Gorillafit's picture
  • 1.3k

+ 2 Summer Trenathon


6' 2" \ 229lbs \ 11% bf according to caliper test (I'm not buying it)
Expectations: Get Fucking Huge!!!!! 245+ (More realistic! LOL ;-P)
Immediate goal: 1000 lb "triple" Bench + Squat + Deadlift (Should be there by next week) LOL ;-P
Continue to mold this old clay into the shape it should have been in years ago! Turn this 2 pack into a 6 pack!
Hopefully you can see by the pics I just added I have not been slacking after the first EBC! Well not too much, my diet has been non existent though (Thanks HGH) ;-P
This will change!
Concerns: Keep my parts from breaking: Tendons\Joints

1875mg233mg700mg7iu500mcg75\50 PW
2875mg233mg700mg14iu500mcg50mg Dbol PW
3875mg233mg700mg28iu500mcg75\50 PW350\350mg
4875mg233mg700mg28iu500mcg75\30\50 PW350\350mg
5875mg350mg700mg28iu500mcg30\50 PW
6875mg350mg700mg28iu500mcg30\50 PW
Colossus_fit's picture

ahah i've just seen ;P

Gorillafit's picture

ED is short for EBC Dominance! LOL ;-P

Colossus_fit's picture

brother if you read below,he says that are 28ius of hgh weekly ,or 4ius ed..so i think the same for aas dosage...

Gorillafit's picture

Some people feel the need to spout instead of read! Thanks again for trying to enlighten him.

Colossus_fit's picture

it's a pleasure Gorillafit =)
yes i know brother,an excuse to criticize..

Gorillafit's picture

I'm trying to decide now. Just finished up the 10x10. half assed it the last week with the travel.

Ronny13's picture

28 iu HGH.. wow

Gorillafit's picture

That's per week, 4iu/d.

Ronny13's picture

ah thats ok i thought per day that would be profi dosage

Gorillafit's picture

I couldn't take that kinda load. I had to back off the Rips for a few days the joint pain was fucking with me. I tried to buy this ebook "beyond steroids" that has info on how to minimize that but the site is fighting him in court now.

jprizzle's picture

damn you are getting tan as fuck. is all that from the melonotan?

Gorillafit's picture

Shit yea! I lightened up, my family said I was starting to look black. I'm just doing 1mg/wk now and tanning 1-2/wk. Sucks, I still have 3 bottles of this stuff and I'm paying a monthly tanning I don't need! LOL ;-P

Gorillafit's picture


swolltroll's picture

1000 mg of tne d bol? dayum

Gorillafit's picture

Its an injectable from Gorilla Gear 100mg\TNE 100mg\Dbol per ml (so its 500 each/wk) gonna run it pre workout. I think I might cut it back a lil maybe 1/2 ml pre workout. I made my own lower dose last night, 75mg/ml Prestige test susp and the 50mg/ml BFS Dbol I have. It was fucking intense, but yesterday was my 1st shot with the Hex/EQ/Sust also. I'll see how tonight feels?

Gorillafit's picture

I haven't loaded my workout yet, that's the default in the template. Default Diet also. I'll be switching mine up throughout the cycle. Probably 3 different routines. I have 2 weeks left of this current 10x10.

fast48's picture

Stay healthy! Thats gonna be a heavy load. You'll get gigantic!

Gorillafit's picture

Its not gonna be easy keeping up with the calories and protein to add 30 lbs. Especially the way I travel.

fast48's picture

Tred did a cool article on homemade jerky made with amino glaze. Think I'm gonne check into it ad I'm always mobile. Give some tummy filler over just protien shakes.

Gorillafit's picture

I eat a lot of bars and trailmix on the road.

Colossus_fit's picture

bro what ufo dosage =)

Gorillafit's picture

"UFO" dosage? They won't be back to pick me up for 20 years still! LOL ;-P