Nizzzen's picture
  • 31

-3 Overworked Cycle plan


Due to the objective criticism I changed my mind and won't cycle anymore. I decided to do go vegan and start cross fit, time to get healthy thanks for your elightment guys

Pmob's picture


In a promo × 1
Makwa's picture

I thought you got some good advice here. Hopefully you put it to good use.

Nizzzen's picture

I have thank you mate! But seriously will wait and do something simpler, other than rusty implies.

MedDx's picture

Typical kiddy attitude...I doubt he's 25, too...

Nizzzen's picture

Oh bc I told him he looked good made u start ur personal crusade on me? So I'm not allowed to tell that anybody I personally think has made progress?! My diet is pretty decent I think, though I don't remember mentioning it...

MedDx's picture

though I don't remember mentioning it...

You should mention it over drugs...

helloBrooklyn's picture

This isn't even towards Nizzzen personally but I don't understand why members post up proposed cycles, ask for advice, then don't listen. Are they merely seeking validation rather than advice?

MedDx's picture

Face to face usually changes the attitude and tone and we get more respect...when theres no face to face, then we get this lack of respect and loss of they come here thinkin' they know it all because they've ran a shit load of they have failed to utilize a correct cal/mac plan and all they are is still at ground zero...twigs that become dried out from improper care and nutrition snap and break...there a few times here that we get a couple of "green twigs" that will actually bend a little and listen.... Smile

Nizzzen's picture

Dude wtf? I'm serious that I'll just let my plan be and don't run any cycle now! Just bc I've been sarcastic and wrote something about vegan shit u claim I'm being Disrespectful? I actually asked makwa to give me his advise which he even did, and I'm thankful for that. I just don't get why rusty is doing what he is bc I told another guy that he made good progress.
I'm not here on this site so ppl tell me that I do everything right, I'm here so they can tell me what I do wrong and therefore it matters a lot what everybody says

MedDx's picture

Just bc I've been sarcastic and wrote something about vegan shit u claim I'm being Disrespectful?

No...not at all...I was replying back to helloBrooklyn, bro.... Smile

There's been a lot of attitude and negative tone here, lately...

guitarplayer1's picture

Tried and true. Simple and effective, been working for decades. The winny and tren is just ridiculous for a bulker.

Of course the diet and training will determine the effectiveness of any cycle. Not sure the op understands this though after 4 cycles, 6'+ and 195lbs

Owes a Review × 1
Nizzzen's picture

Im 6 feet and just found out that 95 kilos are about 210 lbs my body fat is 10-12%. I know I'm defenitly on the small side but I still lock pretty decent.

MedDx's picture

What was your weight prior to your first cycle?

MedDx's picture

Who negged this and why?

Nizzzen's picture

Oh I have a guess.... some one who don't like me at all and wants everybody else to hate me too

MedDx's picture

I doubt that, bro! There's no hate here...only constructive critiscm.

Diet over drugs...with your plan, and everybody else from now on...24/7...365...

No the dude you told to use npp...that could mess him up!! Did you ask for a cycle history? Did he post BW? Did the compound have rationale for his goals?

Nizzzen's picture

I didn't tell him to run npp! I told him that npp makes more sense in a 10 week cycle thats all. He can find this piece of information all over the internet.

MedDx's picture

Still not enough time. Use npp and you'll be fine and have good results from it.

This is a cosign kid!! You wrote it! Do you need the word "use" defined for you...

Then you told him this:

14 weeks should be good

Your advice sucks and is wrong....what have to say?

Nizzzen's picture

Yes my fault used you'll instead of you'd (English is not my mother tongue). So pls tell me how many weeks is right for a nandrolone Deca cycle? The guys told me 12 weeks isn't engough, and 14 weeks is too much? And thanks for giving me that negative, now I lost already 30 karma on 2 comments l made. Is this how this forum should work?

MedDx's picture

And your karma was at 16....can you do anything, right?

MedDx's picture

Sorry, bro..I don't feel compelled to hold your hand and walk you through everything here. Use the search function and do your own work. Stop cosigning cycles that are irrelevant to the individual, post up progressive positive info for yourself as well as others and get your head on straight. If you're 25, then act like it!! Smile

AndressaV's picture

My buddy is alright

MedDx's picture

Yea I'm sure you 2 make a great peas and carrots...

Nizzzen's picture

How nice of u honey sefenind me ^^
No honesty I've had 34 before my two comments and this post. But that's not my point. I really won't post anything anymore until I figured out how ppl rate here. Just had a look on some guys cycle log, who is really not an advanced lifter, taking over a gram o gear and even GH. Claims to be 25 and be on trt. Not one negative rating, everybody impressed with his progress (which truely exists but nothing impressive). How come? I don't wanna put a negative focus on this guy but I honestly think there exist different standards here.

MedDx's picture

Just had a look on some guys cycle log

Did he cosign a cycle giving wrong advice like you did?

Nizzzen's picture

I don't know him so I can't tell you. I mentioned it bc i got bashed for using the products I wanted to use especially at my age and for my body's appearance... now u mention my comment(a) that has been ripped apart and costed me almost all my karma, again. Why are u so obsessed with it. I got, I thanked for the advice and I just told u a few minutes ago that I will stay away from giving advises, but again it has to be mentioned.... I know you're just doing your job ;)

helloBrooklyn's picture


Nizzzen's picture

Btw u always gave me objective criticism or compliments I could work with