Hgod's picture
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Test E Mk-677 , Maybe Proviron - First Cycle


Hi I'm about to turn 25 and I have been training for 4 years, some natural potential still left I know.


I've read around as much as I can I just intend on going on a basic test e cycle 500/wk (250 mon/thurs)

1-12 Test E
1-12 arimidex .5 eod (maybe less, maybe more; will feel it out)
HCG - I've heard to not worry about HCG on a first test only cycle
1-12 mk-677 - I wanted to test this sarm to see if there was any merit to it increasing gh levels, I will get blood work done 6 weeks in to observe

I start this cycle in a couple weeks and I'm wondering if should diet down further and run proviron for a dryer look?
If so I was thinking around weeks 6-12 25mg / day

PCT Week 14
Standard Nolva / Clomid


I intend on hitting that 2per lb protein goal along with typical macros,

I do IF (Intermittent fasting ) daily, should I drop that? I figure that the increased insulin sensitivity would continue to be beneficial?

Caloric intake: I was going to start at my standard 400 cal above maint then around week 3-4 when the test kicks in to bump it up to 750 above

Blood work:
2wks before
6 weeks during
2 weeks after

I still intend on focusing on my my compound lifts

WeekTestosterone EnanthateHcg
jack_wade's picture

There is no need to diet down any further. You have a good starting physique. I would drop the idea of Proviron(if wanting to bulk) and perhaps consider the addition of maybe Anadrol or Dianabol as it appears you are wanting to add some more meat to you frame. Good Luck.

Owes a Review × 1
Makwa's picture

You've got some easy natural gains ahead of you with those stats. Why run a cycle and risk all the side effects and dangers to make some gains when you should be able to do the same without any steroids at this point.

MedDx's picture

When are you turning 25?

vhman's picture

X2! :-)

PropSlayer's picture

Judging by your caloric intake ideas it seems like you're trying to bulk, but then you mention intermittent fasting. I.F. certainly won't help you put on any size.

Hgod's picture

The purpose of If was for insulin sensitivity.

Makwa's picture

You don't need daily IF for insulin sensitivity. You are inhibiting gains by doing that.

unreal89's picture

Your not even 25 and your 165lbs you need to eat anabolics wont make you grow without food i think you should rethink this whole cycle.. Thats my take on it

unreal89's picture

In studys after 6 months igf-1 levels i believe increased by 40-50%

MedDx's picture

I need this....thanks

unreal89's picture

Mk 677 is not a sarm its a oral growth hormone secretagogue and if your only running for 12 weeks thats a complete waste needs to be ran as long as possible atleast 6months

MedDx's picture

Thanks for info on MK677...