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+ 54 "Diet Clinic" - Now Live


OK - Let's get this started. This thread is for those of you that need nutritional support / guidance. Repeatedly people find this aspect the most difficult to pin down and get right and that's exactly what this is here for. We have a cycles page for tweaking cycles, bow we have a diet clinic for tweaking diets. Get your training schedule right as well, you're one step ahead already.

This is how this is going to roll. You post up:
Your stats (be honest)
Ideally a recent pic we can look at from your profile
Your goal
What you currently eat and when along with an idea of training times / work schedule
Any food allergies / dietary requirements
Any foods you can't stand / particularly enjoy (not Pizza lol)

In return, your get FREE nutritional advice and a framework plan to work from to maximise your results. Not just from me and Viking, I want you guys in here showing what you've got on the nutritional front. We've got some great knowledge on this board, this is your thread to show it.

Let's keep this constructive and respectful at all times, but I don't feel the need to "sugar coat" if someones diet needs a complete rebuild if they're getting all wrong. Let's also flip that and avoid become defensive and taking critique personally.

Let the gains begin!

The Impastable's picture

You know, I picked up a few packs and alternate them at breakfast... I'm not saying their "real" Crumpets that you clap flags (to quote Vike) are used to, but for Trader Joes brand, they're pretty fucking delicious. It's like a mix between breakfast muffins and pancakes, and they're chock full of carbs too.

Catalyst's picture

If I thought they'd get there without turning green I'd post you some.

The Impastable's picture

I'll stick to my trader Joes ones until I take the trip over, think that would solve the mold issue! Lol

The Impastable's picture

You fucking Brits with your "tea time" lmao.


its an old fashioned saying that bro........ its what we class as our evening meal.

i dont think anyone still does "tea time" with fkn tea and cake apart from Aristocrats or fkn Wannabees lmao!

i hate tea....... all it does for me is stain my pearly whites, and we cant have that now can we!!

Catalyst's picture

Lol - don't think we are the target market for "high tea" etc.....

Catalyst's picture

Lol ;) Any excuse for another meal.

The Impastable's picture

HA! As if you needed one you fucking animal. One day I will work my way up to your amount of intake, while simultaneously going broke!

Catalyst's picture

Bottomed the scales out today. They go to 21stone, so 294. Think I'd better stop with the bulking.......

The Impastable's picture

Nonsense, there's plenty of room left for bulk!!! It only becomes an issue when you realize you have no clothing left that fits, or if the misses keeps passing judgement...

Catalyst's picture

I had to buy a new suit last weekend, funeral to attend next week on Monday. Went into a proper tailor, he takes one look at me and says "made to order?"

I'm so immobile though it's a joke. Think I'd struggle to keep up with an 80yr old.

The Impastable's picture

You have my sympathies! Question, when you're on your last week prior to cutting, does your diet still stay neat or do you give it some slack and dirty it up a little since you won't be able to for 20 weeks or so?

Makwa's picture

I'm going to grab some pizza this week and then go out for an all you can eat fish fry on Friday. Cals and carbs will still be kept up a little for the first couple weeks but I will also start doing some cardio now which I avoid like the plague while trying to bulk. I am not in too bad of shape so I will really button down the diet about 17-16 wks out. I like to get my cycle started a few weeks earlier before I really start dieting super strictly and implementing alot of cardio so that everything is in full swing to help prevent as much catabolism as possible. Next weekend will now have to be all you can eat baked fish instead of fried and hold the potatoe and buns.

The Impastable's picture

Interesting... Will you be starting a log or documenting your road in the prep group? I've been reading a ton of info on prepping and am very interested in learning more, as the principals you're talking about apply a cross the board, not only for prepping... Except probably the level of strictness you must adhere to.

Makwa's picture

This is the cutting strategy I used last time and will likely be doing this go around also. I may try some carb cycling in the beginning here. I have never really done the carb cycling so I am researching up on it now and will probably give it a go for the first month to see how I like it and respond to it.

The Impastable's picture

Already had that bookmarked brother. Smile

You are missing a T at the end of the link, so it comes out as an error.

Pericu's picture

Sorry to jump in. I don't know how Makwa is doing it and of course, you can't give a general answer because everything has a different approach but, I know athletes who "Eat into shows" meaning they start reverse dieting already couple of weeks (not many) prior to the contest.
Doesn't mean they let lose of their discipline or similar but this approach has a lot of benefits too it.

Just wanted to mention that :-)

The Impastable's picture

I've read as much, pounding down carbs to fill out those muscle bellies right into a show. My question was more directed towards this week, prior to him starting 20 weeks of a cut Smile

Appreciate you chiming in though P, you've been doing great work on these forums!

