mr.newguy's picture
  • 37

The cycle. inputs please.

WeekTestosterone EnanthateArimidex E.O.DClomid
1500mg.5 eod
2500mg.5 eod
3500mg.5 eod
4500mg.5 eod
5500mg.5 eod
6500mg,5 eod
7500mg.5 eod
8500mg.5 eod
9500mg.5 eod
10500mg.5 eod
11500mg.5 eod
12500mg.5 eod
mr.newguy's picture

ok cool guys thanks alot for the advice. will re work the cycle. thanks =)

Colossus_fit's picture

start clomid after 14 days from your LAST shoot of test en,and use arimidex until you arrive in need hCG too

j223's picture

Do not start clomid till 2-3 weeks after last shot Do first week at 100mg ed then next 3 weeks at 50mg per day.

Lower arimidex dosage to 0.25mg every other day.

Arimidex is very strong and 0.5mg is a bit much you may notice some creaky joints and low estrogen. try 0.25mg and if you need to you can raise it.

fast48's picture

Rework the clomid amounts too.

getsome's picture

I agree with this. Arimidex cooled me off too much doing just a test E and HCG cycle.

thundercats0's picture

Just to give an idea of the other spectrum, I'm on a test e only cycle and and AI was needed. Mine ended up being bunk, and my week 8 e2 level was 132.

thundercats0's picture

Add some nolva and HCG

Also Arimidex doesn't need to be started immediately. You can wait about 2 weeks.

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