TattooedLift89's picture
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+ 1 Pharm One Deca 300 & Sustanon 300


Ok so my close family friend claims these Pharm One products are from his families pharmacy, they certainly look fancy, box and vial etc. I know the sustanon is good my father has been using for TRT quite some time and holds his muscle and vascularity well, my curiosity and doubtfullness on all there other gear has been because the winstrol i felt sometimes but not others so maybe underdosed and then proper dosed vials, and the primo i ran at 500mg a week didnt do shit. So I place an order with OS gear, im awaiting a t-bol cycle. In the meantime I give pharm one ONE last shot as I wait for package with their Deca 300.
JUST as I was losing faith in them this Deca is just everything it should be, finally, granted im running 400mg a week, still I thought only there test was real, good to see that maybe it was all in my head.
I will post pics and keep everyone posted on this cycle as well as the future "DP t-bol" cycle.
But as of now, great pumps, like 2nd week in as considering Deca deals with a dumb long ester this is no surprise but boom 2nd and going on 3rd week, my pump doesnt go away "increased nitrogen retention" and finally some phenomenal vascularity! Increased appetite and upped my caloric and water intake to suffice. 185lbs to 188lbs so far, but if this is the real deal holyfield I should expect 20lbs by the end of cycle.
Progress and product pics will be posted!

WeekSustanon 250Deca 300ClenbuterolDostinex E3DAromasin EODNolvadexClomid
Pmob's picture

I would look around in the cycle logs and see what's happening before I would post a cycle in here. 9 outta 10 times you can and will find a cycle that may fit what your looking for and may need to tweak it a bit. Not only you but also New members also. Get a good base cycle and we'll take it from there.

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Carlos Danger's picture

Hey bro do me a favor and write your prior history with AAS and some goals and I'll take a look and make some recommendations for your stack.

So far I can't tell how long you're running this stack and what your dosing protocol is for this stack. Also 2 was for deca is almost unheard of to feel the effects. Just speaking from personal experience.

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TattooedLift89's picture

Hey thanks so much for lookin out bro! So after peoples ratio recommendations of 1.5 dec to 1 test. I switched to 500 sust and 400 deca.
Goals are to put on quality mass

Carlos Danger's picture

Ok how long are you planning on running this cycle? How many weeks? Also what prior steroids have you used? How many cycles have you run?
Also what does your diet look like? Deca is a very versatile drug and the results of its use is pretty wide open. Your diet will need to be pretty large yet mostly clean to accomplish quality mass.
Are you running any other supplements? What ancillaries do you have on hand to combat aromatization? I'm assuming you have all of these on hand along with your PCT drugs. That being said you should write out your PCT plan while we are at it.
If you really want to do this right there is still time but your layouts need to be clean and taken serious when written here. Nobody wants to have to have to guess when helping out. Literally write out everything from what days of the week you are injecting. How many milligrams of each chemical in each injection. What ancillaries like aromatase inhibitors you are running and what dosage and days you're planning on using them.
You should learn to write out a diet plan as well. Break it down by day of the week and what is eaten with each meal. Take it a step further and figure out the macros for each meal and keep a daily count of your macros. You should keep this all in a journal bro. Pretend running gear is like college. And you should pretend that you're a college student whose entire existence revolves around getting straight A's.
You start doing all those things and you'll literally improve your end results x2 without lifting a finger. Attention to detail goes a long way bro.

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TattooedLift89's picture

Excellent help here man! Thanks thats what I need.
Yes to pretty much all your questions, I was updating this as I go, like tomorrow is Friday my 3rd shot, and 3rd week. Should I just write out the whole thing that I plan on doing? Running aromasin and caber with this. Have nolva and clomid on hand ready for pct. Also was thinking of using hcg I also have the last 4 weeks of this cycle is how I was taught to do it, that sound right?
Looking at my doses are they right? I did 500 test and 400 deca after looking at cycles on here.
My diet can always be better, but its adequate for someone wanting benefits out of this, just not stage competition style or anything. I downloaded this app "lifesum" that tracks my macros and allows me to barcode scan in everything i eat. Planning for 10 weeks deca and 12 weeks test, thats also what I was told, that sound right?

Gymjunkie01's picture

That is the most piss poor layed out cycle I've seen you obviously didn't do any research .. your underweight and need to learn to eat first then once you have done that you could read up on compounds sndvwill find out how to run a cycle .. smh

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TattooedLift89's picture

Why are you on this site?
My status says new and beginner, no reason to put a fellow man down, is that how you would a friend?
Idk man, im here because Im eager to learn, im writing in the cycle on my phone for first time ever.
And im here for good source and product reviews, i didnt come hear to swing my d**k around at everyone i thinks less than? Smdh And thats for sure not whats this sites about either.

helloBrooklyn's picture

You're already in the midst of this poorly conceived cycle. I'd listen with the utmost attentiveness to everything gymjunkie and any other veteran has to say if I were you.

TattooedLift89's picture

Hey thats why Im here man, help me out, im all ears. But why just bash people instead of help? Thats where an oppurtunity to educate just like you guys were educated im sure there were hiccups.
Sorry, honestly if i come off wrong, i just dont see any other cycles for deca and sust that are different than mine right now. Effin tony hughs running a deca ONLY cycle right niw for christ sake lol

helloBrooklyn's picture

If you're getting information of any kind from Tony Huge, there's your first mistake right there. I suggest more research, and fast.

