mobman702's picture
  • 388

+ 9 Perspective Short Ester Cycle Run.


This is a "Perspective Cycle" I am looking into in March 2017. I have been runnng long ester cycles for many many years and feel its time for this OLD cat to resort to shorter cycles with more breaks in between. I want to keep them short and simple and run only 2 AAS compounds and rely more on the HGH, IGF and diet for the results I am looking for. I feel that at this point in my life, why do I need to run cycles for 14-20 weeks with usually 3-4 compounds that beat the hell outta me in the end. More is NOT always better as I have learned over the years and want to try something NEW for 2017. I am NO expert in anyway, but I do alot of research and speak to many long time bodybuilders locally and out of state to keep me on the right track. I am looking for leaner, fuller gains with less water retention using what I have posted. The IGF-LR3 and HGH I have used are proven to be excellent from MY personal usage.

Again ppl, this is a perspective short ester cycle I am putting together for now and will always welcome anyone's advise or comments as well. This is what this place is all about as I continue to learn more and more about this world of AAS we associate in. My goal is to run this cycle, then take the necessary PCT break for a month, then start another short ester cycle and see where this takes me. My stats are listed in my profile and many of you who know me, know that I am NO rookie to this. I will update this as needed should any changes need to be made etc, I have not posted a cycle for quite sometime now so here we go.Peace Out from the MOB....

WeekTest PP 150NPP 150Primo EIGF-LR3HGHClomid NolvaadexVarCaber
1400mgs250mgs500mg30mcg/day3 iu's2x week2x week
2400mgs250mgs500mg40mcg/day3 iu's2x week2x week
3400mgs250mgs500mg50mcg/day3 iu's2x week2x week
4500mgs300mgs500mg60mcg/day3 iu's2x week2x week
5500mgs300mgs600mg3 iu's2x week40mgs/day2x week
6500mgs300mgs600mg4 iu's2x week50mgs/day2x week
7600mgs350mgs600mg30mcg/day4 iu's2x week60mgs/day2x week
8600mgs350mgs600mg40mcg/day4 iu's2x week60mgs/day2x week
9600mgs350mgs600mg50mcg/day4 iu's2x week70mgs/day2x week
10500mgs500mg60mcg/day2 iu's70mgs/day
112 iu's100/day40/day
122 iu's100/day40/day
132 iu's50/day20/day
142 iu's50/day20/day
Theophany's picture

You are most welcome my brother! I'm certain you'll achieve all your goals!
Much love and respect always brother Mob!

mobman702's picture

Thanks for your advise brother. I do the tapering as I have had excellent sucess in doing so and my recovery is better, but I do see your point very much.. The NPP advise I will strongly consider as it makes good sense from what you stated. Thanks for stopping by..