e3's picture
  • 2

lean mass cycle test / EQ / SD / train / win


things are dragonpharma


WeekTestosterone EnanthateEQsuperdroltren/enanwinstrol-oralhcgaromasinclomidanastrazolTamoxifeno
jsoc_rock's picture

I hope I don't get flamed for trying to help this guy he honestly should just stop everything and PCT off go back to the drawing board and take my and everyone else's below especially Catalyst he's a genius with cycles and diet plans ask him for help I'm sure if I asked he'd help me just be respectful

jsoc_rock's picture

Minimum 14-16 preferably and you should probably up it to 700-800mg per week which is my sweet spot it's a very week compound and takes a HIGH dose to make it even worth it. Doesn't start to kick in until about weeks 12 and 13 which is why we say 14 to 16 weeks in order to get max effect/results. Honestly Tren e kicks in about the same time as test e having the same ester attached so sick weeks is kinda eh. Minimum is 8 weeks have you run Tren before??? You have NO caber or prami to help you with possible sides Tren like deca is a 19-nor so prolactin sides are always possible. I typically run Tren higher than test but have experience using it lower than test as well everyone has different responses so not gonna say you're wrong with that. Your test needs to be ran two weeks longer than other compounds especially deca/Tren so you don't crash and burn from everything leaving your system at once that'll wreak havoc on your Bloods and you'd stand to loose a lot of your gains. Your PCT SUCKS two weeks after your last test e shot should be nolva and clomid 100mg 40mg first two weeks last two weeks cut in half 50mg and 20mg for the remainder you WILL lose gains and suffer sides if you do not PCT properly. Please take that seriously no one wants you to suffer or get hurt. Best of luck to you sir

cody122's picture

eq needs to be ran 14 weeks

Makwa's picture

You have a mess here. Hope you are really considering running this.

e3's picture

cycle that you would change ?

Catalyst's picture

Changes? All of it. You've built no base to run gear and that's after using ph's 3 times.

You guys get more and more ridiculous.

The Impastable's picture

Yeah, don't run it and learn how to eat.

e3's picture

and made ​​and 3 cycles of prohormones

Catalyst's picture

Why does a 6-2 176lb guy need all this?

The Impastable's picture

Because he's a hard gainer, super high metabolism, generic excuse for not being able to eat enough, ectomorph, etc etc?