Pericu's picture

Ah, I see. Haha, then I'm sorry to jump inbetween the conv. ;-)

Thanks man, appreciate that it's getting recognized! Great place to be and simply love to share knowledge and still learn myself. It's a give and take I think :-)

sic26's picture

8 whole eggs with pancetta, leeks, spinach, 4 waffles,bacon, and a whole wheat bagel with cream cheese. I'm bulking now still having trouble some days putting it away. your appetite is animal I was just, talking about breakfast lol the rest of the day u still putting it away respect

Owes a Review × 1
The Impastable's picture

Thank you brother, appreciate it. Bulking is all I know lmao. But don't get me wrong, even with a high appetite I still sit there sometimes barely being able to scarf it down... Sometimes it takes me longer to eat than it does to prepare this stuff... And it can be quite a chore!! I can't tell you how many times I've had food come back up, had to swallow it down, and keep eating... A little trick I use every time I falter is "WWVD."

What would Viking do, lmao. I always picture him yelling and saying I eat like a pre-pubescent girly and that I lift like one too... Helps give me that little push to finish the meal and go straight into a food coma.

sic26's picture

Lol "WWVD". I did when I took the shot or hit of the tuna shake :)CHUG IT CHUG IT. And I don't even wanna get started on it feeling like a chore I was sitting at the table so long I was feeling like a kid and mom was there telling me eat my vegetables or no dessert. And I am sitting there with the sad face like I'm never gonna finish this :-(

Owes a Review × 1
gqelite's picture

5' 6 200 lbs 20ish%bf
Goal is lose the fat
Following the Rustyhooker trainer in his bio preceded by 15 min HIIT
I have ten minutes for my breaks at work 30 for lunch which will be meals 2-4

Meal1: 2 whole eggs 1 cup egg whites
1 cup oats 2 tbsp peanut butter 2 tbsp honey

Meal2: 1 scoop protein 3/4 cup egg whites

Meal3: 6 oz chicken 1 cup vegetable 1 cup rice

Meal4: 1 scoop protein 3/4 cup egg whites

Meal5: 6 oz chicken 2 cup vegetable

Also on supplements I do preworkout and bcaaas with breakfast and during work. Cla, osteo biflex and fish oil

gqelite's picture

Meal 3 add 1 cup Triple 0 yogurt.

Catalyst's picture

So what do you think is going wrong here?

gqelite's picture

This is my new diet. I was a bit reckless before new year, eating indiscriminately. I can feel my strength decrease from cutting my carbs. Maybe training too much?

Catalyst's picture

Supplements. You're heavily reliant upon them for your protein intake. If you've got a ten minute break you've got enough time to eat rather than just shakes.

gqelite's picture

what do you suggest I eat then? I have ten minutes to go to the bathroom and get back to the machine BEFORE the bell goes off. Walking to the bathroom and back takes about 3.5 minutes so that leaves me with 6.5 minutes to inhale 40g protein.

The only thing I can think of is lunch meat or beef jerky. Both of which are high in sodium. I can't do hard boiled eggs. Done that before and just hated it.

Catalyst's picture

Mak has you right below. Don't compromise the food for shakes unless you really have to. There are two exceptions to that, post workout whey isolate and overnight casein. Other food>supplements.

gqelite's picture

Thank you. If I wake up early enough tomorrow I'll have my girl take a picture for me to put up.

Makwa's picture

Is there a fridge where you can keep some sandwiches?

gqelite's picture

I have insulated lunch box with extra cold packs.

I could lettuce wraps or something? Trying to keep carbs low to cut bf. Open to suggestions.

Makwa's picture

Tupperware full of chicken or tuna.

knuckleswollen's picture

Catalyst I got off the supplement trap. I'm only take way pre workout with food and post workout. The rest of meals all come from food. My energy is through the roof and I feel great. Food preparation is a challenge however is must be done and it's 100% worth it.
I just wanted to thank you again for taking the time to help me out brother.

Catalyst's picture

No problem mate, glad it's working for you. Keep me updated with your progress, I'm expecting good things from you ;)

Catalyst's picture

So, a more "normal day" of eating after Christmas guests / meals out / eating too much crap. Here we go, I'll skip the snacks etc.

