giardap's picture
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Gillette Advert


What you fellas think of the Gillette advert and the surrounding controversy?

Hard to believe a big beast like P&G has jumped to align itself with the radical left and their toxic masculinity nonsense!

Bunch of beyotches!

Ozninjaguy's picture

Yes I noticed that. It's because the black 'community' and all the snowflakes would scream stereo-typing blacks as bad if they had reversed the roles.

Roid Noid's picture

From a business standpoint the commercial was probably not a very good choice considering most of Gillette customers are men. if I was a shareholder I would be pissed.

The commercial is playing into the mainstream far left liberal movement. It Stereotypes men as being a real problem in the world, and women as weak. Its yet another attempt at identity politics from the social justice warriors. Belittles the intelligence of men, pushes a snowflake agenda, and masculinity as toxic.

Football players, Nike, Gillette, Eminem, celebrities, Mainstream media/TV, on and on and on! Fuck em all!!!!....I cant even turn on the TV anymore, its all manipulation and lies.

Mean Cuisine's picture

Only Tv show that isn’t is “It’s always Sunny in Philadelphia”

In a promo × 1
giardap's picture

I was on one of the pro social media platforms, moaning about this crap.
1 PG employee, a chick, liked my comment.
1 PG employee, a beta cuck fella (clearly) took issue with my post and started asking if I ever had "locker room talk" or bullied anyone or "looked the other way".

Man, this sh!t is being driven by men. These sorts are the worst type of beta.

I just want to growl, cock my leg and urinate on the fkrs.

Roid Noid's picture

It's being driven by the media not men. You just have a certain population that is manipulated by TV. Older and younger generations are more conservative because older was brought up different and younger dont watch TV much.

The left is doomed....the might hold the majority at the moment but its gonna change. The more they put up this crap the faster the change will happen.

Greg's picture

Must view. This "Angry Cop" explains it all.

giardap's picture

Nailed it!

fusebox's picture

That pretty much sums it up. Thanks for posting

Roid Noid's picture

The good news i have been using Dollar shave club for the last 2 years!....I bet they are ecstatic with the commercial!

Ozninjaguy's picture

That's a pretty good dissection of the ad. Obviously he saw much more in it than I did. Very interesting. Thanks for posting.

JUICEBOX0331's picture

Lmao, "But noooo one is going to say anything about Karen being a bitch" lol.

giardap's picture

Yeah hahaha

I liked; "you have just stepped on the dongs of every man that buys your products"

fusebox's picture

How about why is the guy always by grill. These kids have no female role models. Wtf

JUICEBOX0331's picture

I commented on this post before I ever seen the commercial so I YouTube it, and it's kind of funny. They should do one on "the best a women can get" and show the chick dressed half naked saying shit like "I'm so sick of guys staring at me" "they're so creepy" , most guys are only staring at you saying "damn, that chick is thirsty". Such a soft society. The bullying thing has gotten out of hand I believe, kids should learn to fuck off when they're told too, it will make them better adults that will fuck off and leave their cry baby drama at home.

Ozninjaguy's picture

Actually, I agree with a lot of the comments below about the direction that society and men's role within society seems to be headed. I also understand the outrage at the alleged negative stereo-typing of men by the ad, but honestly, I didn't think it was too bad. I'm personally not outraged or offended. My reaction was kind of 'meh.'

Maybe it's because I'm getting old and the fact that I'm comfortable with my masculinity, so I don't get offended by that kind of stuff. Stressing about how men are portrayed in an ad is not worth the effort, and stressing about where manhood might be going in the future is just a little too abstract for me. The thing that concerns me most at this stage of my life is the toxic nature of mankind and what we are doing to this place we call Earth, and what will be left for future generations - whether the boys may be effeminate (by todays stadards) or not.

giardap's picture

I should have known you would see the bigger picture Oz!!

I think the reason it offended me is because it fully tied itself to the feminist 'toxic masculinity' mantra. I mean the definition of masculinity is summed up by the traits that make us men. Toxic male traits.... well I just dont consider all of the nonsense they are tying to us to, to define us, as being a part of masculinity at all. Those toxic traits are just part of being a bastard, or a bitch, or a stupid zir/zee or whatever.

I dunno, meh is probably right really.