Gymjunkie01's picture

Where not here to hold your hand you have zero Business touching AAS you demonstrated that with your above cycle

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TattooedLift89's picture

Ok how so? You have the same cycle on your page, minus my Clen. So its my clen addition that just puts me out of this whole thing? Lol

Gymjunkie01's picture

The dosages and cycle isn't the same .. just FYI if your going to run a bulking cycle run it correctly .. at this point you need to eat and gain size that way ! But what you layed out you might as well go throw your money down the drain . This site will help members it will not hor there hand, once you have a basic understanding of what each compound does and how it reacts and with each other you will see this cycle is toast . You came into this half assed and that's exactly what your going to get out of it, decca is no coumpound to mess with if you don't understsnd it and obviously you don't because your running Clen and your dosages of test . Stop the cycle do pct protocol and educate yourself Come here ask questions use the search function learn

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TattooedLift89's picture

Thank you, ok I did read now the eroids way todo the cycle and everything you are saying is spot on, thank you. But man steroid forums t nation and evoluti website after website many did indicate to run the deca higher.
Only into beginning of week 2, if on week three I fix the ratios will it be worth it? Aside from me having to eat more and etc. Ive been training hard AF for years natural and eating very well, im 28 I really felt AAS were appropriate and I did do weeks of research, internet just is what it is, good thing ive found you guys

Carlos Danger's picture

I think you're referring to frontloading your Deca to feel the kick faster?

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helloBrooklyn's picture

Did your dad lay this out for you or did you come up with this cycle yourself?

TattooedLift89's picture

After multiple research on deca and test cycle i got this. I didnt put in AI and caber in the cycle log but i have them, and the test i was told to run a lil lower... 300. With a deca cycle to cut back on estro and water retention. Any tips?

helloBrooklyn's picture

That's interesting that your research led you to run deca higher than test. That's not a popular option by any stretch of the imagination.

TattooedLift89's picture

Oh really? Yeah I wanna say two sources led to that honest.
In your opinoin what would you run the two, to get the most out of the cycle? Putting on size or even a recomp?

helloBrooklyn's picture

Oh no, I don't give people cycles or even suggest dosages. I will say I had good results with a test to deca ratio of 1.5:1, but that's all I'll say. Maybe gather some other opinions and experiences and see what you think.

Jayzgainz's picture

What is your experience with AAS? I ask because this cycle dont look right and is missing a few things. What is your goal here?
Putting faith in a lab because they have good packaging is not very responsible.
And he is running sustanon on trt? That makes no sense

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helloBrooklyn's picture

Sustanon was literally made for hormone replacement. That was its intended purpose when Organon developed it.

Gymjunkie01's picture

Sust is one of the best bulking AAS when ran correctly

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Jayzgainz's picture

Ah, learn something new every day.
Thanks again

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TattooedLift89's picture

Like 6 month experience, I put a lot of effort into research and learning, but I'm sure you know its just endless shit, so ANY help i'd appreciate.
Ok so your right fancy packaging aint shit look at DP lol, I could make those and there pretty good. I just thought id mention. Im going to add pics of the deca today.
And i see what your saying the cycle looks off, no caber and hcg too early right? Im taking an AI just didnt put it should it include it here? Caber is coming very soon thankfully, it got backed up.
And the hcg im cutting after reading your supposed to only do a month right? And your last month of cycle right?
I didnt know that, oh but QUESTION! How do we keep our balls full? Lol if we cant stay on hcg more than a month?

Ok and my dad, he's crazy with this shit and thats why I trust his new source "pharm one" so I shouldnt have said TRT i suppose. He just straight stays on sustanon because all other have made him breakout on back bad, i know i mentioned to him that sust is all 4 esters so how would that not? But thats what he says. He does like 300mg a week of sust.

Jayzgainz's picture

I agree, its endless noise from one site or another. It gets hard to decipher good info from bad. If one person says something is right another one says its not. Im still relatively myself compared to most people on here. Always learning,
And yea thats what I meant by it was missing something, the ai and prolactin protection.
And apparently your dad is right. Hello Brooklyn corrected me on the hrt with Sustanon. I bow my head in shame for saying something that was not correct.
But why the deca and clenbuterol?

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TattooedLift89's picture

Haha so true thanks for lookin out!
Oh so help me out here too, the clen i was thinking could help me to not become a water buffalo on the deca cycle. What u think?

Jayzgainz's picture

Eh, Idk about using clen as a diuretic. It raises your body temp and will cramp you up, who the hell wants to train like that and although Im no pro with clen I have tried it and I fucking hated how I felt. I would not want to try and deal with feeling shitty from that on top of training, eating and keeping everything in check. If I were doing this, me 1st, I would get blood work so I knew what I was working with. That really will be the only way to control your sides with any degree of accuracy. Which I will need to do because if e2 is off gonna hold water. I Drink plenty of water. If I dont my body will go into survival mode and hold onto whatever it can. Keep sodium low, If you are really concerned search vikings vitamin c protocol. Its here somewhere he talks on how to use vit c to cut water. I really only have experience with test and a couple orals so I wont comment on deca or prolactin but click the magnifying glass up top and search them out. Also if you haven't seen it yet Giardap wrote an excellent article today on doing reasearch. Its very helpful .
Side note, why are you using the deca? Ive had real good luck with just test and finishing with an oral. Less is best! Too much else to worry about with nandrolones. And I'm getting great results this way.

If you havent already, check this

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TattooedLift89's picture

Excellent excellent advice brother thanks so much I WILL look into all those sites.
Now getting bloodwork, how do I do that? Goto straight endocrinologist? Or can my reg Doc order me a certain test to see my E lvls and T lvls? I have a great relationship with reg doc but only ran lipid panels on me nothing further

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