SuperMaroid's picture
  • 22

Week 8 Update


Week 8 update. Only gained 2 pounds in the last 2 weeks. Still happy to see more gains. Went from 207-222 so far in the cycle and aiming for 230. 6 weeks to gain 8 pounds, I can easily do it. My lifts keep going up every week. I dont do 1rm, I stick to 10-12 reps. On my bench I use to struggle getting 265 for 10 before the cycle and now I can do 285 for 10. My squat Im doing 335 for 10. My deadlift I'm doing 405 for 12. And military I'm doing 185 for 12. Joints are feeling very good from the deca. And I have to say this is probably the smoothest oil I've ever used. Absolutely zero PIP or lump after injection. I never had to put a heating pad or use icy hot on the injection area. The next day it feels like I never injected. I have been sweating like crazy recently, sometimes I wake up and my bed is soaked. I'm really enjoying the gains from this ifit cycle. I will give another update at the end of week 10 and hopefully I will weigh 225. Thanks for following my cycle. And as always feedback appreciated and if you have any questions feel free to ask!

trenning's picture

I would like to see some pics man! Been following your cycle log.

SuperMaroid's picture

Read comment above.

SuperMaroid's picture

Sorry I wont post pics of myself on here, I compete in bodybuilding and have easy tattoos to identify me

MegaTRON13's picture

Edit them out... not to be a dick, but it sounds like BS to me. There's too many fakes... prove us all wrong bro

IrishMack's picture

lmao, do you know how many people here compete and post pics up all the time? We have a few that are highly active in the forum, fuck I post pics up and I have very unique tattoos. its called photoshop, you edit them out right along with your face.
So in my eyes and everyone elses you are absolutely full of shit. If you think you have nothing to prove to anyone here, you opened the door when you posted about all your "gains" and without proof go kick rocks.

TrenAllDay's picture

"oh that guy competing is from eroids" - said no one ever

Relax, NO ONE will remember you...sorry