FrankSteroid's picture
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I state that I'm still "natty".

However, sometimes I'm nervous and I go throught states of anger (who doesn't?).

I'm asking to the users if is Roid Rage real, if it is manageable and how does it affect with own personality.

Ostarine's picture

I think it depends. A unique case was Jon koppenhaver. A MMA fighter who already had a violent and explosive personality, having been incarcerated many times for years. Once he hopped on cycle it was game over. He became 100x more violent and ended up beating his ex girlfriend and her boyfriend in their bed after he broke into her house and found them sleeping together. He nearly killed them Lol. As for me I'm also inclined to violence and aggression. I've been on cycle for a while now and have to watch myself, I dont want to end up in prison.

robb's picture

Roid rage is a load of bollcks. If it was a real and prevalent experience for those who take gear war's would be breaking out in gyms on a regular. Think of those rammed out shitty chain gym's full of dipshit kids hogging equipment, they'd be getting slaughtered lol. They deserve to imo lol.

Tren is an all together different thing. Test and proviron just makes me feel great, the last thing I want to do is have a row or fight, more like lift, fuck eat and chill.

whodaguy808's picture

I was always told it is an excuse for an asshole to be more of an asshole. Whenever I am on, I feel great. When I am off is when I can be a prick.

Ozninjaguy's picture

In my opinion 'roid rage' is real, if you look at the concept as being a negative alteration of psychological status attributed to an influx or addition of certain hormones beyond the normal balance of hormones within the body. Steroids are simply synthesized hormones which have been chemically altered to achieve a certain effect and release time. Women have peaks and troughs of hormones every month - before their period certain hormones are released which can make them horny, irritable, moody and downright aggressive. They are responding to the flow of hormones that regulate their menstrual cycle. I have known women who just prior to their period are complete bitches, and others who simply tell you that they are having their period. How they handle that flow of hormones is a personal thing.

Guys using gear are just imitating the same process - they are experiencing and influx of hormones which definitely have physical and psychological effects - how they handle those hormones is up to them. Some guys have a low tolerance for most things and gear will make them less tolerant, and more likely to overreact in many situations. Other guys can use lots of gear and still stay mellow. It depends on the individual.

Personally, I have a short fuse - it doesn't take much to seriously piss me off, but since I know that, when I used to run gear I would consciously make myself aware of how I am reacting to environmental influences and try to make adjustments and not take the easy road of blindly reacting to something that has upset/annoyed me.

So yes. 'roid rage' is real - but only because some people can not handle gear and are too immature to manage their behaviour while using gear, and then take to cop out of saying: 'it was the gear...'

Ozninjaguy's picture

'You contradicted yourself in your statement.' - where? I'm saying that RR is real - but it is up to the individual as to how they control it. Maybe read my post in its entirety - seems like you just skimmed through and felt like making a critical comment..

shawn0712's picture

I was more of an asshole 30 pounds ago, before ever touching anything. Honestly, I became more humble after use.
Some people are just children, and want an excuse when they do stupid shit. They can get excessively drunk and break shit, then blame the alcohol. Turn around and do the same thing a few weeks later.
We always own our actions. Blood pressure definitely has an impact. Again though, we have a responsibility to keep it in check.
I’ll add one last thought. If steroids are so bad, drop them completely with no pct. eliminate testosterone from the equation, and report back.
Tren is the only compound I’ve seen anything substantial from. Who is honestly going to make rational decisions when you sleep in 3 hour intervals? And tren is a compound that wasn’t exactly developed for human use.

press1's picture

Its the extra tiredness and hunger/crash in blood sugar that causes the irritability, when you are on top of these two things it feels brilliant I find.

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shawn0712's picture

It’s kinda hit or miss though. You can have 20 great runs, and think you have it pinned down to a science, then it’ll sneak up on you and bite you in the ass.
With every single percentage of body fat we gain or lose, our reactions to certain compounds change. Lose a job, a loved one, get cheated on, or whatever curves life can throw at us mid run, fuck up our natural cortisol or stress levels, and it can turn on us in a heartbeat.
It’s just a compound to not take too lightly, and we need to recognize the signs of when it’s time to drop it. That’s something that can’t be taught though. Just one you have to feel out and live through.
I honestly love it for quite a few reasons. I also know right now, my life is too crazy to touch it.
And I’m not disagreeing. All of that comes into play, but it can be one sneaky bitch.

shiva4's picture

Mood swings and hormones, from my experience, happen the most during periods of a significant shift in one or more hormones before stabilization, excessive highs or lows of one or more hormones (specifially estrogen) and something I feel that does get enough attention is the ratio of testosterone to estrogen. For an example of ratios; when my test is above 1200 ng/dl, my estrogen needs to be at 30 pg or higher to feel balanced, when my test is 500 or 600 my estrogen needs to be around 20 pg. If my ratio isn't on point I get shifts in my mood or other signs and symptoms.

vhman's picture

I'm still "natty”

And your name here is: “FRANKSTEROID”...

