Mastiff's picture
  • 14

+ 1 Anxiety from Prop for TRT


Hopefully someone maybe able to help me!

44 years old, 6ft, 206lbs.

Natural testosterone levels are low at 264.

I tried just 50mg of Prop last week and it made me feel very anxious, kind of jittery. I suffer from anxiety anyway and am on Valium and Celexa for it.

I also found in the past that Dbol revved the anxiety up too?

Any ideas to why this maybe?

Thanks for any help in advance.

Sam I Am's picture

Sometimes it’s easy to blame ailments on the gear. I doubt if 50 mgs of prop would do that.
Having said that steroids and alcohol will bring things out that are already there.
Some guys have no business drinking and some shouldn’t use steroids.
If your one of those dudes don’t use them.
Prop for trt is a bad idea anyway. You’ll end up with scar tissue and pinning constantly gets old.

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Mastiff's picture

Definitely no alcohol bud. Many people turn to alcohol for mental health issues, personally I have never gone down that route as I have seen the impact it has had on mates of mine.

Testo-Gel also revved up my anxiety. I am sure it's the fast acting ones that have an effect. Many years ago I used 250mg Enanthate a week for bodybuilding, made some gains but didn't increase anxiety, but this was pre-anxiety days. Although Dbol pre-anxiety days would slightly rev me up yet Anavar didn't?

Sam I Am's picture

Have you checked your blood pressure?

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Mastiff's picture

Blood pressure is fine bud and heart rate is good too. All okay on the blood works apart from low on Testosterone and estrogen is just above normal.

Mastiff's picture

Thanks greatly bro.

Anxiety is such a complicated issue.

I have accepted your friend request Smile

Bill G's picture

Will power is great! It works wonders !
As long as you brain thinks there is something wrong with what you are about to do.
People don't understand some times will power in not there because our brain will become convinced it is ok to take that road.
When people tell me about will power I just look at them and say let's try some will power. How about we take a hand full of chocolate EX-LAX so we can use "willpower" to keep from shitting our pants....

press1's picture

Hey Mr Bill to Da G Lol

I want to see you put up a Rap Song on the Roidbazaar site man - I wanna see what you choose! :-))

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Bill G's picture

Do I just choose one or have to make one. Last time I was into rap was when it was real. None of this mumble shit you hear today. If I had to choose it would be Easy E.
Toss up between Cruzin in my 64
Boyz-n-the- hood

press1's picture

You just find the track you like on Youtube then post the link to it on the RB promo page. RB will then upload it to his site dude - or yes you could indeed make one! Do one all about Rollin to the sound of injecting some hardcore gear into your buttock Lmao

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press1's picture

Its funny as I was reading a very good article by Louie Simmons earlier all about the mental state required for successful powerlifting, as in 10% of it is physical performance & 90% is your train of thought. He said you have to be able to manage both anxiety and depression and have the ability to override them in both normal training and competition to be successful. Never a truer word spoken - made think he was also meaning in terms of cycling and what you run too.

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Mastiff's picture

Totally agree mate.

Sadly I am housebound. Hopefully I will get better one day and be able to drive places, start working again..... Basically live a normal life.

My medical report says 'severe anxiety with agoraphobia'

The Dr has to come to my home as does the Nurse to do bloods etc. The Doctors surgery is less than 1 mile away, but too far to drive at the moment.

Gone from being out all the time, good job in demolition earning good money to now being stuck indoors. It's driving me crazy.

shiva4's picture

That's intense, I feel for you, brother.

I would encourage you to focus on the health benefits of fitness, and focus less on physique if that's been the case. I'm not saying lose yourself but keep in mind there are numerous benefits from lifting, fitness and eating properly. The right lifestyle can play a vital role in managing a balanced mind and anabolics are definitely not needed to achieve that. Consult with a physician if an intervention is needed clinically for your hormones, it may or may not be good at this point.

Improved body composition will follow behind one way or another.

Mastiff's picture

Thank you so much brother.

I was thinking about ordering some free weights and using them at home as I can't travel to the gym at the moment due to the agoraphobia.

Diet definitely needs to be cleaned up. At present I am eating every 3 hours, but it's stuff like organic peanut butter, another meal with be tuna or chicken breast, some whoalmeal pasta..... But not eating any vegetables or fruits.