7am BCAAs
7.15am eggs, loads of oats (porridge), protein bread toast
7.45am casein, plus there was a load leftover gammon on its last legs, somebody therefore ate it :-/
8.45am gym - shoulders, heavy. Pressed 150kgs today, dodgy shoulder coped ok.
9.45am out of gym, whey isolate, maltodextrin, then home
10.15am two fillets of sea bream, potatoes, spinach.
12.15am lunch out. Classic Sunday roast. Beef, potatoes, carrots, broccoli. The chef in the local pub knows me now and makes me "special portions". I like him.
2.30pm pork, brown rice, broccoli.
5pm chicken fajitas
(Still to come)
7.30pm chicken breasts and quinoa
10pm casein before bed

Big boy portions again. As my weight goes up, so are the calories. Looking around 7500 per day now. Just below 290lbs now. BF had increased, nothing to get excited about though. My strength is high and I'm pushing real hard in the gym at the moment. Doing five days a week, with two days off. Training sessions are less than an hour, high intensity and big weight. I'll be having a week off the heavy weight shortly and push through some volume.

Catalyst's picture

291lbs this morning. Entire weekend off from the gym to recharge the batteries, much needed. I've moved some fairly serious weight in most of the big lifts this week. 320kg squat X1, 160kg shoulder press x4, flat bench 200kg x5. Next week I'm working volume purely for a pump and to mix things up a bit.

Feeling the extra weight in terms of fitness in a negative way. Sparring at BJJ this week has been tough carrying 290, I'm way more impressive as a grappler at 260. A constant battle I go through, part of me wants to excel in martial arts like I did when I was in my twenties but a slightly bigger part prefers bring a big lump.

Diet is still pretty similar. Putting away a few more calories in line with weight gain. Still largely clean calories from my usual food sources rather than supplements. Getting the volume of food in easily, I'm always hungry at the moment so it's not a chore eating big calories.

John Wayne walk today of the highest order after heavy squatting yesterday. Creaking hips and knees as well as quads that don't bend......

The Impastable's picture

Do go into more detail about this delicious thing you call gammon.

Catalyst's picture

Last piece of a side of bacon, hind leg. Cured just like bacon.

The Impastable's picture

I've been googling it and my mouth is watering. Any preference on the bone or better rolled? Might just have to place an order with my butcher next time, freezer is looking anemic as is.

Catalyst's picture

On the bone if you can, but you'll mostly find it rolled. I poach mine in stock then finish it off in the oven with a honey and mustard glaze.

I've got a piece of fish the size of Jaws under the grill, now all I want is PIGGY Smile

The Impastable's picture

Called my butcher, he can get it rolled only, so I went ahead and placed the order. It's about 50$, which isn't that terrible I reckon.

I've got 3lbs of sole sitting in the freezer, haven't been able to get to fish in a while... I've been trying to clear out the freezer prior to my move at the end of the month, so I reckon I'll get to it in the coming days.

update: butcher came through. 23 lbs with bone in, 32$! Not bad at all, and I can't wait to get this sucker in the oven!

Catalyst's picture

That's dirt cheap. Happy scoffing!

The Impastable's picture

I'm lucky because he always gives me great pricing on meat purchases, especially if my freezer is anemic and I make a big bulk purchase.

I've already been taken off cooking duty by my GF, as she claims I'll end up making it dryer than a lesbian at an all guys club.


HAM bro.......... its ham, soak it in water first to remove the salt... then boil it for a couple of hours, roll it in spices and Honey then roast for a short while................ when its done sit and consume, smiling all the time with the knowing that all you are creating is pure fkn growth.

Fuck all this flavourless crap these fitness freaks like to eat........... this is MAN FOOD!!.

The Impastable's picture

I'll definitely be placing this order then! I'll follow both your and Cat's advice below for how to prepare this... It's going to be a bit difficult waiting for it to finish considering it'll probably aromatize the whole apartment up!

Flavourless crap is why so many people burn out on their diets if you ask me. You're consuming 5k at a bare minimum in calories, that should be a god damned enjoyable 5k calories. When I sit down to have my meals, it's nothing but pure excitement, something to really fill me up and make me think about how tasty it was until the next meal....

I went over my parents house for my mother's birthday over the weekend, and had some meat filled Pierogis made the old fashioned way by her aunt. I had three tray fulls of those bastards and could barely get off the couch after.

Catalyst's picture


kodiakGRRL's picture

you know I ve been sick .... I dropped a lot of weight and looking at your menu for today makes me wish I could even bear to eat a 1/4 of that.. I m slowly working my way up to five meals a day and back to 3500kcals .... however, that said I do believe that I will cut and paste this to add to my list of meals to consider eating ;-)

Catalyst's picture

Thought I hadn't seen much of you. Hope you're on the mend now.

Don't worry, I'm eating for you, and goth, and Viking, ed and a few others at the moment.......

kodiakGRRL's picture

getting better but I am finding that my stomach will turn on me in an instant if I am even the tiniest bit careless.... tomorrow begins my mission to put on the weight I lost and add 5-10lbs ... good thing for me muscle memory is a real thing ;-)