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GizmoDuck's picture

Im about to place an order with Ifit for 3 Sus 250 blend and their TrueMass blend for down the road. Ill be running anadrol and 500 SUS a week for 12 weeks with the front load of Anadrol

whiteNcrispy's picture

For what it's worth to anyone looking to run Superdrol tabs, I ended up dropping it after only 6 days at 30mg ED. IFit's tabs come in 15mgs. I ran 15mg a day for one week, but didn't do much alongside 350mg/wk Sus and Tren A other than give me some muscle cramps. I bumped it up to 30mg ED (didn't want to try and split powder) and saw some amazing strength gains in a short time, but it fucked my stomach up bad. It completely killed my appetite, made it a struggle to eat anything, slowed down my digestion to where the food I did eat seemed to stay in my stomach for hours and hours, stopped me up bad basically, gave me horrible indigestion, also made it difficult to drink fluids which led to being so dehydrated that my piss was the darkest I'd ever seen it. That and I literally couldn't stay awake throughout the day without multiple naps, I was just wiped out and lethargic. After dropping it, it's taken a solid 72 hours to start feeling normal, regular, and hungry again without stomach pains. Needless to say, oral Superdrol is some powerful, but nasty gear. I have nothing but love for iFit's gear, but this stuff turned out not to be for me. I'll stick with iFit's Anadrol when adding orals. I've had nothing but great experiences with it.

whiteNcrispy's picture

My urologist called and said further labs looking for damaged cells came back normal. I also went in for a bladder scope, which also returned no signs of abnormality. That exam/scope was not cool, however. They stuck what felt like a hot poker into my dick hole. It was painful as hell, and it felt like I was pissing razors for three days after. I'd rather let the entire hospital line up and give me a thousand prostrate exams than have that done again. FML...Last thing is the CT scan sometime this week.

johnny1's picture

I have never ran superdrol, but plan on using injectable ed with tren ace..

whiteNcrispy's picture

Thanks "Dr." HK1911 who knows nothing about what I am taking for liver support (Liv.52 AND TUDCA), and knows nothing about my labs. Where were you before I wasted time on an actual doctor and labs?

whiteNcrispy's picture

Sorry for the asshole-ish response. I was pretty stressed about the whole ordeal. I was on the same liver support you stated, and while my H2O dipped a bit, I still don't believe it was dehydration per se. The symptoms were way worse post-workout and during my last competition, a day I was consuming mass amounts of fluids. I'm still working with the docs and waiting for a couple more scopes and scans, otherwise all my labs have come back pretty much normal, with a few minor exceptions. I've read that Tren can cause dark colored urine, but it didn't start for 5-6 weeks into the 8 weeks I was on it, and seemed pretty coincidental that it started with the Sdrol. However, as I stated below, it didn't stop after I quit taking Sdrol, but it did after my last injection of Tren. I'm thinking if there is any correlation with compounds and symptoms it's the Tren, not the Sdrol.

whiteNcrispy's picture

I wish I could come off everything, but I would crash and burn so hard it would probably be more detrimental. I'll be 40 in a few months. Natty levels are very low. I have always had good labs at cruise. I'm getting labs again this next week just to follow up. I honestly think I'm going to be fine. With everything cleared up, labs not showing anything way out of whack (even when I was still on the Tren) other than the dark colored urine, exams and imaging showing everything normal, and the fact that I feel totally fine, I'm confident I'll be fine. I'm still going to do the bladder scope and CT just to be absolutely certain. I'm also on my second opinion already, and they are in no way freaking out about anything. The urologist said it could have been any number of things that turned my urine brown, and even mentioned "combination of supplements" loosely. My scope is a week away, and no word on the CT yet. I'll definitely come back and update in a week or so. Thanks for the prayers!

whiteNcrispy's picture

Sorry, didn't see much of a question, just a definitive statement. It was kind of an asshole-ish response on my part though. I was pretty freaked to say the least.

DfromPhilly's picture

you test for kidney stress? dark urine can be the kidneys yelling at you. liver isn't the only thing that takes a beating. What were your liver enzymes at with liv52 and tudca? how much tudca were you taking? What were you taking for kidney stress and what was your water intake?

whiteNcrispy's picture

Legit questions. I've had now, several exams, blood work, urine analysis, prostrate exam and imaging and so far nothing sticks out as horribly abnormal other than the dark piss. Haven't done the bladder scope or CT yet, and urologist not sure yet if they're going to do the CT yet; waiting on them to decide.

On Liv52 and TUDCA, my AST was 55 and ALT 126, a little elevated, but not too worried with the training I was putting myself through and the insanely heavy competition I just did. I really should get GGT tested, however. I was taking 500 mg/Day of TUDCA, and 4 caps of Live52 a day. I'm still taking the Liv52 after dropping the oral and tren. I was not taking anything for kidney stress, which is 100% my dumb ass bad. With the low-moderate dose of Tren I didn't think I'd need it. However, at this point, other than liver enzymes being a bit elevated, and creatinine at 1.29 (upper side of normal, depending on who you talk to), my labs all seem to be in check. Ultrasound imaging of my kidneys and bladder show everything looks normal in size, and bladder function normal. No prostate swelling or infections. And speaking of infections, my urologist suggested that I may have been misdiagnosed with an infection by my PCP in the first place, and that my ever slightly elevated WBC count was probably more due to the way I was training than infection.

Water intake did dip slightly at the beginning of symptoms to 3-4 liters a day, but I corrected that quickly once gastrointestinal-like symptoms subsided, to what I normally drink, which is 4-6 liters a day.

