Bulkdaddy's picture
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Hey fellas, every time I run a heavy cycle. My biggest problem is not getting sleep. I have took ambien doesn’t work. I’ve taking 6-8 Benadryl plus zzz quill on top. Fall asleep for 4 hours. I feel pretty restless most of the time. I don’t take any other psych meds just because they’re like tranquilizers when taking them for sleep. I just want to hear some of you guys input. Plus if you don’t run or never have ran a heavy cycle it’s probably best not to comment. Your melatonin and other stuff just doesn’t work at well as when you’re on a light cycle.

press1's picture

Keep meaning to say this but keep forgetting - one thing I find really disrupts my sleep is Creatine. If I just take it the day before bench and on training day then I am fine, 15g a day roughly.

But once I start to properly load it up every single day boy does it knacker my sleep - I lay there for ages unable to fall asleep so just end up getting back up and eating and 'Eroiding' Lmao

Maybe Pornhubbing too ....

Don't go losing that Damn EXP tag again either LOL ++

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Jim Layhey's picture

..... or dabs.

Bulkdaddy's picture

Lmfao bro I was just thinking every time I get to 650 I get knocked down to 500... Yea I think you are right. I need to get a pre workout that’s not such a stimulant.

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Bulkdaddy's picture

Okay fellas... I was only inject Monday and Thursday. I split the dosages up into every other day... I’m sleeping great...My mood is more stable along with my sleeping... Fuck y’all! Love Bulk!

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BJ's picture

“Birthday Cake strand Weed”

Bulkdaddy's picture

I have been taking some CBD which has been helping...

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Jim Layhey's picture

I have been taking some CBD which has been helping my anus

Chill Ma’am

Bulkdaddy's picture


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Achak's picture

Delta-Sleep Inducing Peptide is worth a shot

Bricksthemasterpiece's picture

I never heard of that bc like alot.of people i actually suffer from.chronic insomnia and so far im.just against physoactive sleep aids and the xanax route my friend after 3 months of 2mg a day said it was the hardest thing he ever had to quit n he was on perks for 6 months with a broken back. I jus recently saw an urgent care doctor.and she told.me withoit xanax or seroquel im on enough medicine to put a bear 2 sleep.

OlympicLats's picture

A joint preferably indica strain, this will help...

sunamcaxa's picture

have you tried alprazolam? I think in states it’s called xanax, it helps a lot but next day you can feel tired a bit and its not recommended to use everyday

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maddogg's picture

If you start down the Xanax road within a week you won’t be able to sleep at all without it for some time and it is the most addictive drug I’ve used

sunamcaxa's picture

I take it 3 days in a row and then need to stop because I feel like shit dunno how people can use it every day and 2mg knocks me out for good 12 hours, and I only take it maybe ones a month to get good sleep and be ready for upcoming day

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press1's picture

I dabbled with a box of 5mg Diazes at the height of my drinking many years ago and within a week managed to pretty much F up my whole life and alienate everyone. Not worth it imo

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maddogg's picture

Yeah, the shit I pulled while drinking and on Xanax without getting into specifics, is why I was given my nickname, Maddogg. You can go from happy to homicidal literally in the time it takes to snap your fingers, you just need a trigger.

press1's picture

Mate I was chasing the tabs down with Whiskey & wine and was constantly falling over, there was blood on my doors the next day when I'd fallen head first into them and through shower doors. It was an extremely messy time. I felt like a third person sat watching myself in the lounge, BUT the comedowns that would last around 2 days were just the worst paranoia and anxiety imaginable. Could never go back to those horrific times ....

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sunamcaxa's picture

a friend of mine had comedown for a week from pregabalin after taking it for 3 months straight at extremely high doses, he said that was worst time of his live some crazy shit like heroin comedowns

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sunamcaxa's picture

omg 13mg how is that possible that’s crazy I could get blackout for a week after 13 or die

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wanted's picture

I sleep soo much better after sex.

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Jim Layhey's picture


I cum way harder from myself than any hoe in history.

Jim Layhey's picture


Pumped_'s picture

Haha Press1 said "five finger knuckle shuffle" lol. I think its the same idea haha

press1's picture

Palmela Handerson and her friends LMAO

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Pumped_'s picture

Mary Palm and her five sisters lol

Sam I Am's picture

Dudes to tired to reply to his thread. : )

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press1's picture

Lol Do you know where that Deadlift post has gone??

