big_tex's picture
  • 21

-2 what do you think? good? bad? modifications?


concerns------poor information leading to wasteful or non productive cycles in my rats which would lead to unsuccessful research
**Finished cycle portion of research today

giant horse rat stats
6 2
275 start
256 now
rats 1ST CYCLE

GOOD advice is like gold and I am very appreciative and grateful to receive it, use it and not take it for granted, I am not a know it all newbie who doesn't listen, MY EARS are wide open thank you in advance for taking the time to pass on knowledge and experience. in advance if you are ill experience as well please refrain from embarrassing yourself..the blind leading the blind I have no interest....I wanna see

WeekTest E 300Deca 300Trenbelone Acetate 100Winstrol oral tabletsHGH
1300mg 15iu300mg 15iu100mg 3iu50 mg 1 a day2iu 5on 2 off
2300mg 15iu300mg 15iu100mg 3iu50 mg 1 a day2iu 5on 2 off
3300mg 15iu300mg 15iu 100mg 3iu4iu 7 days
4300mg 15iu300mg 15iu100mg 3iu5iu 3 days 2iu 3 days
5300mg 25iu 300mg 25iu100mg 3iu5iu 5on 2 off
6300mg 25iu300mg 25iu100mg 5iu5iu 5on 2 off
7300mg 25iu300mg 25iu100mg 5iu6iu 7 days
8300mg 25iu300mg 25iu100mg 5iu6iu 5on 2 off
9300mg 25iu300mg 25iu100mg 5iu6iu 6 days
10300mg 25iu300mg 25iu100mg 5iu6iu 5on 2 off
11300mg 25iu300mg 25iu100mg 5iu7iu 3 days 4iu 3 day
fast48's picture

Dont need horse bat rat codetalk here. If feds want ya....they haul away everyone. Lolz
First cycle or any cycle...what ya posted is all bad. Need bodyfat levels and goals. First cycle correct?

P's picture
Make sure you update the cycle plan above^^^ - which you should only proceed with once your BF% is LESS THAN 12%

Also, i can't understand why the measurement units for test e, deca and tren are in IU's and mg?

fast48's picture

Doesn't really matter. The cycle is bad and the levels are incorrect. Agree with your origional.....scrap it

P's picture



Whats your BF%??? 26.2% - DID I READ THIS RIGHT!!!

Proper nutrition will make or break your cycle, as well as be the sole benefactor when it comes to vascularity, water retention, bulk and so forth. It seems that too many people have overlooked the dieting aspect and try to rely solely on the use of AAS to produce 100% of their results. In my opinion, and I'm sure some will agree to disagree- diet puts training, sleep, and what compounds you decide to run in its shadow; and I cannot stress that enough.

First and foremost are stats, to depict whether this person is actually fit for a 19-nor-progesterone compound. Additionally, a cycle history is equally as important, since you don't really want a 19 year old, 110lbs guy to run deca at 800mg for 6 weeks with anavar and 24% BF.

Additionally, while using 19-nor-progesterone compounds, AI's use during the cycle is mandatory. AI's such as Aromasin or Arimidex should be used alongside Letrozole or Cabergoline.

Caber and letro would be used in addition to an AI (such as asin adex - caber and letro are also AI's but are much stronger variants). An AI controls the oestrogen production and caber is an anti-prolactin used for 19 norprogesterone compounds such as npp, tren or in this case deca

Deca is generally ran at a 2:1 ratio of test:deca respectively

The difference between test and tren (in short) is that they will fight for the same receptors. However, tren is significantly stronger and more successful at gaining those receptors when compared to test. As a result of the aforementioned fact, the result of running test and tren at equal to high dosages are basically redundant, since the result will be an increase in wastage of the test.

Moreover, tren is highly suppressive of male testosterone production if present in the system - even at low levels. Since normal male estrogen levels are provided through aromatisation of testosterone, natural test production is highly suppressed in a trenbolone cycle, whereas estrogen levels generally fall below normal. As a result, this typically is very problematic with mood swings, changes in libido and joint issues.

In contrast, the aforementioned test/tren rule does not follow suit when test/deca/npp is concerned - regardless of both being 19-norprogesterone compounds. Thus, the protocol recommended with deca is high test and low deca. Additonally, another reason to drop the deca completely (and why some eroids members tend to avoid deca) is the high aromatisation levels associated with deca. However, there is a benefit to deca when one is running an AI during the cycle, such as Aromasin or Arimidex, as this helps to block that process.

Additionally, Deca is preferred in some cases, even though it is very suppressive - thus at the ending phase of the cycle ones hormone levels may take a longer time to recover. Furthermore, as a result of the aforementioned statement, I would consider hCG with your cycle - as long as you have an AI at hand to help increase the recovery process and reduce the aromatisation activity of the hCG.

big_tex's picture

btw the rat is 31 weeks old
im in my early thirties

big_tex's picture

Thank you off cycle now going to do a lot of research apparently I was misinformed, I really appreciate you taking the time to share your knowledge......would the hcg be on cycle only? will look for a good diet plan to get bf down bf next one. If you dont mind can I hit you up for cycle diet info ect

P's picture

Ok, glad you listened.

