Darkhorse777's picture
  • 247

Test suspension


I have some test suspension but instead of being milky like its suspended well its cakey and clumpy i cant even get it through an 18g needle any thoughts or advice?

BJ's picture

If they say keep it & send you a new batch! Sublingual under the tongue!

GrowMore's picture

If the brand rhymes with wagon throw it, they made a bad batch.

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Zalewski's picture

lol wagon, that's great

Darkhorse777's picture

Yep your right thanks .... Wonder why they shipped that garabage

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GrowMore's picture

Sources can’t help what they receive themselves but the mark of a quality source is how they handle stuff like this. I had the same stuff, couldn’t pull it through an 18gauge and the source I used reshipped straight away.

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kibby's picture

If your going to keep it mate probably best thing to do is add 1ml bac water to thin it out.
If this doesn't help I would probably just get rid of it mate

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Darkhorse777's picture

I can try it but i think its just garbage

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Darkhorse777's picture

Same brand also it looks exactly like that so its pretty much garbage

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Greg's picture

It's probably old and/or the water evaporated or leaked out.

Darkhorse777's picture

Thanks i was wondering if i added a little more benz alcohol but i think the raw they started with might have some fillers or something its probably junk

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Darkhorse777's picture

Ill post a pic than maybe the source will make it better

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KMC's picture

Ill post a pic than maybe the source will make it better

Source shaming ???

Maybe better to take it to the source's SI pages.

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Darkhorse777's picture

My main reason is to see if theres something to do other than bin it...If i was a someone looking to buy suspension id want to know what brand of gear its is also i just stated id post a pic i didn't say i tell who the source was ..your jumping to conclusions... I thought eroids was about helping other is it source shaming to post bad bloods of gear? So why is it shaming to show unusable gear

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KMC's picture

Ill post a pic than maybe the source will make it better

Your own words, quit acting so butt hurt.

No homo.

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Darkhorse777's picture

Maybe offer some good advice

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Darkhorse777's picture


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Darkhorse777's picture

Thats so they can see the issue

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Ozninjaguy's picture

Ignore KMC. He only posts non-constructive comments. Look at his list of threads. Nothing of value from joining in 2011, then quiet (thankfully) until 2018, and then rubbish threads....amazing that he has such high karma when all he does is put shit on people and has NEVER posted a pic of himself - after 8 years - not ONE pic. The only profile pic is of some gear allegedly bought in 2012 from a promo, no less...eight years ago...hhhmmm - that's gotta tell you something...

Darkhorse777's picture

Smile lol

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Bearded_muscle's picture

Trash it. Nothing to be done. Src should never have sold it in the first place.

KMC's picture

Practice using an 8ga needle. Just swab with alcohol and dry punch with the 8ga pin for practice,........... or you could throw the crap in the garbage bin and save yourself some pain.

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Darkhorse777's picture

8ga great advice

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Greg's picture

One is raw powder mixed with water, looks like flour and water mixed togeather, milky white. The other is brewed but without an ester attached. Clear in appearance, but can also have a tendency to crash a lot.

Darkhorse777's picture

Test no ester ...its in oil not water

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johnmarshall12's picture

Toss it!