Sepeti522's picture
  • 21

+ 1 test primo tbol.... ??? if i should add npp


Beginning of cycle 290lbs
4 weeks in 300lbs

So I'm running 500 mg test a wk
600 mg primo a wk
And gonna run 60-80 mg for last 6 weeks leading into pct.

Now I got part of that awesome deal by euroking of 10 vials of npp. I'm considering throwing it in for the last 8 weeks or so. Jus looking to make the most gains possible staying as lean as possible. I got a crazy deal on primo, 10000 mg for 250. My buddy got raws and whipped it up for me.
But what's your thoughts on adding in the npp? I know I asked this in an earlier thread and got a lot of positive feedback and was gonna use it in place of the primo but once that primo deal came up I couldn't pass it by and went with that instead of npp. So just now wondering if I'm safe to add the npp since I got part of that deal or if it's overkill?
I want to get the most gains possible out of this one.

Thanks In advance for the help and suggestions and I apologize for any confusion!! Definitely ask questions for clarification on anything

Justanotherguy's picture

Now that we worked through the bf% thibg my opinion stays the same, keep the npp for another cycle. Also you picked some strange coumpounds, I've never seen a powerlifting use primo? At some point I'm gonna make a group with cycling info for strength athletes because we do thibgs pretty damn differently then bodybuilders.

Sepeti522's picture

Hey first off I appreciate your understanding... Too many times on here it's impossible for people to have civilized conversations.... But I shared with you a bit of misinformation and now we're moving forward constructively. Haha. But yeah so my original cycle was just gonna be test with a prop kicker and then 6 week high dose tbol as that yielded me amazing results before. But Then I got that primo offer and figured it couldn't hurt. And I'm not a competing powerlifter.... Let's say I chase a pig skin at level where abc records me on Saturdays... So I'm looking for strength AND sustainable gains. That's why I opted to add the primo. And then with the npp deal I got I wanted to know if throwing that in would be too much, because once this cycle is over I'm gonna be stuck natty for nearly 9 months and just want to get the most of what I'm doing now,

Justanotherguy's picture

According to that pic you're in pretty good shape and a Very solid 290. I know that pain of having to get tested. Ever seen olympic style testing? They randomly test you 4 times a year.

As for primo, it's very mild and will yeild (most important of all) sustainable gains. Also I'm assuming you can't use deca because of the long detection time? I would still save the npp for a serious cycle when you're available to do so again. Test base, npp, anadrol kicker and maybe one other thing. ( just brainstorming).

Ps, the cheapest I've seen primo is 100ml of 100mg/ml for 800$. It's insanely expensive.

Sepeti522's picture

It is ridiculously expensive. But I would like it to look into that more. I know your supposed to begin with a low body fat to get its fat burner effects but everything else I've heard is clean sustainable gains

Justanotherguy's picture

try not to mention raws. That being said,

your body fat is a little high to cycle!
you really should've brought it down to 15% before starting. AAS is proven to work better in individuals with lower body fat ( I'll provide links down below).

You also should've posted this before you started, that's just common sense bro. We could've worked out the kinks. I already know you're gonna finish the cycle, but save the npp for later. There no need for it, and what you're currently have planned is more then enough for another 10lbs of good gains.

I must ask now to be sure, do you have a pct planned? What is it? Also what's your cycle experience?

Sepeti522's picture

Okay first off I respect what you guys are saying... I'm trying my hardest not to get irritated by your comments seeing as most of it was insinuating I don't know what I'm doing. That's probably my fault for not adding more info... But I've ran many cycles. Started with some test cycles and have worked my way up. My bf and weight are high because of athletic purpose. That's all I'll say towards that out of safety for me. I'm trying to stay around 290 to 300 lbs and I don't have 3 years to personally train and be at 290 under 10% bf. So I'm perfectly fine being at the bf % I am now. I'll add a pic to show how I look now. Basically I'm trying to get as strong as possible while trying to prevent any added body fat. hence why I didn't do dbol or bombs or something similar. I love tbol for strength and wanted to try primo since I got the good deal ( thanks for the reminder about that as well) but now that i am getting the 10 npp vials. I was wondering if it would be a nice addition since after this cycle I won't be able to for a while. (Think pac12ncaa) but yeah diet is where it needs to b. For my goals... (Think pac12 and personal dietitians) plus my own knowledge. Sorry I don't mean to be disrespectful. But I have have month upon months of studying a aas. I know what I'm doing pct and ai wise. Just wanted a simple response to my question

Sepeti522's picture

Yeah that's another big factor why I wanna add it. My joints are effed from years and years in the trenches. (Hopefully you're American and know football lingo) haha.but yeah I've ran dbol and love it when I'm trying to grow. But when trying to stay lean tbol is my go to. I prefer it over var

Justanotherguy's picture
Justanotherguy's picture

lol sure

Justanotherguy's picture

He's 23% BF!

Absolutely should not be cycling!

irongame427's picture

That's not 23% bf. much much lower then that.

Sepeti522's picture

Thanks, I appreciate that. Just the last time I got it checked it was by those dumb pincher things and it said I was 28... I knew it was off so I low balled it by putting 23% but didn't realize it was THAT off. I have a hard time guessing my bf. But again thank you

irongame427's picture

The pinches or skin fold calipers are pretty accurate assuming the person using them knows what they're doing. That's what it comes down to. I remember one time I wanted to get mine checked st the beginning of my diet and I had some idiot at my school gym do it and he said I was 7% when I was clearly 14-15% lol. I'm like no way I'm atleast double that. So then he does it again and comes up with 17. So you have to find someone who's knows what they're doing when it comes to those things.

Justanotherguy's picture

Pic looks near 15% or a tad more. Misinformation

irongame427's picture

Ya I would have said somewhere between 15-17

Sepeti522's picture

Remember, not every one is a bodybuilder. Powerlifters have high bf and use massive amounts of gear. I apologize for not specifying my goals

IrishMack's picture

Wrong, Powerlifters do not use massive amounts of gear, they use carbs and sniffers, you will not see a real powerlifter banging grams of gear besides tne and plain test with poppers. I was a powerlifter and trained with some heavy hitters and the highest tjese guys went was 900 a week of test weighing 260+ at under 6 feet. Bodyfat was not that high it was concentrated at the midsection. Deca was another favorite and was used the way it was meant...2 mg per pound of weight. Before a set we would eat 20 chicken nuggets, half a large cheese pizza, and other high carb medium fat foods, carbs are better then gear to a powerlifter

Justanotherguy's picture

I myself am not a bodybuilder. Amateur strongman/powerlifting and olympic weightlifer. I keep my bf% around 20% when I'm off and 14% when im cyclling. I completely understand where you're coming from.

Justanotherguy's picture

It's sad that's what it had to come to. If only they RESEARCHED BEFOREHAND.

I miss when vike was around. He Used to handle business.