GizmoDuck's picture
  • 173

Damn. I’m weak!!! Balls!!!


Damn. First day back after month and half off. Got my elbow sleeve on and it’s doing well. Chest and gonna try some tri today. Feels damn good to be back but damn. I’m weak. Haha. Freakin had to ask an old ass lady to spot me for the bar on the bench. That’s ok. She said keep it up sunny and I’ll get back to where I wanna be!

Bill1976's picture

When I started lifting my bench max was 100 pounds. I was weak and you know what? people didn’t laugh they always kept saying you will get bigger and stronger if you keep it up. Love the gym it’s positive energy all the way. You will get it back faster than you think. Just keep going and you won’t be sorry.

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press1's picture

I remember my first weight set being one of those plastic encased concrete sets - All of 32kg! When I got that full load on that bar finally and could bench it I thought I was superman Smile But it was that euphoric high that followed afterwards that I became addicted to - still haven't found anything that comes close to it. If only you could get it in pill form I'd munch them all day.

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JUICEBOX0331's picture

lol, I had those, they were like bronze in color and the ends were cracked. Every rep concrete powder would sprinkle out, over time they each got like 5 pounds lighter.

press1's picture

Yeah they were Bronze coloured too! lol The discs were so big - then when you had to go to an iron set they were a 1/3 of the size and made you feel like a pu**y haha. Remember the first time you saw a 45lb plate and thought Jesus look at the size of that thing ...

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GizmoDuck's picture

Sir, they do. But those pills are illegal. Lol

press1's picture

Do they give you a killer appetite and make you stronger too though? Lol

That aside - what tabs are you speaking of?!!

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GizmoDuck's picture

Shoot. I want that pill from Limitless

GizmoDuck's picture

True. Just gotta keep going!

press1's picture

Did you fall down from a ladder or something similiar? - I bet that absolutely killed!

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0newheelup's picture

Damn thats harsh. Mosh pit got me once also, not as bad as urs, just a broken ankle and bloody nose. But the girl I was with was a nurse, so that deffinately turned into some serious doctor/patient role playing later that night!

press1's picture

Man I use to Love my metal concerts - Always preferred seated even though it sounds pus*y Lol The one time I went standing in the front was to Metallica and some MF'er headbutted the back of my head and I felt his top teeth go into me so never again haha

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GizmoDuck's picture

Shoot. I can’t do seated. Ghost has been doing most shows with only seating. I don’t get that. How is a Goth/Rock band gonna have seating only

press1's picture

Ohh don't get me wrong dude I don't sit down at all once the band comes on - I stay stood throughout but I just prefer it as you don't get crushed and shoved around, I can go for a piss too when I want to and not be blocked in till the end hahaha

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pickle's picture

Psssh us melenials just piss in the middle of the pack. Was at EDC in Las Vegas when i was 18 and made it to the front of the main stage before i realized i had to piss super bad. Looked behind me at 70,000 people, no way i was going to make it out of that. Pissed on everyones shoes.

GizmoDuck's picture

Yea. Haha true. I have to empty bladder before the show. Freakin In flames was nutts last month

GizmoDuck's picture

Jeez. What Band?

GizmoDuck's picture

Damn. Actually a good sound. Nice

DSTER's picture

Just getting back from a ruptured distal tendon myself. Going very light and focusing on some cardio :/

I’m not sure exactly what’s up w ur elbow but be easy. I convinced myself I had tendonitis, but I think the truth was it was partially torn. Did the bpc/ tb routine felt great for a few months then it snapped from the forearm.

GizmoDuck's picture

Ruptured??! Did you need surgery?

GizmoDuck's picture

Glad it went well and you’re back. Yea man take it easy.

DSTER's picture

Correct. Had surgery in Jan.

GizmoDuck's picture

From everything I read with signs and symptoms I diagnosed myself as having mild/mod tendonitis. It’s 98% better now. Using my compression sleeve helped at gym yesterday and today.

GizmoDuck's picture

Today was day 2. Did back. Damn felt good too!

0newheelup's picture

I hate that weak feeling. Be sure to take it easy. I have to watch my shoulders and elbows. Glad ur back and got some good time in with ur daughter.

GizmoDuck's picture

Thanks man. Bout to head up there now before work. Freaky. Chest is sore. Gonna do a little back now
Miss the soreness. Ha

Cochise's picture

I’ve been out since New Years cause of
I was supposed to start a cutting cycle in a month, now I have to start a cutting cycle before that cutting cycle...
and no not really laziness just life....

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sunamcaxa's picture

I started 3 weeks ago after 8 months of doing nothing, it’s a disaster

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press1's picture

Don't know how you managed that mate - I'm climbing the walls to train after just a day off! lol I keep saying I'm going to take a week off to fully rest up and give the tendons a chance to heal and catch up but the most I can manage is 2 days and I give in.

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sunamcaxa's picture

I do have day off every 4 days,

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JUICEBOX0331's picture

Yeah I have an issue as well, what gets me to take a day off is when I go and dont get a pump, sluggish. Ect. I figure I'm just stunting my gains at that point.

Bearded_muscle's picture

Month and a half? I don’t think I’ve taken that much consecutive time off since 2006...

Weren’t you going mental? For me it’s the therapy that keeps me civil on a regular basis.

GizmoDuck's picture

Yea. Drove me bonkers. I hate missing gym. But damn good to be back in tho!

JUICEBOX0331's picture

I need a month and a half in the Caribbean, lifting pina coladas.

Ozninjaguy's picture

Let me know if you need a spotter.

GizmoDuck's picture

Shoot. I’d be good with a week long cruise. Guaranteed hook up there. Ha's picture

lol, I feel you bro.

Getting over that initial strength slump is rough, your stabilizers are shaky af

After my shoulder surgery, I looked like a newborn giraffe when I tried putting up some dumbbells.

GizmoDuck's picture

Haha. Yup. But damn feels good to be back tho
Thank goodness this old grandma was here to spot me

Carlos Danger's picture

I’m dying!! So can I ask why the time off?

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GizmoDuck's picture

I had really bad tennis elbow and then I went to visit my Daughter in Jersey

Didn’t take off by choice. Heck no. So glad I’m back

Carlos Danger's picture

Gotcha. I asked becuase I’m going to fix a rotator cuff and will be out for three months. I’ll be honest the closer I get to my operation the more I’m getting nervous. Gives me another challenge to overcome but it’s definiely hard work lost

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Bearded_muscle's picture

You can train legs. Train them every damn day. Great opportunity to bring them up while your upper body recovers.