picture

I guess that's why we tell the kids that cruising is perfectly okay if they REALLY wanna look big. Smile

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DfromPhilly's picture

I dig it +2

press1's picture

The main problem as I see it nowadays is the number of idiots jumping straight into a cycle after literally only going to a gym for a couple of months if that. However the positive is that its very unlikely these type of people will become addicted to AAS as within 4 or 5 months they'll have stopped training altogether as they lack any type of real discipline or willpower hence are always looking for the quick fix. Very funny post though - You write well Lol +

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DJLowT's picture

I've been watching this for a smidge over twenty years now. Back in the day it was nearly impossible to find gear, but now it's easy comparatively. I've seen guys work out for years and wait and wait before taking that step and never reaching their goals and I've seen guys juice day one and quit after cycle and NEVER see them again. Personally I've used a cycle out of the chute (within six months of reentering a workout lifestyle) and I found it to be very motivational, of course that's with dozen of cycle under my belt. I truly believe if we help educate noobs we'll see les and less of these errors take place in our community. Thank you for the input.

Dr.BroScience's picture

I clicked on this to hear about Secrest.
Instead I only learned ...." am I being a pussy" ?
& "Also, we're (hopefully) old enough to where the actions of taking ASS and there side effects are worth it.." Yes, let's do hope we are all old enough to understand the actions & side effects of taking ASS.

DJLowT's picture

ouch! Well truth be known we're all pussies when it comes to doing something that is going to cause discomfort, like working out, it hurts, that's why there are disgusting fat bodies everywhere. thanks Doc

DJLowT's picture

You are correct sir, pass that along often, you may save a fellow lifter/builder considerable pain and expense.

parks's picture

Really? Gyno surgery is considered cosmetic? Lol That's fucking hilarious.

Like it's just vanity to not want man-boobs.

"Too bad, so sad!" lol

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parks's picture

So much winning.

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Greg's picture

It can be covered but you need to show how it affects you negatively at work, physically, or mentally.

So, it could involve a note from a therapist or a provable job hit, e.g., male model, public speaker for a fortune 500 company, etc..

Not an easy task. A lot harder than getting a script for Testosterone.

DJLowT's picture

I've got some guys that work out with me that hit their MD twice a weeks for a pin, they wait for hours in the waiting room another good amount of time in the exam office and pay a couple hundred bucks per visit and claim it's, "fast and safe". I've not told them about the site, they're pretty square. But that is one sect of the populous that believes that it's a bad thing to self administer AAS.

bundlz's picture

Not everywhere .... and if its pubirty related in europe nope

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johnmarshall12's picture

Very informative, and a lot of work on your part. There are some subjective things here, but overall it is helpful information for many. +

DJLowT's picture

Thanks man, a lot of guys don't understand I really only post to help the noobs, from trial, error, research and changing times.

Get-big2299's picture

I agree with some and disagree with some.... There are different esters which some will "work" faster than others... Estro can be controlled using an "ai" after bloodwork so therefore you won't need a "breast reduction".. Nipple sensitivity isn't always due to estro, prolactin can also cause nipple sensitivity... you may need to do a little more research bro. Also you can run compounds that aren't as "wet" this way you will put on quality muscle and not seen small because you lost water weight when you came off cycle.... If "pct" is done correctly and your routine and diet remain consistent you won't lose much muscle it'll be mostly water.... That's just a few things i saw that i disagree with but that's just MY OPINION... You may be right and i may be wrong but i just wanted to gone my opinion big dawg!

DJLowT's picture

NICE, THANKS GET-BIG, This is why we're here to learn from each other and disconnect the bro-science for our lifestyle.

steroidmen's picture

Whear is secrets ?

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DJLowT's picture

yeah, not so much for us pin cushions, it's for the noobs. Here is one secret I learned, you can get your legs to grow just by squatting the bar if you have skinny legs. 10 sets, 100 reps per set, twice a week. Smile

Greg's picture

You saw the part of the title, "for beginners", right?

it's not a secret to you if you're already in on it now is it?

A combination of the words "wear" and "where" used by people who cannot remember the proper spellings of either.

  1. If it were really just about the music you would not have spent half your post saying how you hate people who whear band shirts if they don't know that band. Whear are they playing next?
DJLowT's picture

I'm so stealing that bro, BWAAhahahaaaaa

Sam I Am's picture

I wasn’t aware you were fluent in Appalachian American...
Ahm takin the ole lady to Golden Carrow tomarah then Ima try to whear it out.
What’s your plans for the weekend?

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Greg's picture


ECinfidel's picture

Don't you mean "noodlin'"?

Greg's picture

Not the way I'm doing it... hey, you look interesting. How'd you like to hook up later and talk about our military carriers.

DJLowT's picture

aaaahhhhhhhhh, something about the familiarity of Eroids always makes it nice to back to.