jrbry's picture
  • 5

Can't vote for a source


Hi I wrote a review for a source but I cannot vote for them. Is there something i am doing wrong? According to the rules if you have
Received and used product you are able to vote. But when I try the stars do not change color and I'm unable to vote.

Please help?

Do i need karma for this?

CW69's picture

Add me to the list of can't vote. Are there more instructions that I missed?

Greg's picture

To prevent people starting up fake accounts to vote we require you stick around awhile and get at least 6 karma points before we ban you for making fake votes ;-)

And you better fix your age on your stats.

Titanphysique's picture


I understand all the above. I have reached the karma limit of 6 but I am still unable to vote.
I guess I need to stick around a bit longer. Smile May I kindly ask how long?


CW69's picture

Thank you.

Joefit9876's picture

well, that's fair enough

BigK's picture

I would like to know as well.

berlim's picture

karma 6 n above