This is your first cycle - so keep it simple.

Here is your cycle layout:

1-12 - Test E @ 500mg a week split doses
4- Until PCT start date - AI (either adex/asin)
Start PCT 15 days after last shot.
Clomid 100/100/50/50
NOVA 40/40/20/20
(hCG not necessary for this cycle)

P's picture

I've got a sample diet plan below:

Lean Mass Cycle

Meal 1 2.5 cups of egg whites, 1 cup of oatmeal, black coffee with one sweetener if preferred.
Meal 2 8oz chicken breast (I use Mrs. Dash seasonings) 1 cup brown rice, steamed vegetables.
Meal 3 10oz of lean meat & one medium sized sweet potato
Meal 4 I Generally make a Protein shake with water (pre workout meal) along side of some arginine
-following workout ill get some of my wonka pixy stick.. and a gram of vitamin C.
Meal 5 10oz Chicken breast, Steamed veggie, possible quinoa.
Meal 6 10 oz Halibut or Tilapia (or whatever fish you can get, fresh is best!) Generally add greens or asparagus
Meal 7 Cottage Cheese, blueberry (or another fruit)/ or Greek Yogurt accompanied by supplements.

Weight Loss Cycle

Meal 1 1 scoop of whey protein, alongside of 2 egg whites OR 1 cup of oatmeal.
Meal 2 1 Large orange or cup of fresh berries.
Meal 3 Low sodium turkey (4oz) on Flax seed grain bread. Cup of almonds or good nuts.
Meal 4 1 low-fat cup of cottage cheese with pineapple.
Meal 5 6 oz tilapia filet 1 cup of broccoli, 2 cups of spinach with olive oil or balsamic vinegarette.
Meal 6 Walnut halves with 1 tbsp of peanut butter to dip them in.

Rule of thumb: any meat or potatoes shouldn't be any bigger than your fist. Try to eat slower and fill up a smaller plate. This will help speed your metabolism and help drop that unwanted fat/pounds!

Cutting Cycle

Cardio prior to meal 1 if you want to burn extra fat!
Meal 1 6 Egg whites, 1 whole. 1 cup of hard rolled oats, or oatmeal.
Meal 2 Protein shake + cooked oats. I eat Bear Naked oats.
Meal 3 Low sodium turkey on Flax seed bread.
Meal 4 12-16oz of Flouder or Tilapia, 1 cup of steamed green beans
Meal 5 Salmon FIlet & Medium sized sweet potato
Meal 6 12-16oz fresh lean fish. 1 cup of steamed broccoli
Meal 7 Spinach and walnut/almond salad. Olive oil dressing.
-add a small cup of greek yogurt if still hungry at night.

big_tex's picture

thanks man I reallly appreciate this im gonna give to the wifey, im suprised its all stuff I like and wont have an issue feeling hungry

10000ngdl's picture

you are going to kill your giant rat horse

zyrius69's picture

Cycle history, Age, Height, Bodyfat!?

big_tex's picture

First cycle ever

age 31
height 6'2"
starting weight 275
weight today 255
body fat 67 26.2%

big_tex's picture

oh bet you meant the info for the animal im testing on here goes

rats first cycle

rat info is 8"x5" at almost 3LBS

zyrius69's picture

Put it under the info into your post, and this should be no where near a first cycle, I know people who have done steroids for 20 years that don't even do this much, Get your bodyfat down to 15% naturally, and than start with just a basic Test E cycle, 500mg a week, 250mg monday/thursday have an AI on hand such as Arimidex or aromisin, adex should be .025 e3d in week 3, if gyno signs come up, up to .25 eod and if still than .25 ed and go up accrdingly, your pct should be Nolva 40/40/20/20 Clomid 100/100/50/50, you're going to be ripped to shreds or even thinking about doing this for a first cycle, remember think small for first cycle and you will grow, doing advanced stuff like this will put you in the hospital so quick!

big_tex's picture

I didnt know this was advanced i thought that i was dosing my rat with lady style lost on half of what you said to be honest my rat was a fat bastard and his wifey got a boob job and I decided it was time for my rat to make changes so I got some research meds and away we go... so embarrassed .......did get body fat dow it was almost 15% higher-----and again let me be honest havent exactly staid true to ritual with working out go hard for a lil bit then fall off and dont work out for a few days (except for cardio) this shit has rat chasing wife around know need to be religious about nutrition and workout, but need a good diet plan and workout plan

just to make sure im not assuming i know what they mean let me ask

what is an AI?

big_tex's picture

is there somewhere to put that information?

big_tex's picture

sorry I guess did make it sound like had no idea, have a basic understanding "anti estrogen" just wanted to insure that have correct info, and all the info and the slang terms lol thanks for taking the time, plan on diet and nutrition for rat an alot of advice before next cycle