AndressaV's picture
  • 14

New cycle started


After I didn't do my last planned cycle bc of different reasons I started my cycle now a little modified. Now I am about 93kg still about 181cm 14%bf.
I eat about 350g protein, 400-500g carbs and about 50g fats (from avocado and nuts) a day. I want to gain some muscle. I train 6 days a week and will start doing 2 leg days in order to bring my hams up. Morning cardio 3-4 times a week, wanna up during the cycle
Nolva 40/20/20/10/10
Clomid: 100/50/25/25/25
Exemestane: 6,25mg e2d 2 weeks

I'd like to hear good criticism and what I can change to improve my plan

WeekTest EPropNPPAnadrolCaberArimidexHCG
4500mg350mg0,5mg2mg500UI x3
8500mg350mg0,5mg2mg500UI x3
12350mg2mg500UI x3
AndressaV's picture

Sure just strained a pec after last cycle so had to stop doing push movements for 6 weeks completely. Also nandrolone and Test is a very basic cycle, just prefer npp over Deca bc it works faster and leaves the body faster as well...

Nizzzen's picture

if anything the Anadrol is too much!

NorsOak's picture

What are you doing with the HCG?
My research may not be up with the times, but I thought starting around week 3 you do 250iu injections on a mondays and thursdays.

AndressaV's picture
PPGfreak's picture

Cardio while trying to bulk? You'll need more food then. Plus you're talking about having a high metabolism so you're going to need more food and fat already.

AndressaV's picture

If I eat more cal I gain fat. Only thing I could do is change up the carb protein ratio, but on a bulk protein doesn't need to be that high compared to cutting

helloBrooklyn's picture

Indeed. Another acceptable philosophy would be EAT REASONABLY ABOVE MAINTENANCE GET A LITTLE BIGGER THAN YOU WERE BEFORE AND MAINTAIN… until the next time. When guys "eat big" as in overeating to the point of pigging out I think the psychological factor of gaining a lot of fat can cause them to panic and muddle with their cycles and diets too much. That and losing a greater amount of mass when coming off can be crushing motivation wise.

AndressaV's picture

Cardio should always be part of an athletes training I think. I'm not talkin bout running hours or doing HIIT, just half hour in the morning or at night.
Yeah already thought about that too, it's just that I'm really busy and it's hard finding time to eat more. You think adding primarily carbs? Don't wanna add more fat. I could include an extra shake a day, with 100g oat flour and 50g whey and or casein powder. Or what dimensions u think?

helloBrooklyn's picture

Cardio should always be part of an athletes training

Let me challenge your core beliefs then. So you're telling me you weight train 6 days a weeks at high intensity, yet your work capacity isn't through the roof? You're telling me you have no trouble training with heavy volume without getting winded, yet you're not in tip top condition?

I don't think you're giving yourself enough credit.

PPGfreak's picture

I'm not saying there's anything wrong with doing cardio. But for every 30 minutes of cardio that I would do I would add in at least 500 cal because I know that's what I would burn. But if you're talking about having a high metabolism you probably already need to bump up your intake by 500 to 1000 cal as it is. The shake May be helpful but it sounds like you might need more real food also.

AndressaV's picture

Yeah but I don't think I burn 500 cal in 30 min of moderate cardio maybe close... sure I always prefer food, but am already eating 1.2kg meat with 500g of rice I can't eat much more. I could make some shakes with real food that might help. When I lived in Brazil they had otc supplements for increased appetite that actually worked. Anybody heard of them here in Europe?

helloBrooklyn's picture

I want to gain some muscle while maybe even loose a bit of fat

So are you bulking or cutting? Considering your fat intake is so low and you're doing cardio regularly while presumably in a caloric surplus, it looks like you're kinda chasing two dragons at once. It's much easier to catch one dragon at a time.

AndressaV's picture

No I'm trying to bulk, but my metabolism (or maybe just my motivation) always spikes on cycle so I end up looking leaner afterwards than before. But this should be a bulking cycle. The cardio I do mainly for health

MegaTRON13's picture

Definitely confusing, you have test e on the side and susta in the log. Don't understand

AndressaV's picture

Sorry, changed. I was playing with the roid calc and just put in lots of different patterns. I wanted to use 500mg test e as my standart dose and tried to have the certain level a soon as possible in my blood. And with 3ml susta in the first week together with 50mg extra prop the curve looked the best, u understand me more or less? Don't know if it makes sense, but I gave it a try bc I had some more at home

AndressaV's picture

10 weeks 500mg Test e, Last 2 weeks 350mg prop. Anadrol 2 week on/off 3 times. Starting week 2 8 weeks of NPP 350mg

AndressaV's picture

That would be strange indeed ;)