Ozninjaguy's picture

Yes mate. I get that. It's like everything about being a male is toxic, but everything about being a female is supposed to be accepted, seen as positive and then venerated. It pisses me off too. But hey - society is evolving or devolving, depending on your point of view, and these attitudes are prevalent at this point in time. However, if you look at things from an evolutionary point of view the current societal attitude to gender roles is a luxury given us because of where we are at in this moment in time. All this stuff is a modern Western construct enabled because people who propound these ideas are not starving, they are not in dire physical and economic circumstances - they have the luxury of being able to sit back and make judgements.

Shift the focus to the majority of the rest of the world and you will find that gender roles are clearly defined and have been for thousands of years because that is how mankind has successfully evolved.

Those roles were fairly clear less than two generations ago in the West - now they have been muddied. In Asia, Asia Minor and the Middle East, (which is pretty much the majority of the world population-wise) those clearly deliniated gender roles still exist and those societies continue to function successfully.

Dont sweat it's a phase...not a good one, but hey - if you get overly offended by this shit...are you becoming more of the type of male that you are railing against? Food for thought.

giardap's picture

are you becoming more of the type of male that you are railing against? Food for thought.


Damnit! I am getting out for a rare pint without the Mrs. tonight and I know that it will taste fkn sour because I will not be able to get this thought out of my head!!!!!!!!

Greg's picture

I'm not too emotional! I'm not! I'm not!! I'm not!!!
You big bully.

Ozninjaguy's picture

There, there's all gonna be alright...

Cochise's picture

There is quite a few females I know that are falling for the brainwashing To thinking this is the way and dumb down sissify men shit it’s making me think there is no hope for the future.. It’s like the people of the media are being controlled or some shit...
What happened??? Is this some kind of chemical warfare upon us to mess the world up? I know a couple male friends of mine that are starting to act messed up getting really soft. I joke with them and make fun blameing the late night tv they watch mainly Jimmy Kimmel haha but something is definitely going on and I am NOT a conspiracy theorist or what ever-

Owes a Review × 2
giardap's picture

Now ya have it. The weakest type of beta cuck out there is the one that aligns himself to this feminist sh!t. But when you see it in your mates.... its disgusting.

JUICEBOX0331's picture

I use my wife's razor to shave the 2"X2" spot not covered by hair on each side of my face....... it's pink.

giardap's picture

Needs must JB, needs must!!

Greg's picture

It is an insult and was a stupid approach.

Fact is, most men already are "enlightened". There's no way in hell I'd stand by and watch my boy beat up on another kid. I don't know of anyone else that would either. The only people I hear use the phrase, "boys will be boys" is the wives when they talk about their husbands.

Most dads take their kids to scouts, little league, and church. We already are teaching our kids how to treat women with respect and how not to bully others. We are the 80% not the 20% that comercial would like you to believe we are.

Masculinity and manhood IS ALREADY understood as being chivalrous; morally, emotionally, and physically strong. It is NOT being oafish, dense, uncaring, and detached like Gillette would like to paint us as being.

The only time I think I ever made a catcall was to my own girlfriend or wife. It's sexist and stereotypical to think most construction workers are making unsolicited catcalls to women passing by.

Some of those scenes were inspirational and spot on. Why they couldn't just make a commercial saying, "The modern man, this is who we are." and show all the good things is beyond me.

I'll be damned if I will be talked down to by a corporation. Time to rethink my choice of grooming supplies.

Rant over.

giardap's picture

x2 on every point you made there Greg.
But I think you really hit the nail on the head there, and it is probably the good parent/leader in you speaking out, when you say; why not use positive reinforcement as opposed to focusing on negativity to invoke change or bolster good behaviors etc.

Right on man.

IrishMack's picture

I'm not surprised in the least. Its not toxic masculinity, its feminizing the strong. You have the dadbod, the manbun, the skinny jeans, e.t.c. The world is changing, and not for the good. Pretty soon we will be defenseless against the government and big business.

There will only be 2 types of people left, the rich, and the poor.

Anyone remember the movie Escape from New York? Maybe its a sign of things to come lol.

Damnit I didn't have my tin foil hat on when I wrote this.

Mean Cuisine's picture

Dudeeeeee what you just described is the short story book “time machine” have you read it? amazing read

In a promo × 1
giardap's picture

You are closer to the truth than not I reckon lol

I was talking to the fella about this today, he is a right little nonce, self righteous male feminist sort. I said the ad is offensive to some because it says there is something wrong with men, that masculinity is toxic, and that Gillette's CEO managed to turn an alpha male product into a beta cuck overnight. He says, ask women what their opinion is so I told him I dont need their opinions to know that there is nothing wrong with men/masculinity.

