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+ 1 Shoulder injury healing BPC 157 Log


Disclocated both shoulders due to an accident 3, years ago, it kept coming off and now i can not scratch my back without the pain, sleeping on it hurts and it effects my work out.
Hear a lot about the healing powers of BPC 157, I am going to run 2 cycles of 4 weeks with 2 weeks off in between. 200 mcg to each delt AM and PM.

Hoping to eliminate the pain to some extent and gin back some range of motion.

WeekBPC 157
1800 MCG
2800 MCG
3800 MCG
4800 MCG
7800 MCG
800 MCG
stl's picture

I know this has nothing to do with what you are asking,Just Coming from my own experience after 3 years of extreme pain. "I tore a tendon in my shoulder"..Doctors where trying to give me cortisone the entire time, I refused. They gave me some bs shots and other things that did nothing. I had read some medical research on deca healing tendons. After over 10 years of no cycle I decided to give it a shot with deca and test to see if it would help. Using lite weight taking my time I was able to get back to about 95% . I feel no pain anymore so I just though I would share.

t-bol's picture

Thanks bro, but you might want to look into bpc 157, TB500 and Osta to improve and get to 100% I am currently back to what I used to be at age 16!

t-bol's picture

Bro, my info on that side is from here :

Secondly any form of GH promotes growth, which is a problem when it comes to cancer because it grows with other things as well, so lets say if you have cancer on your liver a systematic gh release will cause growth there anyway. This is not problem in BB community as, if you have cancer you are not really doing bb or worried about putting on lean mass, you are looking at stopping muscle waste etc so that is why there is not much cross and not much practical info but the little that there is could be a bit of concern. But if you follow my updates, I am dazzled by BPC 157, it has fixed me like none other, if by end of my cycle all test results come back positive we might chance it with her and see what happens, but if you heard of anything let me know please I would appreciate any help.

BenightedBodybuilder's picture

BPC to speed up muscle tissue recovery is a no no. Reason being if you continue lifting without proper therapy scar tissue will develop. With BPC this will only speed up scar tissue development. Scar tissue will seriously inhibit range of motion increasing your risk for injury again even more. Get off the BPC and research myofascial release.

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t-bol's picture

interesting point, I will look into this asap, but I have never ever seen being said anywhere online, and I think I read about 100 articles and easily 1000 forum posts and threads. But there is some logic in what you are saying so I will look into it. As it stands I have gained full range of motion and pain is gone.

t-bol's picture

So, I am very new to Peptides, however my background is in experimental science, I am trying to isolate BPC 157 and see its effects in action by its own only. Because of this currently I am not supplements or PEDs etc, and I am off cycle as well. I am doing this for a greater purpose, my fiancee has a serious problem with her knees and the cartilage inside and the muscle is very damaged, they have told her she needs surgery or 6 months or else but 50% chance she will be in wheel chair even with surgery and 100% without. So doing so I am trying to understand the exact effects using my injury as an example. Then after the initial 2 4 week cycles, I will be doing TB500.
She has high history cancer in her family, so HGH is out of question, and TB500 could be a trigger however BPC 157 is not.

The dosage is based on maximum dose of 1000 mcg in mice per this study http://www.fasebj.org/content/28/1_Supplement/844.9 and the 200 mcg is just a random threshold of being lower than that. The two weeks off is for blood works and tests to see the effect and assess the progress.

Let me know if you have other questions, btw, please by all means suggest an optimal stack for a person who is doing this for lets say shoulder injury or something else without the cancer etc concerns.