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Athlete126's picture

Still to this day best gear i have used. wish he would return

junkyarddesiel's picture

I miss the filled to the brim 25cc jugs.
I still have a few.

dnasty198's picture

Yea me to i lost over $1100

HeavyHitter's picture

Yes it was

jagerbombs's picture

When X Was on oh boy was he On! That NPP was absolute beast. Haven't had NPP like that since!!! Oh well

In a promo × 1
smoore's picture

I'm down over 500. He's long gone.

bigrick2017's picture

I wish x was still around

Pale's picture

So do the people that lost their money.

biceps71's picture

Yeah he got me good, but shit happens and karmas a bitch.

jimbocron's picture

didn't like the last batch of var I gother b4 he bailed. Felt more like dbol

novarecon's picture

So I got some stuff from this source months ago and have not used it yet, I just wanted to know if everything was good with the source before he closed down. Any information would be highly appreciated.

Watered down, etc etc etc.....

Also sorry in advance for any noobiness!

DBG's picture

Damn good tren and mast was here!!

Athlete126's picture

tren e or a?

brandoc84's picture

Both were good.

novarecon's picture

Good to know thank you! Sadly he is gone so if I love what I got I'm out of luck right haha?

Athlete126's picture

Tren a or e?

novarecon's picture

Awesome guys thank you a bunch!

TattedDeazy's picture

I was ordering from x since day one.. the quality was amazing. my most recent order I'm dissapointed. It's garbage I have about 70ml going in the trash soon. I feel like this time around xsport just waterd down his products

Athlete126's picture

what gear did you have?

biceps71's picture

I am still

junkyarddesiel's picture

No pack yet.
It'll come. It will.

junkyarddesiel's picture


12gu's picture

Sorry to see him gone, was my go to.

DBG's picture

Ooooo...sorry fellas. I feel your pain...I've lost money myself before :-/

A11starstud21's picture

Ass I'm out 500 dollars bec of you better pm me!! All I am is a broke college student I was saving that up for 6 months. Uhhhh!!!