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Slowly's picture

Brother most likely the gears have taken over. I took this one, I took this one and this one again... Know how to measure (not the gears) but your health according to what you can get out of it.
Take care of yourself my friend, life is only one.

EagerToLearn's picture

This is general advice if you MUST take sleep meds for whatever reason.

Ambien is crap. I have an oura ring and whenever I have taken it my sleep architecture is destroyed. Almost no REM nor SWS. Antihistaminics such as benadryl is just as bad.

Stay away from benzosif you can.

Try out low dose trazodone. 25mg to 50mg is all you need. Do it sublingual to bypass the liver (some metabolites have a long half-life and are associated with a little daytime grogginess). No tolerance and almost no sides other then a little grogginess for the first few days. Trazodone is the best and safest hypnotic out there hands down. Trazodone is not that good for sleep initiation (melatonin and magnesium for that) but very good for sleep maintenance and preventing early awakenings. It also slightly prolongs SWS with little effects on REM

Mitrazapine is good as well, although the half-life is IMO far too long and there is weight gain and daytime somnolescence associated. If that doesn´t work, than low dose quetiapin. Zopiclone is good as well. Although all these three are a little on the more "heavy" side, but have little stage erosion, whereas zolpidem, benzos, antihistaminics fuck your sleep architecture

So my ranking (tried out many):
trazodone >>>>> zopiclone (low dose) and quetiapin and mitrazapine >>>>>>>>> benzos and antihistaminics

And yes, sleeping pills aren´t optimal, but sleeping badly isn´t either and i´d say even worse.

addicted.to.pain's picture

Gotta be the Tren bro .

Goose24's picture

Maybe just dial the cycle back to the point where you can sleep without accidentally killing yourself? 6-8 Benadryl and z quill should be your sign you just need to back down on the cycle. Keep us posted bud!

Bulkdaddy's picture

I may cut the tren out...

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Goose24's picture

Smile probably for the best. Or just back it down bud.

Jim Layhey's picture


Sam I Am's picture


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Bearded_muscle's picture

Watch this through if you have the patience: https://youtu.be/--GyPwGqduk
Put it on during cardio or something.

If you just want to see his product: https://www.supplementneeds.co.uk/products/sleep-stack-and-magnesium-bis...

I take a pretty good dose of magnesium year round for that reason but the video explains all the ways tren in particular, but any androgen receptor stimulator can disrupt sleep.

Pxpxp's picture

Well said! I love Benadryl for my allergies, but too much or to often it terrible for you!

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DbolAndAll's picture

have you tried thc oil? I never ran tren but I can fall asleep and stay asleep the problem for me is i wake up feeling like shit and feel lethargic and im not on anything at all as well.

Pxpxp's picture

I said the same. THC is going to get huge in the fitness world soon. Yes it make me a little groggy, but just lower your dosage and get a good cup of coffee in the morning!

I recently started using THC, and the next day, I’m lifting heavier and feel more recovered. To make my post clear- it doesn’t help me get stronger, rather it relaxes my muscles the night before I hit the gym.

I would definitely give THC and CBD a try. I used regular CBD w/o THC and I didn’t feel much.

I hope you find what you need bro

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press1's picture

A Five finger knuckle shuffle always does the trick for me, always wake up feeling worse and lethargic from it but it guarantees solid sleep for me for about 4 or 5 hours till I need to get up and eat again. A solid 8 hour sleep is just not possible on tren. If you do manage it then you'll wake up in a hypo and dehydrated beyond belief Lol

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Pxpxp's picture

Bro I am being truthful here, but you might want to try cannabis. It has been amazing for me! I get bad anxiety during my higher dosed cycles. But cannabis chills me out and loosens up my muscles. Also, I sleep amazing while on it. I have used melatonin for years, but cannabis is a hundred times better.

I hold stress in my neck and during a cycle my neck is so tight I start to freak out because I can not pop my neck. Cannabis truly make me relaxed and my neck loosens up. I sleep like a baby every night.

Hope that helps bro

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Slowly's picture

Man, I share the choice of cannabis, not the light one but the good one :-)

Pxpxp's picture

Yes!! It truly has changed my recovery and sleep. I love the stuff. But I like most that I just don’t like alcohol anymore and would rather have a bit of cannabis before bed.

And shit, cannabis is amazing for the sex life!!

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