mustafa5903's picture
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Winter smash


Im posting to see peoples experiences running the same compounds together.
Not for your Okay or your criticism. Not being a douch.

A little about me
I have been cycling for around 3 years now.
I'm 5'6 and heaviest I've weighed on gear is 220 15%.
I will start this cycle in January. Only after I am 200 lbs. my goal is to reach to 235.

I have ran everything accept Deca, tren E, EQ, Primo.
I do have a coach
I do get blood work
My liver seems to take orals wellI .

I dont want kids, ive also ran tren as high as a gram so sides dont matter to me

Every pct I have done is starting with a blast of hcg eod for two weeks and running chlomid and nolva for 4 weeks after. I get blood work before, during and after cycle.

My diet is 240g of protein strictly from foods, 600 carbs, 100-150g of fat in 6-7 meals throughout the day.

Everyones genetics, body, liver ect are different. I can run caber 4 times week, letrozole everyday for 8 weeks straight, t3 for 12weeks and have my thyroid looking like nothing touched it after.

Again Im looking for similar experiences....Im sorry if saying that makes me seem like a dick. Im not.

I ran my tren higher the same and lower than test - no issues.

I can take the sides of tren ace over a gram so i dont care about sides, id rather get sides so i know its working.
Im more concerned with eq and peoples experiences running it over a gram...

Any other feedback is appreciated. If you hate my proposed cycle and want to leave a paragraph im messing myself up I will thank you for your feedback.

  • Again I dont want to sound rude.
WeekTestosterone EnanthateTren EEqhcgchlomid nolva
1750mg 400mg1000mg
181500iu eod
191500iu eod
johnnyoldboy's picture

Sorry man, I don't have any advice for you, but I was hoping you could help me...and the rest of us! Considering your quad looks like a picture of a mother and baby whale swimming next to each other, you wanna drop a little knowledge on your usual leg routine?

Is this the proper place to ask that??

Dickkhead's picture

I've run something similar many times - low test high tren EQ and high test low tren EQ. I packed on more mass with the high test routine like what you have, but the strength gains were better on high tren and I felt the look of the new tissue was more dense (maybe I'm imagining things). EQ at 1g is pretty standard bro. No worries there. You can take it a little higher but the whole trick with all these compounds is to get to know your body well enough that you have a sense when your receptors are overloaded and you are just wasting gear. There isn't any magic number unfortunately. I know how high I can push the gear till it has no more effect.

BTW, If any of these compounds play on your appetite, a little GHRP-6 should do the trick there.

And, in the end, if you love the sport as much as I do, you should always be thinking of longevity bro. Guys winning major titles these days are much older than in the past.

Dickkhead's picture

If you can achieve the conditioning you need to win without GH, then save it for the future. But, if you are going up against guys that have that tissue thin skin look almost like cellophane wrapped tight around the muscle fiber, that is GH and there is no other way to get that look.

konig's picture

I have nothing to input just a question for you.. is the chart right in you taking a whole week off after your oils and then blasting two weeks of hcg into a clomid nolva pct ?

Catalyst's picture

I've run eq with tren several times, it's a combination I like for bulking. Assume that's the plan here by the look of it?

Catalyst's picture

I'd run with it mate as it is, nothing wrong here. Dropping your test down towards the end will let the EQ and tren shine through as an idea if you're that way inclined. Big test and big EQ tends to make me crave carbs much more than usual so obviously keep aware if you find the same. Easy to get sloppy on this type of run.

Catalyst's picture

I'd go into it without deciding on dropping the test. See how I look around wk 10-12 and take a view on it then. The mirror will give you an answer.

No problem mate, you know what you're doing here but drop me a line if you need to.

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