I'll know more once the scope and CT scan are done. Although speculative, I'm starting to wonder if the brown piss wasn't from these so called "tren metabolites", rather than actual blood? The most recent urine analysis by my urologist showed only microscopic traces of blood in my urine, which is contrary to the PCP's urine analysis that claimed it was >30. I'm wondering if they actually counted the blood or just assumed it was high because of the color. Who knows.

Makwa's picture

Did they check your myoglobin. Dark colored urine can be caused by a buildup of myglobin due to excessive breakdown of muscle tissue in the body. Can be caused by excessive lifting and could be the sign of the onset of rhabdo.

whiteNcrispy's picture

Actually, I cannot find myoglobin or MYGLS anywhere on any of my tests.

Makwa's picture

If urine is still dark I would ask about getting it checked. if there is an excess buildup of myglobin, the kidneys can't filter it all and it essentially plugs them up and can lead to renal failure.

whiteNcrispy's picture

Urine cleared up after stopping the Tren. I've been lifting heavy again this week, and everything is back to normal. Doc is having me go in for a bladder scope and probably CT scan just in case, so we'll find out if there is anything else wrong. The ultrasounds showed that my bladder was filling normally, so I don't think there is any blockage. If my urine turns dark again post-workout, I'll definitely suggest it. Thanks!

DfromPhilly's picture

Well it definitely seems like you’re on top of it. Most of that is really good news. I’d watch the liver values tho I’d be freaking out if I was in the 100’s. At least the other is in the 50’s. That’s not bad at all. But you already know that.

Plus we all respond differently I suppose. I like 1g of tudca but it gets pricey.

Good luck man.

whiteNcrispy's picture

Yeah, I'm not messing around. Seeing my piss change color was very alarming. And as a note, it didn't clear up after stopping the Sdrol, but it did clear up completely within 72-96 hours of my last Tren injection, which is leading me to believe it may have been related to the Tren. However, the other thing that changed is my training intensity has completely diminished also. So it was either the Tren, exercise-induced hematuria, or something else is still amiss, and further testing will hopefully clarify or eliminate other issues. So far, no indication of a kidney stone, which is still being tossed around.

My research on liver enzymes shows that elevated values of up to 5 times the upper reference limit (40-44 IU/L in this case) is "normal" in athletes, even without the inclusion of AAS. While I'm not too worried about it, considering the piss pounding my body took up to and through competition, I am watching it, and plan on getting lab work again next week to follow up, after giving my body sufficient time to rest. I'm also just getting on with a legit doc that I will be able to openly talk to about my AAS use. That will be very helpful also.

DfromPhilly's picture

Nice. The doctor thing is priceless. I'm very lucky I can be open with my doc. I think everyone should find one. Glad it started clearing up for you, too.

whiteNcrispy's picture

Yeah, I can't wait to start working with him. It'll be good to have someone on my side, and a legal script!

Pinning85's picture

Yea . I love superdrol . It is the harshest oral I've ever used tho . 3 weeks of it is all I can handle . I have to live off protein shakes because eating feels impossible. Also I used modafinil last time I was on superdrol and it got rid of the lethargic "I want to sleep 19 hours a day " .

whiteNcrispy's picture

I don't think I'll run it again, but after getting labs, it may have had nothing to do with the Sdrol, and symptoms were just coincidental with running it. Not 100% certain, but likely nothing at all to do with the Sdrol. It turns out I have a kidney infection my doc thinks is likely caused by a kidney stone. On antibiotics now, but will find out for sure on Monday.

Xtremefit1's picture

I use to use him as a g2g source I hope he’s still just as good ! looking to pick up a few things!

whiteNcrispy's picture

Currently running iFit's Sustanon and Tren A at 350 mg/wk each, split into daily injections, quads, glutes, delts and lats, all pinning smooth as budda! I also added Superdrol to the end of my cycle going into competition in two weeks. I started the Sdrol at 15mg/Day for one week and noticed little to nothing. I increased to 30 mg/day three days ago and all I can say is holy fucking shit. In just a few days time on the higher dose, the increase in strength is unfucking believable! The sides kind of suck, however. On just Sust and Tren I felt great. I was sleeping like a log, appetite insatiable, libido unstoppable, BP floating around 120/65, with the exception that breathing has become more difficult in the gym. After upping the Sdrol, sleep quality is shit, having bad night sweats, appetite is almost non-existent, the lethargy I've read about is kicking in, and I think the Sdrol is stopping me up. I haven't had a good regular shit in a few days now. Ugh. No bloating though, lean, hard and vascular and in the gym the last two days plates were fucking smashed. All I can say is iFit is as legit and amazing as ever.

Also as a note, running 10mg of iFits Exemestane daily, plus .25mg Caber every 2.5 days. Caber is necessary!

Edit: I stopped by the pharmacy yesterday and got my BP checked. Amazingly, even on the Sdrol it was only 118/65. RHR was also only 70 bpm, which is also a big surprise, considering it's usually up around 85-90 when I'm on orals. I thought for sure my BP had elevated the way I was feeling, but looking good Smile

Littleginger's picture

Previous order went smooth and have another order in

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Littleginger's picture

Anyone ordered recently. Used in past and loved his gear. Looking at grabbing couple things. I know he is private and I’m still customer so covered there

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enhancedlife's picture

Quality as ever.

Littleginger's picture

Thanks guys order placed and all seems good. Looking forward to it

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