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Pentosan polysulfate


Hey bros I came across this compound in my research for healing all my joints that got screwed up from accutane. I had never heard anyone mention it before so I thought I would bring it up. The research is extremely promising in trials of dogs, racehorses, and people for arthritic joint pain. Been FDA approved to treat interstitial cystitis in humans for a while now so it's safe in humans, but research is finding it works very well for joints also. Only side may be a mild anti blood clotting effect.

A couple studies on people:
"In this pilot study, 4 weekly injections of NaPPS were associated with significantly improved duration of joint stiffness and pain at rest compared with controls for 20 weeks after the cessation of treatment, and significantly improved pain on walking and overall function for 8 weeks after the cessation of treatment in these patients with OA of the knee."
Another study:
"under controlled, double-blind con- ditions, 4 consecutive weekly IM injections of NaPPS 3 mg/kg improved joint stiffness, pain at rest, and patient assessment of the effectiveness of treatment for up to 20 weeks after treatment cessation..."

This has also been used in racehorses and dogs for quite some time and has been very effective. Detailed YouTube video on it that cites many animal studies (disclaimer: long and boring but some good info; skip to PowerPoint section if you watch it)

The mechanisms of action are:

(a) Stimulating Chondrocyte Metabolism - resulting in increased production of proteoglycans and healthy cartilage matrix. PPS stimulates synovial fibroblasts to produce increased amounts of high molecular weight hyaluronic acid which results in an increased production of normally viscous joint fluid. Improving the fluid volume and consistency results in more effective joint lubrication and stabilisation, which limits further cartilage damage.

(b) Anti-inflammatory Activity - PPS has an inhibitory action on all mediators of the arachidonic acid cascade. PPS also inhibits the lysosomal catabolic enzymes hyaluronidase, histamine, cathepsin B, and polymorphonuclear elastase. PPS exerts a specific inhibitory effect on mediators implicated in the degradation of cartilage matrix components, preserving the cartilage and preventing the release of the highly inflammatory mediators, thus relieving pain and inflammation.

(c) Fibrinolysis and Lipolysis - PPS is strongly fibrinolytic, stimulating the release of plasminogen activator, and promoting the dissolution of thrombi and fibrin deposits in synovial tissues and subchondral blood vessels. PPS also mobilises lipids and cholesterol in synovial and subchondral blood vessels, which have been implicated in the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis in older animals. These effects combine to increase the prefusion to the joint, which stimulates cartilage healing and repair.

I'm currently running an experiment on myself with this compound. I'm following the usual dosage guidelines of 3mg/kg of body weight. Two weeks in and using alongside bpc-157 for specific site healing for my rotator cuff. So far inflammation in my knees is down significantly. Before they look like tomatoes after I finished squatting and cracked like rice crispies. Elbows feel smoother and more fluid during movements. Nothing overly dramatic, but I'm hopeful after following the four weeks mentioned in all the studies it'll have more improvements and then continue to improve post treatment.
Looking for other people who have ran this to share with me their experiences.

shazzy's picture

Anyone know of a supplier for Pentosan? The US supplier I has dried up and I have been scammed by a Ukranian supplier recently (more fool me, yeah)

Protein4breakfast's picture

Interesting, I don’t have joint issues but still good to know. Thanks for posting!

In a promo × 2
shazzy's picture

Haven't seen much about IM??

shazzy's picture

Yeah I thought I was pretty on top of disease modifying drugs/therapies for OA... but playing catch up in reading about it. IF they get this to market then it will be a blockbuster for them for sure.... we'll all get OA in some form, what with living longer!

I have been offered microfracture for OA of my patellofemoral joint but my reading around the longer term results makes me a bit hesitant to go for it....for me it looks better to try PRP, hyluronic acid or wait for ACI (autologous chondrocyte implantation) , than to go for microfracture. ACI looks to be "nearly there! but different technologies seems to be competing for how they hold the chondrocytes in place,,gel, mesh?

shazzy's picture

Has anyone else tried this? Trials seem pretty positive and getting hold of the calcium salt seems like a good idea if you are going to try it orally (the only sane way it seems to me for home use) intraarticular just seems way way too risky.

Here is a recent news report, also googling will pop up some papers, not many full articles are available to me but most abstracts look pretty positive.

onie's picture

How did the Pentosan polysulfate work out for you?

shazzy's picture

Sorry so slow to answer, but really well....... I had pretty clear PFJ cartilage issues that were stopping me from cycling and lifting without immediate and progressive pain (more lifting = more pain). I have been getting slowly more able after the six week course on Pentosan. Only side was loss of hair on each side of the knee ( I alternated sides) -subcutaneous shots at the same dose as the two publically available trials, twice a week for six weeks.

Not a miracle cure at all but if you have OA that is slowing you down in one joint particularly, I reckon this is a very good thing to try with regular biomechanical re-hab ex and good diet, weight control and possibly MSM, chondroitin and Glucosamine at the same time. Made me able to train which in turn saved my mental health.

Oh yeah, I got mine from Racehorse Meds in the US.