FrankSteroid's picture

Hahahha.. YEP!

TheFlash85's picture

Roid rage or hormone fluctuations and blood pressure spikes.

Goose24's picture

Sure. If you're mentally weak.

Dacky's picture

Never lost my cool on any gear. I’ve defined gotten really grumpy on Tren but like a grumpy old man kind of grumpy never enraged. Like Makwa siad below getting “hangry” when dieting - now that’s a real thing :-;

giardap's picture

Yes. But it is largely due to a pre-existing condition where you suffer from heightened emotional states.
Some say; if you were an asshole before, you will be an asshole after - which is sorta true. But, people with anger issues, are suffering something.... which is hard to stomach if they do something to you.

I get roid rage, the AAS can induce a bit of an aggressive lift to an already aggressive state of being and it can be pretty serious, so you need to take care. But, if you dont suffer from such things, you will be ok, generally, and able to channel any andro driven aggression.

MedDx's picture

True...when levels are elevated...I can feel it coming; but, I have to turn around and walk away, or it's like a 5 gallon bucket of naptha on a brush fire once I start getting defensive... :/

giardap's picture

Exactly. Hard to do that in the moment, walk away/ change the scene... but it is the key to controlling the situation. Mindfulness and meditation are my thing. Mindfulness in particular helps bring you back down into the here and now.

Porkbythapound's picture

I think high blood pressure can give you rage. I’ve seen it countless times growing up as a kid. Some types of steroids can cause bp to rise significantly and that can lead to some aggression. If you already are mentally unstable it can for sure multiply symptoms.

Greengravity's picture

This is what i relate to. ^
Ever since monitoring my bp My moods have been consistent and stable on cycle.
Well that and bloodwork to determine if my estrogen is dialed proper.

Sam I Am's picture

I totally agree with this ^^^

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Makwa's picture

I don't get roid rage but I do get diet rage. I can get real cranky when in a severe calorie deficit.
I think roid rage is something coined by the media to put a bad stigma on steroid use. If you are an ass when not on steroids you will still be an ass on cycle. If you are cool and collected when off cycle, the same will be true on cycle.

shiva4's picture

Years ago I was listening to some researchers, I think on NPR, discuss work they had done evaluating men with naturally higher than normal levels of testosterone. The majority of these men fell into one of two categories: 1. They did not learn to control their minds and ended up in and out of prison from their lack of impulse control or just becoming career criminals. 2. They ended up in positions of power and influenced others in one way or another; politician, preacher, CEOs etc.

Scrawny1's picture

Ive never flown off the deep end, but I have gotten agitated faster than usual.

Sam I Am's picture


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ECinfidel's picture

If you're already an asshole, chances are you'll still be an asshole(and then some) on gear.

Pale's picture

If you have anger issues at 32 you are definitely not ready to toy with hormones. Work on becoming an adult first

press1's picture

Hahaha couldn't of said it better pal, people with general anger issues for no reason need to bloody grow up.

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sunamcaxa's picture

I have few tren cycles behind when I start thinking sometimes I was in uncontrollably rage you didn’t even notice it at least I didn’t

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FrankSteroid's picture

I think it depends also to the steroid you are running. And Tren should be one of the most aggressive on roid rage.

Sam I Am's picture

If you cant handle aggression it can be very real. Some guys shouldn't drink and some shouldn't use steroids. If you have an overly aggressive attitude they will bring it out of you.

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IrishMack's picture

Hence why I quit drinking, I was always an ass but the test hasn't made it any different. I always had a short fuse no homo. My first and last tren run made me paranoid worse then the best indica I ever smoked. I found myself wearing a tin foil hat and peeking out Windows. I calmed down a lot as I'm older and have more to lose than I did as a kid. Don't get me wrong, I'll still throw down if it gets to that point. But my wife is my rock and she reminds me it's not worth it. Once an ass always an ass lol.

Sam I Am's picture

I have the same problem. Quit drinking 20 some years ago. I'm pretty much an instigator as everyone already knows. I tend to take pranks to far especially while I'm on cycle. One time I jacked up the bosses ride and blocked it barely above the tracks. Took the dumbass 30 minutes to figure out why it wouldn't go down the track. Almost got fired over that one. Lol so the next week I chained it to a flat. Stupid shit I dont do off cycle.

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IrishMack's picture

Lol good times man, good times

333's picture


left4dead's picture

I feel like I can lose my temper/patience much sooner while on,but never had a breakdown of any sort,at least not without a reason.