Pumpmr25's picture
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Scalloped Tongue?


Anyone ever experience scalloped tongue while on a cycle? Currently running straight test cyp at 200mg every three days. Typical anti estrogens protocol - diet is good. Stats, 209 lbs, 32 years younge, more cycles then my fingers can count, bf 12-14%. Nothing new with food, otc shops omega 3, daily vit., b complex. Not taking any sort of thyroid medications or orals other then the listed otc supps.

Had this happen one other time back in 2015 with a different supplier, had couple other compounds in the mix then. Was thinking maybe I’m dehydrated/not getting enough fluids during the day.

shawn0712's picture


Some research says increased test levels lower immunity where fungal infections are concerned.
It’s not proven hard science, but enough that they’re conducting studies.
I’ve noticed I get athletes foot more often when I’m cycling, but I’m also a sweaty bastard that works in the heat.
I’ve seen a few different articles on it, this is just the first inconclusive one that popped up.

Makwa's picture

What the hell is a scalloped tongue? Afraid to even google it.

Manshit's picture

My sister has it from food allergies.For her it’s night shades especially tomatoes.

SIx3230's picture

Like thrush? Water vitamins digestion sound good to start

addicted.to.pain's picture

well I'm sure you have googled this to death, and from what I can see vitamin deficiencies are the main cause in particular Vitamin B. But I see your taking vitamins along with Vitamin B's, so I'm willing to bet your body is not absorbing the vitamin B's for some reason.

You need to see a GI Doctor dude , and get your colon and other small intestines checked something is going wrong down there. Especially when you consider this has happened before, you probably have some sort of chronic condition in your stomach or lower intestine.

giardap's picture

Never, but if i got that id be getting bloods, check CRP etc.
Id be worried about my ticker etc.

333's picture

Are you sure it's scalloped tongue? It is allergy season and allergies can start anytime in your life and cause you to breath out your mouth at night causing dry mouth. High blood pressure could also cause snoring that will cause dry mouth do you have cracks on the tip of your tongue?

Pumpmr25's picture

Ridges from the tongue pressing up against my teeth. I actually was considering allergies too and thinking about doing some Benedryl. I considered bp as well so I did use the free machine at the local grocery and It was in the normal range.

333's picture

Spring time I get dry mouth from allergies and my tongue gets like scallop tongue. Keep a Gatorade next to your bed if your waking up with a dry mouth