GizmoDuck's picture
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DAMN.......John 5


Just got out of seeing John 5
And DAMN. He puts on a damn good show. Best show I’ve seen in Years. He is amazing in guitar

giardap's picture

Totally addicted to this now! Nice 1!

GizmoDuck's picture

He is damn good right!

giardap's picture

Yeah this lad has got mad skills. Crazy. I would guess he is classically trained?
Either way, unreal.

His electro bits remind me of the Flaming Lips for some reason!

GizmoDuck's picture

Yea. He was classically trained

333's picture

Just YouTube him he is like our age Joe satriani or Steve via. My father in law toured with Steve and joe

press1's picture

Bloody hell really?! Must be a great player - a guitarist too is he? F'in Vai is awesome, not even of this world in my opinion....

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333's picture

Yeah he's really good he has a whole section of his basement with like 200 guitars and shit I'm no musician he's the only way I heard of those guys he has old.vidoes and shit it was pretty cool

press1's picture

Speaking of talented Rock musicians - How utterly sad about Keith Flint of The Prodigy dying today :( I know it was of his own doing but I grew up listening to a lot of their music, same with Chester of Linkin park. I hate hearing of news like that when they are such icons also.

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333's picture

I seen This it's to bad he died so young from not a self inflicted death but I'm sure the drugs or alcohol caught up I'm not sure so I have no room to talk. same with Chester and audio slave singer even money can't buy happiness. Mental health is becoming more looked at thank God

GizmoDuck's picture

Yea. I just read about that. I listened to them back in the day. Fat of the Land

Yea. Chester. Chris. Sad. People can seem like they got it all together on the outside but inside they are struggling

press1's picture

You can't even begin to imagine how depressed they must feel in general to do this, The world at their feet, brilliant at what they do getting to perform and feel a high most of us will never ever experience, tonnes of fans and multi millionaires off the back of natural talent and yet still feel like this? Makes you realise how lucky we are in just feeling brilliant off the back of a basic gym visit...Never take anything for granted

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press1's picture

No good - Start the Dance. Now there's some proper 90's U.K Rave music for Yaaa! Lol Awesome track

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GizmoDuck's picture

Dang. I was big into the rave scene in 99. It was actually good here. Loved me some Progressive Trance

333's picture

Never heard of him ill have to YouTube him any suggestions

GizmoDuck's picture

John 5 is the ex guitarist of Manson and current guitarist for Zombie. But does his own side project do just music