Ethan412's picture
  • 7

-1 Trying to get back into it


I have been a gym @Rat” for years and have used anabolic sin the past, but it was a long time ago. I am trying to get back into them and am not sure what I should try? I have experience with equi and test and turanabol and proviron, but that was years ago. I am older now and have been back at the gym for about 3 months now and want to try some anabolic. Any suggestions? I’m not necessarily a newbie, but it has been a while and I’m definitely open to all suggestions.

kmitera24's picture

Definitely wait a while before jumping back into things. I know you said you have experience with thibgs, that doesnt mean you're ready now for them. If your diet isn't on point get that dialed in, that's the most important part. Also, since youve only been back at it 3 months I'd hit the gym consistently for a lot longer before taking anything. With proper diet, sleep and good consistent workout plan you will pack on the muscle easily. I know that's probably not the answer you want to hear but no need to rush into gear. Also, make sure to get bloodwork done and check test levels. I wish you nothing but the best of luck with your journey, be safe.

ashop's picture

Get your testosterone levels checked 1st before you jump on anything.

Gettingbig's picture

TRT its your best bet and I bet your natural levels are low. TRT will get you back and you will be able to make gains.

Ethan412's picture

Not looking for a co-signer, don’t even know what you mean by that. I’m aorry I wasn’t more specific. I’m new, just trying to be a part of the community.

fusebox's picture

You posted pics of gear a buddy gave you from a source on here. Sounds to me like you're looking for someone to sign off on it

Ethan412's picture

I don’t know what you mean about “signing off on it” or “co-signing”. I’ve made a few posts about things I’m thinking of doing and what I have. I don’t get why everyone is thinking I’m trying to get anyone to “co-sign” anything. I take all advice to heart and appreciate it all, but it seems like since I’ve joined this community it’s just been more of people trying to tear anything I do down. I don’t get it. I’m just looking for advice. It’s not like I’m absolutely going to do or not do anything that someone suggests. By “signing off” do you mean that I’m just simply looking for an “atta-boy” or something? Because I can tell you I don’t care about those at all. I found this site through a friend and thought I’d give it a try. Just trying to navigate and gain as much knowledge as possible. Can never know enough. You know?

Ethan412's picture

Lazy and dumb? How? I’m truly asking. I mean I just joined this community. I work out hard and have for a while except for my downspell recently. I’m sorry I’m not as educated as you on AAS, but isn’t that what joint this community is all about? Learning? Come on Rusty, cut me some slack bro. Honestly, this seems like a very judgemental community, especially when all I’m doing is looking for advice. And posting some pics. I would think that people like you, who clearly have so much experience -as your karma indicates- that you would want to try to help put newbies instead of put them down and point out everything they’re doing wrong

Ethan412's picture

Ouch bro. Sorry I’m not keeping up with your schedule and the way you want to keep things done. And if you look at my other posts, I DID put down a suggested plan of attack and most of the people told me to hold off for now. So what should I do?

0newheelup's picture

Bro... Wow. What Rusty is telling u is, Go do some research, Make a plan that shows uve been doing ur research. A plan that includes Goals, Diet, Workout, Timeline, Cycle, Previous cycles, Stats, and why uve picked this plan. It needs to be creditable and shows uve been doing ur work. It helps when u post up to date pics, not what I used to look like (erase those), but a honest Hey this is me now pic! U claim this to be a judgmental community, well Fuck Yeah it is! Problem is, ur just feeding it negatively, try listening and getting the positive side. Knowledge is power and u cld use a recharge brother.

Ethan412's picture

Also, shouldn’t I be looking for guidance, from someone with more experience? Isn’t that what this forum is all about?

Greg's picture

...and most of the people told me to hold off for now. So what should I do?

Uh... hold off for now?

Ethan412's picture

That’s what I’m doing but apparently that’s not what you guys are looking for. It was a rhetorical question but thanks Greg

Greg's picture

Then, just ignore Rusty, he's obviously isn't aware of that.

Ethan412's picture

Ya, I’m trying to just lay low and workout, stay off the AAS for now and take the positive advice that I’ve gotten, but I guess my “ignoring” or laying low is a sign of being dumb and lazy. So I’m going to be quiet from here on out, but it’s not because I’m being lazy or dumb, it’s because I’m trying to take the small amount of actual usuable suggestions to heart.

Greg's picture

Get off your little pity party and man up. What is pissing people off about you is your little victim act. Your whole mantra which is offensive to most of us is, "it’s just been more of people trying to tear anything I do down."

No, it's just been more of people trying to prevent you from making mistakes and starting off on the wrong foot.

Getting snarky at suggestions you don't want to hear makes you appear as if you're looking for "co-signers", i.e., you only want to hear from those that are in line with your opinion. In other words, you've been given more than, "just a small amount of actual usable suggestions".

Nothing worse than trying to mentor someone who professes not knowing anything but acts like a knowitall.

Ethan412's picture

Fair enough. Sincerely, thank you.

Ozninjaguy's picture

Co-signing or signing off is where someone states that they are going to use X or run cycle Y and rather than actually seeking advice, they are just looking for people to support their decision, and usually do what they want regardless of advice to the contrary.

A few guys here have recommended that you stay 'natural' for a while, get back into gym and diet, and make as many gains as possible without AAS. I agree with them. You can still make considerable gains at your age without AAS, they are slower, but usually better quality and more permanent.

If you plateau in a year or so, then look at maybe running a light cycle. Unless you have consistent blood-work that indicates low Testosterone over a period of time, TRT is not for you. So many young guys are on 'TRT' but are in fact just cruising on Test but don't want to admit that.

For sure you are thinking: "Huh!? a year??" Yes - a year. Once you start on regular cycling of AAS, it's a slippery slope that can lead to a whole host of medical problems down the track if you are not careful - better to avoid them until 'necessary.'

EDIT: Just saw your pics. If they are current then you are a long way from being natural, and evidently been using AAS for quite a while - not years ago. So forget my post above and frankly, I don't get why the forum thread - you are obviously no novice user. Also delete pic 3. At the bottom are several thumbnails of you and your kids.

KMC's picture


You seem to have a need to have the last word.

Prove me wrong.

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KMC's picture
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johnmarshall12's picture

Get in shape for a lil while the good ole fashioned way. Then consider a simple Test only cycle to start!

tattoofreak's picture

With just 3 months back in the gym, I do not recommend using any gear. In my opinion you should give yourself at least 6 months more to get in a fit and healthy shape, before using anything more than good food...

Ethan412's picture

Ok. Thanks. Just a little eager I guess and I’m already in good shape. But thanknyoinfornthe advice.

Jayzgainz's picture

What is anabolic sin
Sounds good, hook us up

Anyway, read lots! Know what compounds do then decide what you want to put your body through and if you have the drive and desire to do it

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Ethan412's picture

Thanks bro, I’ll de keep this in mind. Like I said, this isn’t my first bout with AAS, but I am interested in getting back at it

Ethan412's picture

I don’t know if that’s possible bro. I’ve worked out hard and ate correctly for a year with no AAS and still didn’t make 200. But I get whatbtoir saying. Thank you.