Drinking a lot of water and no snacks like chocolate or anything with sugars. Also no coffee.

Mastiff's picture

I wish it was mate.

Definitely felt more revved up after the Prop, lasted a couple of days. Never had this off Enanthate when I used it about 10 years ago. It's almost like the fast acting Tests rev symptoms up.

Going to go natural after reading all the helpful replies on here.

Slowly's picture

I can't imagine if it was Tren lol.

johnmarshall12's picture

Steroids tend to elevate anxiety in those who have anxiety and are prone to it; just as they elevate aggression in those prone to that. You need to make a personal decision on this as to whether or not you can deal with the increased tension if you stay on GEAR. If not chalk it up!

press1's picture

Pretty much all steroids elevate anxiety one way or another even if you don't suffer with it - Test, Dbol, Adrol, E.Q and Tren for some are all known for it. You are supplementing your body massively with extra hormone and energy levels. No way should you be getting into steroids if you are already on Diazepam, christ there are people irresponsible enough who even run this stuff to be able to run steroids! Get your life in a controllable state first before venturing down the hormone path mate.

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Mastiff's picture

Thanks greatly for the helpful replies.
I have been on Valium for the last 19 years as prescribed and the same amount of time for Celexa. Trying to withdraw from Valium is horrible.

My estrogen levels are above average and Testosterone below average.

I was wondering if say something like Test Enth or Cyp at a low dose at say 125mg a week may ease this horrible anxiety? My confidence has gone, no sex drive and feel so anxious about everything.

IrishMack's picture

So you want to take more drugs to counter the drugs you're already on? No. Find a way to get off the valium and celexa and watch your test levels come back. Go talk to your doctor and let him or her know what's going on. I will not recommend anything except a doctor.

Mastiff's picture

Thanks mate. I thought due to my low testosterone levels that Test may help me to come off Valium and the SSRI (Celexa)

From all the helpful and informative replies, definitely seems that I should keep clear of Test.

My Dr wants to add more prescription meds like Amitriptyline and a new one called Aglomentine to the mix of meds that I am already on for anxiety. Not too keen on adding even more meds.

I have read about some natural remedies. There is a supplement called l-theanine that's meant to help anxiety and another one called Taurine, these seem to both be getting good reviews.

Almost sure that the long term Valium use of 19 years has actually made me worse, so definitely need to get off it...... But it is so incredibly difficult to taper. Even the slowest taper is bad.

Mastiff's picture

That's really interesting mate as it doesn't seem to be used as much as SSRI's. I did read that it helps with sleep but no many reviews on it for anxiety. So it has helped your anxiety?

press1's picture

Bud if you can try and put every last bit of physical & mental energy into your training sessions, go for the big exercises like deads, bench, squats, overheads and this will really help with things. A lot of anxiety is built up by excess physical energy - these big exercises will drain you of energy and smash your CNS in sideways. Train 2 days on 1 day off - I guarantee this will help tremendously Smile

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shiva4's picture

Solid advice, mack. Someone struggling with mental health issues AND taking medication for it should not being playing with their hormones or taking anything without supervision.

Anxiety issues are no joke.

shiva4's picture

Its definitely not ideal to take valium chronically. It's very important to not lower or adjust dosing without medical supervision. Lowering meds like valium improperly can lead to very dangerous situations.

IrishMack's picture

Self prescribing trt and using prop?
1st mistake.
2nd one is every medicine has a side effect.
Estrogen levels in men are increased by using anti depressants. Go get a blood test to see where your estrogen levels are.

IrishMack's picture

A friend of mine was on an antidepressant and got bad gyno. He had to have surgery. He got a huge payout too. It made his estrogen levels hit the roof.
Prozac, Zoloft, and a few others will increase estrogen in men based on dose. I should say certain ones not all.

shiva4's picture

Psychiatric drugs are notorious for this. Some totally screw up prolactin too. I'm a firm believer that psychiatric drugs are necessary some times but I also believe they are one of, if not the most, overly prescribed drug group.

IrishMack's picture

I agree. Prescription drugs that deal with dopamine's and then adding a hormone to it is a recipe for shit.

GreatSpear's picture

How soon did the anxiety start? Was it as soon as you pinned?