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TestProp/Tren E cut cycle


Age: 27, 195lbs, 12%bf, 6 cycles under belt. Decca cycle this winter and tren e cycle last summer are my 19nor experience. Expectations are 215lbs at 8% bf.

Will be running test prop/tren e/albuterol/arimidix/caber.

PCT: nolva/clomid 100/40, 100/40, 50/20, 50/20

Any advice on running orals such as winny or var? I get sore joints on any heavy chest press, mainly stick to incline movements to assist shoulder pain. Would NPP be a good choice for joint pain on this cycle? if so, how would y'all add it into the mix?

WeekTest PropTren AceArimidexCaberNolva/Clomid
1100mg/EOD100mg/MWF12.5/EODas needed
SuperMax's picture

Arimidex should be dosed around .5 EoD. I think the doseing you have up there is for Exemestane. & like everyone else said, change up them miss matching esters.
That cabergoline is a must on tren IMO. Just makes life so much easier & this cycle so much better. .5mgCabaser EoD.
Also, adding hcg might be needed if your shut down hard.

betz7's picture

this will be my first time running caber, hearing its a must on tren, wish I knew that my last tren cycle. Would you recommend winny or var in my cycle?

SuperMax's picture

I think var is a good complement to any cycle. Last 6 weeks always seems to set it off just right. & if you were to add WINNY, I would get it in oil, injectable form.
Do you have pre-cycle bloods? Where are your liver enzymes at? How's you cholesterol looking?
Also, please edit your changes made to this cycle to keep it up to date

betz7's picture

liver enzymes, cholesterol, and bloods are all on point per labs early this week. Blood pressure was mildly high, but I cant stand getting my blood pressure done, something about feeling my own heart beat, idk its weird but my pressure elevates during testing.. Luckily my employers insurance is top notch, I will be getting blood labs every third week. I will update the log for sure. I think var 6 weeks in till week 12 is a go. I am contemplating red meat 5x a week on cycle, new York strip to be exact, bought $200 worth at Costco, cut up myself into 50 steaks. Any daily meal go-to's you suggest?

betz7's picture

I want to stay with test prop for cutting purposes. Reason for running Tren E is basically dollar signs and ease of injections and less oil in my body because I will already be running a lot of Test prop oil. Now I know test prop is going to be a pain in the a$$ (literally) with EOD injections. Correct me if I am wrong, if I'm running Tren E for 8 weeks, and Test Prop for 12 weeks, the Tren E should be out of my system somewhere around week 10, but for sure out by week 12. So, is there really any issue with Test prop and Tren E together?

betz7's picture

Very true, thanks, looks like I need to order some ace lol.