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IronMind's picture

Does a world independent of human beliefs and representations exist? Is such a world empirically accessible, or would such a world be forever beyond the bounds of human sense and hence unknowable? Can human activity and agency change the objective structure of the world?

simonmagus84's picture

I believe in the first hermetic principle: Mentalism

Your question is complex but it’s something I’ve asked myself throughout my life. If it helps look into Shrodingers Cat or the Copenhagen Interpretation.

There are obvious boundaries due to relativity, space and time which allow subjective experiences to exist. Without the universal laws of thermodynamics, energy conservation and entropic increase over time, complexity, higher stages of awareness and consciousness would not exist.

I do believe majority of sentient experience is bound by our senses which construct an experience of concepts which allow forms of expression and subjectivity but Richard Feynman and Archibald Wheeler developed the Anthropic principle which states the fundamental laws were developed for sentient experiences. Environment and organism can never be separate as existence adjusts itself relating to the organisms perception.

I’ve asked the question here many times regarding frequency domains or Fourier transforms in which the brain, global coherence of neurons or sensory input operates by decoding frequencies through wave interference patterns and reconstruct these signals into a conscious projection.

The Upanishads mentions something somewhat similar in the Davita Vedanta scripts of a world of truths, possibilities and the material world are opposite but exist in a pre conceptual substrate simultaneously. This is similar to the duality of existence of a wave/particle. One is solid in matter, the other exists in many possible states until entangled by an observer.

I’m going to answer all your questions with possibly

I’m a firm believer in the holographic principal

I don’t believe in a God

We have a limited range of receiving frequencies but the universe contains an unlimited amount of information. The frequency domain has been constructed by previous experiences of our ancestral existence encoded in our DNA to essentially “believe” what we perceive. There is no such thing as forever as time itself is finite as is our universe. This was proven with the photo electric effect and quantization.

I don’t vote/ I’m not antifa or a liberal

Or conservative.

LexMentis's picture

I must say I agree with practically everything you have shared here. Our reality is a spiritual/idealistic/"virtual" reality. "The ALL is mind". The Double-Slit and the Delayed-Choice Quantum Eraser experiments make this unequivocal. Though I must ask.... When you say you do not believe in a "God", do you mean that you literally do not believe in a creator? Seems difficult to have the parameters which allowed a universe to spring forth without having an uncaused first-cause. Or do you see the word "God" itself as having some sort of anthropomorphic connotation to it, so you avoid it?

Spark's picture

"essentially “believe” what we perceive"

I always tell people their perception becomes their reality. One's life can be better enjoyed if they learn to think positively and apply critical thinking skills. Too many blind sheep that live in a bubble and take everything on face value and dont question anything they are told.
To much negativity and fear being propagandizing in society.
Just watch the morning news and one would think that the world is going to end before they leave the house.

simonmagus84's picture

Rhetoric speech is a liberal art for a reason. Words have tremendous power and can shape the masses. I take the stand fast approach when these types of things occur, I will never lose my sense of rationality or humanity no matter the circumstances. I’ve read the scriptures and understood what those people endured and sacrificed for us to construct a civilized society. What was the alternative? Hunter gatherer ? Survival of the fittest? We weren’t sitting in lotus position as ascended beings, we were savages who raped, sacrificed children in belief of agricultural production, pedophilia, beastiality, incest etc. These are pretty common behavior because they’ve been encoded in our species from previous generations... I look at humanity in disgust when we pursue desire. I’m at the point I’m disgusted at myself after I have sex. Invoking a cerebellum desire.

I draw the line at tranny’s though.

LexMentis's picture

"Words have tremendous power and can shape the masses."

I'm sure you are familiar with the phrase: "Every word is a spell, every thought is a prayer."

Spark's picture

Words are so powerfully that what someone says to you during the day you may end up having a dream related to it. As you brain tries to process it and store it.
Garbage in, garbage out.
If one can surround themselves with positive people and watch/read positive things.
A lot of miserable people out there that are happy to try and make you miserable.

wanted's picture

I hope there is away to turn all your knowledge into money.

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simonmagus84's picture

Lol all my knowledge...you’re funny.

IronMind's picture

Math tells us that the smallest possible size for anything in the universe is the Planck Length, which is 1.6 x10-35 m across. This implies that everything is pixels...so are we more likely than not a massive simulation? A better question of this confirmation is, why are error correcting codes found in the equations of nature (also quantum mechanics)? The simple answer is that the universe is written in computer codes, everything is information. I'm not sure its error correction though? So much as it is patterned sequences? What's your thoughts?

simonmagus84's picture

I looked into Jacob beckenstein and the beckenstein bound which is the maximum information able to be contained in the region of space which indicates space time itself is pixelated from 2-dimension, from there the quantum space are possibly embedded from 1 dimensional projections. The simulation hypothesis ignores probability and the Copenhagen interpretation also Shrodingers equations which is a strong implication of a probabilistic indeterminacy universe. Simulation hypothesis completely goes against the indeterminacy of the wave function. I support infodynamics as well as Leonard suskinds lectures of the plank scale pixelation of a black hole reveals that informational radiation is not proportional to the black holes informational volume but rather it’s two dimensional surface area, beckenstein bound, which is starting to strongly support the holographic hypothesis due to the features of storing information.

I feel the simulation is catchy because guys like Elon musk, Joe rogan have talked about it and it’s a new progressive way of thinking but I’ll place my chips on Shrodingers indeterminacy

press1's picture

I Believe in God :-)) He answered & has helped me ever since I begged for his help 6 years ago.

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Nenedemoda's picture


8baller's picture

"Think someone could spend half their life in a slam with a horse bit in their mouth and not believe? Think he could start out in some liquor store trash bin with an umbilical cord wrapped around his neck and not believe? Got it all wrong, holy man. I absolutely believe in God... And I absolutely hate the fucker."

wanted's picture

Remmeber the show ghost whisperer with jennifer love hewitt. She was ahottie back then

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IronMind's picture

Hot AF! She was my high school crush, probably everyone's lol. I like brunette, Sarah Michelle Gellar buffy the vampire Slayer was my blonde....and remember Xena warrior princess!

simonmagus84's picture

I’m only stating those comments because some whack job hacked my account and I’m pretty sure I know who it is and started rambling off false implication. This dude has an ego the size of a mountain and the algorithms of his psyche are limited down the processes of a protocol typical old man who believes he knows everything and won’t accept anything else other than his perspective. Kind of sad to have that superiority complex. Self absorbed, condescending tyrant and a sociopath. I wish him well

The god topic is a completely different conversation but any anthropomorphic form of description puts limitations on something that is beyond our comprehension. Once people start giving something a physical description\gender it loses its essence, it’s purity.

fusebox's picture

From my extensive research and knowledge of similar situations this is my conclusion. If you order you might get what you order or you might not. And if you get it it might be properly dosed and clean/sterile or it might not.

Sounds good to me. Lool

simonmagus84's picture

What a cock tease

fusebox's picture

No homo of course. But in all honesty stay the fuck away is what I suggest. It never gets better from this point

DfromPhilly's picture

Life is a crap shoot after all.

Forehead's picture

tutaj nie pachnie dobrze

Nenedemoda's picture

sytuacja jest skomplikowana, ponieważ tutaj ci, którzy źle mówili, starają się dobrze wyglądać przed Ron

Steel_Truckin211's picture

Something must be wrong with the sites timeline or things have been deleted. Was gonna reply to a post but most are gone.

want2bbigger's picture

I think they may have cleaned up the garbage. Unfortunately I was part of it.

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