NYTX1309's picture
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Hey all,
I'm new to this site, just curious if there are women that are weighting in around 170-190lbs on here? I'd like to get some insight on dropping fat, what you've taken and what works for you? Even daily cal info.

I've lost about 110lbs over the years but cant seem to get under 165.

kodiakGRRL's picture

Congrats ... there aren't really any pills or tabs that are going to work in the long term. What were you doing that no longer works? What have you tried? I was at 190 for a bit but I was trying to go up and have plateaued at 230 ish...

shaun1's picture

all my years on here I've never got the chance to see a pic of you. Id love to see your progress. Please post up a few shoots some time. I'm dieing to see.

Owes a Review × 2
kodiakGRRL's picture

well shit... lol... you've missed them. This season has been going exceptionally well also ...

shaun1's picture

I'm glade to hear that. Keep killing Grrl.

Owes a Review × 2
kodiakGRRL's picture

thanks Shaun... I ll figure out something for picks and perhaps get some more up

NYTX1309's picture

I'm trying to put on muscle but get rid of fat... I'm sure that's what most people want to achieve lol. I've tried HGH and anavar in the past. Diet and exercise are key of course but I've been looking into clen recently and was considering a cycle. I've also been reading up on SARMs like GW and RAD 140. Any recommendations or advice would be great.

kodiakGRRL's picture

I know you are tired of hearing this but diet is really the key to this whole damn game ... anything that you have to take to aid in fat loss isn't going to be permanent ... clen is a big loser particularly if not used on the right conditions (pre contest) ... macros macros macros .... figure out those macros and then follow them they have been the biggest key to my success in adding muscle and trimming the fat off more so than any aas I have ever used (but, I have not used aas to aid in fat loss either) it isn't easy and it is work but if you want it bad enough ....

GYM SUPPS's picture

Hello Madam,

Welcome to eRoids community and thank you for sharing this info. Just want to say well done for losing all that weight, keep it up.


333's picture

Dang 110 lbs is a lot congratulations what I would do I look under the little blue arrow top right of screen look up ladies lounge or simply diet info there is a lot of info here