Thorip's picture
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I Feel A-F***ing-Mazing


Third going on forth well of test, second if methan. Loving life a bit temperamental and oily but so strong, confident, alhpamale. I could live like this lol. Just a quick check in had a little estro issues earlier in the week but it is handled managed and controlled back on path. Doctors Monday for a physical and another blood panel.

WeekTestosterone EnanthatePregnylNolvadx/dbolAromasinClomid
Prepforit's picture

What do you mean by estro issue? Was it just slightly high ?

alwaysmassive78's picture

it's in here-
Sorry to bung a short cut in, just quicker (off out in a sec- I myself had gyno surgically removed at 18 yo on one side, but flares up now and again on the side they chose to leave!)

alwaysmassive78's picture

If you're sensitive to gyno flares (I am as well), dbol really won't help with that. Both Test and Dbol are highly estrogenic- if this is your first legit cycle as stated below, I personally wouldn't run the dbol until future cycles so you can gauge how you react to Test alone. This also links to use of serms/ai's as everyone reacts differently. The point I'm making is it's always prudent to run Test alone first cycle so you know how it affects you before adding further compounds. Also please don't be offended by this, but there should be plenty of room for natural growth on your frame.
You explain here about your fast metabolism and high running thyroid which is good info. Are you doing a lot of cardio( perhaps too much)? Does your training focus around heavy compound exercises? What kind of rep ranges? Does the injury mean you can't squat and deadlift etc? I'm not saying for one moment you haven't worked your ass off, just trying to make sense of it before people jump in and just say you're not ready for steroids etc

alwaysmassive78's picture

Had a few injuries myself- takes a toll mentally as well that not everyone can understand if haven't faced it themselves. Got to commend you for not giving up. At the rate you metabolise calories I expect you already eat 5-6 times a day. Weight gain powders help but still there's only so much you can do on that. I saw you have tried peptides to stimulate ghrelin receptors, but that wasn't effective. EQ as suggested is known to stimulate hunger so that's something to consider moving forward. My wife has a similar issue- she can eat the same as me and she's 6 stone- I'm (light at present) 16 stone but have been up to 18. A high running thyroid doesn't always prevent weight gain as I have that issue myself (and have insomnia from it) but docs say not bad enough to medicate. If it was the sole factor I wouldn't be able to put weight on quite easily and I certainly can. I suspect there's something at play that the docs have overlooked, as at 5500 calories a day you should either be overweight or (as your training) pretty damn big regardless of steroids.

alwaysmassive78's picture

I love dbol myself but every time I get gyno! Only other thing in terms of the weight gaining issue I could think of and it's a topic WAY above my knowledge levels (there's quite a few resident experts in here) is growth hormone levels and insulin sensitivity... Good luck with it all. My doc has finally resolved my insomnia to some degree, sleeping tablets did NOTHING but make me feel shit. Tried drowsy antihistamines and a series of sedating anti-depressants without success until finally placed on one which actually works (only took from the age of 14 to 38 to get it, and now I sometimes get 6 hours straight!) It's made a huge difference to blood pressure, pulse rate, my general state of mind and my attitude. Everyone is different so sometimes you literally have to try 20 things to find the answer. May help you greatly with muscle growth if you get quality sleep! Best of luck.

alwaysmassive78's picture

That's it spot on. It's a tool. A lot of people believe taking a bucket load of gear will transform you. The fact is (in my view so I understand if people don't agree) if you eat well you will be normal and relatively healthy. If you take large amounts of steroids and eat badly, you will look like shit. If you train hard, you should need more calories. Make those calories from pasta, fruit, veg, lean meats potatoes etc and you will grow. Test will help, it won't be the deciding factor, but it will help. Genetics play a part obviously but the key is train, eat and sleep! The good thing is your metabolism SHOULD decrease with age, and as long as you keep with it (barring any underlying issues your docs haven't come across). There's a really good diet section
Mainly led by Catalyst and a few vets (and Viking who is pretty much as close to a guide to bodybuilding as you can get- no offence to any of the other vets) I'm the guy people I know come to and I maybe know 5% of what these guys can offer. I've been training seriously for some 20 years but some of the knowledge here is incredible, particularly compared to other forums! I know Catalyst was talking to you in your previous post and from what I know of him (and from this conversation with you) I think you both had the normal misunderstanding that comes from reading text and thinking you were bickering when I don't think that was intended by either of you! He's incredibly knowledgable (no homo) and actually is known to go out of his way to help, so don't feel you can't go to that section! Despite what the rep of Eroids is on other forums (I'm a non-active member of loads- this is the only one I go on daily) this place is not designed to sell steroids. In fact I have a cycle log at the start of March here and Roid Noid (long term member/Mod- ignore the karma there- no idea what happened to it but the guy knows a ton of knowledge) in which he talked me out of using Tren. Glad he did as I'm doing well! Sorry for the long message here, just have a respect for people who have the balls to come here and take on board what people suggest.

freedom1981's picture

What is your cycle history mate ? And why dbol 10 or 20 for 5 weeks ? And full state please to give you the advice you look for . I want to know what is your weight ?

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