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New Cycle (Now Complete)


This will be a cycle log for the following:

Test e by Bayer Pharma (12 weeks)
*test prop by CMAXX(4 weeks) *(have stopped using this now due to advice)
Nandrolone by VTP (12 weeks)
Anadrol by ASLabs(4 weeks)

Will be 12 weeks total, am using Adex@ .5mg EOD with letro on hand. This is my first cycle that I've had Deca in. Previously I've stuck to Anadrol and test. I choose Anadrol over Dbol as I respond incredibly well to Anadrol and get little sides and I found dbol bloats me too much.

Stats are:

Age: 35
Height: 5'9
Weight: 98.5KG (217 pounds)
Body fat: Don't know but don't care. The mirror tells me if I'm too fat or not (have more than I would like at the moment) but I'm going to be careful though as I'm an endomorph so putting on weight is very easy. Will be doing cardio 3 x a week too.

Here is my training scedule:


incline dumbbells press 5 sets
cable crossovers 5 sets (high and low)
landmine press 4 sets
single arm landmine press 4 sets
lateral dumbbell raises 4 sets
one arm cable lateral raise 4 sets
tricep pushdown 4 sets
also add in some rotator cuff exercises


deadlifts (heavy)5 sets
bent over rows 4 sets
facepulls 4 sets
cable rows 4 sets
lateral push down 4 sets
wide grip pull downs 4 sets
reardelt flyes 4 sets
hammer curls 5 sets
bicep curls 4 sets


Squats (heavy) 5 sets
lunges 5 sets
leg press 5 sets
leg curl 5 sets but light as I know it's bad for your knees

WeekAnadrolTest eNandrolone (Deca)
roly420's picture

You got good size, but DIET needs a bit more tuning. After tuned, give it some time to work. Personally, I think the A-bombs and prop are not needed. Honestly, don't think any gear is needed. Bringing down bf% just a bit and hit a moderate test cycle. Low bf%, clean diet, 500mg test/wk will do you wonders. And health isn't compromised. And bloods, bloods, bloods.
On a second note, TRAINING. You need more leg training. Don't see enough unless you're not too worried about legs. Which is fine if you're not. But if you're like me, legs are the most trained. Be safe.

Bsham's picture

Yeah my diet has only been good and proper for 6 months. Before it was all over the place. I keep it simple now though; brown rice, chicken, veg, oats seeds and nuts every day and sardines EOD for the fats. That's like 80% of my diet now but my sweet tooth does get in the way I admit.

I agree on the legs defo but it's hard finding more exercises to do on legs. I even only add leg curls in because I feel I have to even though I hear they're not good for you

roly420's picture

Easy way is to add another leg day. I do it this way. I split quads/calves and hams/calves. This will automatically double your leg routine.
And I'm real old fashioned when it comes to squats. Squat big, squat hard, squat heavy, squat a lot.

SuperMax's picture

How many cycles do you have under your belt?
Do you plan on doing a PCT?
How long have you been lifting?
Don’t take this the wrong way but it doesn’t look like you have completed the framework to run this cycle.
What I’m saying is, your proposing a Body building cycle & if that’s your goal, there is a more leg work to be completed on your end.

Bsham's picture

Hi mate, I've done 4 cycles previously. Did first two a good 5 years ago and one I did last year. All those cycles were simple test cycles with Anadrol and Dbol on one.

My PCT is nolva, it's always recovered me well.

I've been lifting for around 5 years. A few of those years weren't that dedicated. My dedication has only been truly on point for 2 years.

I know I'm not where I need to be right now with size and bodyfat but right now this is what's working for me. This is my last bulking cycle I'm going to do for a good year, any cycle after this will be focused on cutting more.

edit: I'm more than open to criticism though. Listening and learning from others is always something I look for.

Immortaltech's picture

Is there any reason why you decided to jump on nandrolone after test only cycles? Why not try something else less harsher and drop all orals, like boldenone?? Stacked with test ofc, would be way better its mild lean bulk and you wont suffer a lot from recovering...

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Bsham's picture

I always wanted to try deca as it's so well known for great results. I looked into tren but don't think I will ever try that, seems way too much. I was always going to try it one day so thought may as well just do it and am interested in how I react to it.

I do want to try less harsh orals but as I had half a tub left of anadrol I thought may as well use it up. I get no sides off anadrol except for crazy sweating while working out, but any cycle after this will be cutting with less harsher steroids. Just needed to try deca at least once.

Immortaltech's picture

simple nolva pct with nandrolone is a nono... its going to shut you down really hard, you need a better pct protocol, atleast hcg and clomid stacked with nolva
the reason it was probably easy to recover in the past is because you used test only cycles, now adding nandrolone is going to be a hard shutdown

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Bsham's picture

OK, thanks guys. I always thought just using nolva seemed a bit too little for a PCT. I can get the other stuff. Have loads of nolva but will get some clomid and with regards to HCG I can get it just never used it before so not sure when I should start using it? Sometime during the cycle through to PCT or just in PCT? And what is torem for? Not something I've heard of.

SuperMax's picture


Above is just for your reading. If you wanted to use Torem, I would drop the Nolvadex.

This link has a couple peoples experiences with recovering from 19nor cycles. Also contains a link to Dr Michael Scally power pct

roly420's picture

Don't know why it hasn't gotten more popular. Torem is far better than nolva at pct. I know from experience with others, bloods, and tons of research. Great stuff. Even works with gyno flair ups.

Bsham's picture

Thank you appreciate it. Going to check them links out now.

SuperMax's picture

/\/\/\ This Guy has a good point/\/\/\/\
19nor shut you down a lot harder. It’s going to take a stronger protocol. Bloods will tell you how your doing but keep in mind not to trust that your system is back to full function unless the bloods you pull are well after your pct has cleared
Might want to have Clomid, HCG & Torem on hand.

roly420's picture

If not on trt, i wouldn't even think about 19nors. The recovery is rough and risky. Better off using on trt. A few stories of guys doing everything possible but still end up on trt. Although it's rare and def not their first, it did put the icing on the cake. Bloods are your friend.

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