Man, he nearly shat himself with rage! " so women's opinions dont matter?"

The world has gone mad!!

IrishMack's picture

What I dont understand is my generation grew up eating mud pies, fighting with fists, getting a huge cut and then Mom pours hydrogen peroxide on it, always coming home with either a cut, sprained muscles from playing outside all day. We grew up with moms that smoked and drank while pregnant, we got our asses beat when we fucked up, not being able to sit for a few days from the belt. We grew up with bullys and we got bullied, we were bully's ourselves, or we beat the bully's ass when our fathers told us to either fight back or not come home. we drank, we partied, we did so much stupid shit.

Then we had kids.......and somehow we raised these kids to be absolute pussies. We coddled them, we bought them anything they wanted because we never got everything as we were taught the value of hard work gets you everything. We gave them trophies for just participating. We let them live with us and never move out. We taught them if they are bullied to become pussies and just tell on the bully and have their parents protest. We let them have cellphones in junior high school. We gave them video games so they could lock themselves in their room and become out of touch with reality. We have folks wanting to ban christmas songs because it implies rape or bullying. We have people who want to take a fucking mythological make believe Santa Claus and make him gender neutral.

I honestly don't think this world has much longer to go. Human kind is its own worst enemy. Ask Flash hows it going in Australia now that the government disarmed their citizens. That could be right around the corner in the united states. In france with that whole upheaval, that is the way it needs to be but noone wants to do that here in the states. Its easy to start a fight behind the computer where they know they wont get killed or get their ass kicked. I could go on and on.

I'm just sick and tired of everyone being scared. Scared to say anything less you offend someone. Scared to tell your boss that if he calls you names or gets in your face again you will act in self defense and beat his or her ass. Scared to go out at night. But most of all with the way things are now......Scared to be a MAN.

Pale's picture

I don’t know how you all raised your kids but that isn’t how I raised mine. My son is a Marine. My daughter works three jobs and goes to school.

I only watched the commercial once but I think they had an idea and they just didn’t translate it the way they should have. Greg’s synopsis was pretty well on point for what they should have done. I think they knew that tho and just wanted to generate controversy ala Nike. I doubt this marketing campaign will work as well tho

IrishMack's picture

That makes us some of the very few people that raised our kids right. You instilled values into your kids so therefore they are doing the right thing. But we are starting to become the minority. Its not boiling down to race wars anymore, its values war.

Pale's picture

I don’t know about that bro. This same narrative has been going on since the 60’s. The kids are alright itvis the older folks I consistently see saying and doing stupid things these days

IrishMack's picture

The world grew up pretty fast in the past 40 years though.

Pale's picture

That is also true

giardap's picture

Ironically, we can lay a lot of the blame for this at the door of college/university campuses. They have gone from being education providers (but also moderators) who encourage intellectual freedom, to being proponents of left leaning ideologies.

Send your kids to uni and potentially create a lunatic!

Pale's picture

I am not buying it. The media is far guiltier than university. But I am not going to even entertain the left versus right bullshit that only feeds the divisions.

giardap's picture

Take a look at the whole Jordan Peterson drama. Different topic I know, trans people and pronouns etc. but it shows what universities are incubating.

Left vs. Right.... well, they will all end up back in the middle at some stage. They always do.

Pale's picture

My personal take is those pulling the string just love to keep us at each other’s throats.

IrishMack's picture

I would plus the shit out of you for this response.

Greg's picture


I'm a conservative in a very liberal area. On a personal and local level left v.right does not exist. It's the same old social debate only those who are participating have tossed out the rules of decorum.

It's like the fine art of boxing in the days of Muhammad Ali devolving into cage fighting.

Roid Noid's picture

I had absolutely zero political views until 2016 when I started getting woke. Now I'm very conservative and fortunately live in a 72% conservative country. But in a very liberal state which is new Governor is now taking our tax money to give free health care to illegal immigrants.

Pale's picture

I guess I just cannot understand how anyone can be more conservative after 2016 but I don’t live in an ultra liberal state either.

But this thread while it is still fairly peaceful for now is flying in the face of our standing no politics rules. I am leaving it open for now but it isn’t going to stay that way for long I am confident.

giardap's picture

Hope that doesnt happen
Better to keep it to beard hairs, male or female haha

Pale's picture

I was always a conservative but now fiercely independent. I refuse to consider myself anything other than an American.

fusebox's picture

Truth right there.

JUICEBOX0331's picture
