the_gainz's picture
  • 46

New Compound Increases Muscle Mass in Mice


How long before the Olympians get their hands on this?

ashop's picture

Keep in mind what works in mice doesn't always work in humans.

KMC's picture

Keep in mind what works in mice doesn't always work in humans.

Well if you had a promo and opened it up to the Promo Whore list, we would have the answer.

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kibby's picture

100% agree mate.......them miniature exercise wheels are a bitch to get out of

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TheFlash85's picture

It hasnt been made mainstream for humans as in everyday medical terms.
Its more of a research trial situation.
The reasons it hasnt boomed the "black market" is because lack of knowledge and obtainability, with that being said we have multiple drugs in main stream daily use that basically do the same thing but better, quicker,easier safer, and more efficient.
Its similar to a cell hi jacker.
It goes in hops on specific cells and travels around certain pathways creating muscle growth or weight gain in specific ways wether that be nutrient uptake such as protein synthesis or shuttling etc.
Similar to nandrolone actually, yet this drug is subcutaneous daily injections and from what ive heard you would have to inject massive amounts for body building likely multiple times a day wheras in the medical side of things administration woud likely be via a drip in humans.
It would interfere with cells and regulation that aas use inside our system also.
Thick, slow circulating blood from mass rbc invasion causing prostaglandins to gather together in groups ready for gang warfare, what that means is blood clots and supposedly at a very fast rate.
When people take " asprin " to thin blood, it actually means they take asprin to stop prostaglandins gathering and it prevents them from formation, not actual thinning.
I belive with this particular drug medically it would also be administered in conjunction with anti coagulation drugs iv style.
All in all i chatted with a dude a while back through email and i basically done some very breif reading myself and also what he told me.
I doubt it will be anything to bodybuilders ever.

Ozninjaguy's picture

It's actually pretty old news. Similar research was done back in 2013. So, since it has been around for almost 6 years there must be some reason why it hasn't made it into the BB community. The reasons are discussed in the BB section of the second article.

the_gainz's picture

Thanks for the reply, I know sometimes animal studies don’t cross over well into humans. Example:clenbuterol. Anabolic in animals, not so much in humans. Maybe something similar here?

Ozninjaguy's picture

The research says that it works but as stated in the secod link I posted it's almost impossible to administer and it's very expensive. I think that's why it hasn't gained any traction in BB, as we already have ASS, HGH and now new gen SARMs which are all proven and relatively cheap (except for pharma GH)..and then there are all the prohormones and peptides.

Dr.BroScience's picture

I know this does not fit the bodybuilding narrative but this a good time to mention the old study about methods of increasing mice life expectancy exponentially.

A simple study was conducted that by drastically reducing the mices' overall calorie consumption , regardless of calorie type, the mice life lived much longer healthier lives. Resulting in the hypothesis that overall calorie reduction as a whole leads to longer healthy lives. Since we are talking about mice I felt like this a good time for a mention. Some food for thought while you are sucking down 2 cups of rice every two hours 8 times a day.

vhman's picture

Food for thought!
The older I get, the better I eat, which is clean and less calories. I feel better than I ever have... Hope that leads to longevity.

robb's picture

I'm not a mouse but if it can add 19% muscle mass in one week surly it will do something for me:)

Wonder how long before Ariel has it lol.

Time will tell but if it does become medically available for the frail and old like it sounds like it will,
then its just a matter of time. Especially if it has little to no effect on the male natural test then it could become the next big thing. Might kill off the GH market lol.

In 10-50 years from now, we probably won't even need to go to a gym, inject product X and tense the muscle you doing that day and watch it grow before your every own eye's, wouldn't that be something. I'm stoned btw.

kibby's picture


You put some thought into that Robb loool. I've been there many times mate.......good times bro

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