Iprophet's picture
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-2 Test E/ Deca/ Dbol


I'm currently 76kgs with below 10% bf. i have done 3 Test E only cycles previously. this is my first cycle in 2.5 years.

my only concern? should I use an AI? I have in my previous cycles, I will hold a lot of water if I don't, however i'm interested to see how I'd go without one.

front loading test e, using deca to repair partially torn myofascial in my stomach. using dbol because I've always wanted to try it.

got PCT sorted, and all my vitamin essentials, etc. just strictly want help on the AAS side of things.

thoughts? open to any critiques.

WeekTestosterone EnanthateDecaDbol
Dickkhead's picture

This one is for the rubbish bin, I'm afraid. I don't think this is the right forum for this OP.

Whitetrash's picture

Strictly want help on the AAS side of things? That shows you're totally missing the point. Diet and training are far more important.

You're too young to get advice on AAS use here. We don't condone steroids for kids with no base and an immature HPTA. The way you reacted below is evidence enough that you shouldn't be running any gear. Disrespect won't get you far.

Hustle28's picture

Ur open to advice huh?? Well we are not open to giving advice to 21yr olds!!! So my advice to u is get off the gear and make ur body peak out naturally and go get a blood test and make sure ur not screwed smh

Iprophet's picture

I'm not here for criticism, I make my own life choices as do you. If you don't respect someones choices then keep it to yourself. I did not force you to comment on here. so kindly, fuck off.

TheFlash85's picture

typical kiddy attitude, cant handle critique, cant handle steroids, your stats tell me your a twig, so take your own advice and f... off ya self.

Catalyst's picture

Eroids doesn't give cycle advise to under 25's. You posted in an open forum, people get to comment on it.

You're already cycling yet you still weigh 167lbs. You don't think that a disappointing yield from your previous cycles?

If you only want cycle advice, eroids isn't the place for you I'm afraid.

Hustle28's picture

Look kid read the rules no one here is aloud to give u advice or criticism it's says in the rules in bold letters NO ONE UNDER 25!!! So go work hard for gains lazy ass kid

21yr old 5'11 at 167lbs means ur diet is not working gear won't help go put some work in the kitchen and ur workouts then comeback

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